[14.2] You Can be Allergic to Anything

I reached out and helped the small child get up. She blushed and tugged on her hair anxiously, "T-Thank you for standing up for me…"

I rolled my eyes, "I wasn't standing up for you. Those annoying brats were just in my way."


I looked at the girl carefully who averted her eyes away from mine.

Ugh. It's almost like looking into the past.

I tossed my hair arrogantly, "You should stand up for yourself more. If they annoy you again, just punch them in the face."

She flinched and looked at me in surprise, "I-I can't do that!!"

"Why can't you? It's not hard. You just make a fist and punch them. I guarantee they won't fight back. People like that are all bark and no bite."

She shook her head quickly, "N-No no! I can't hit anyone!"

"Then use magic to get revenge."

"I can't do that either!"

My mouth twitched in irritation, "Why not?"

"Because she's a political prisoner." I frowned at the sound of the familiar voice. I turned to see Cyrus walking over with a confident grin, "Thought you could run?"

This brat is too cunning!! How did he find me!?!

I clicked my tongue, "Political prisoner?"

He nodded, "Neighboring nations that have previously been at war usually send their children as political prisoners as a sign of loyalty and trust. It is the only way to enforce a treaty. If one side attacks the other, they can use the children as leverage. It's a common practice in every nation."

I gasped, "That's horrible!!!"

She tugged her braid anxiously, "Out of all my siblings, my parents thought it was best to send me. That just shows how important I am to them."

My eyes widened, "Your parents WILLINGLY gave you to a nation where you've never been to?! That's so cruel!"

She lowered her gaze and played with her dress anxiously, "I-It was for the peace of our nations…"

"Screw that!" I threw up my hands in anger, "Do your parents even care about your safety?! What if someone wanted to hurt you here?!! They wouldn't be able to do a thing! It's clear you wouldn't be able to complain here either! Do they not have ANY parental love for you?!"

Cyrus cleared his throat, "Ahem."

I paused and looked at the little girl. Her head was lowered as her lip trembled.

Ah. I think my words were a bit harsh just now...

I averted my eyes awkwardly, "I-I am sure they had faith in your ability to protect yourself…."

She sniffled, "I'm not so sure..."

I changed the subject quickly when I realized this didn't make her feel any better, "So you can't use magic as a political prisoner?"

Cyrus shook his head, "You can, but you can't use offensive magic nor attack anyone with intent to harm. If they do, it is seen as an act of war."

I grinned, "So magic is still okay! That's perfect! You can still use it to defend yourself. I can easily find a loophole in that for you to use."

Cyrus looked at me incredulously, "Loophole?! Can't you just behave?!"

I chuckled, "There's nothing wrong with a loophole. They are technically legal."

His face twitched, "Technically?"

She forced a smile, "I-I can't use magic anyway… It makes me sick."

I paused, "...Sick?"

She nodded slowly, "Yes. It feels like it is sucking away my life, so I can't use it. When someone uses magic around me, I faint."

"Sucking away your life?" I tapped my chin as I looked at her, "How very interesting. I've never heard of anything like that. I didn't think being allergic to magic was possible."

Cyrus smirked, "It's because it's a rare disease. Less than 1% of the population suffers from it. It's not strange that you didn't know about it."

I ignored his arrogant attitude as I watched her closely.

Hm… I wonder….

I leaned forward and sniffed her. A gust of black smoke poured out, circling around her as it devoured everything in sight. My eyes widened as I retreated from her quickly. In an instant, I felt as though darkness washed over me and I was being swallowed by a black hole. My legs trembled as the darkness completely engulfed me.

My heart raced as my inner voice screamed to run.

Why do I feel so afraid?

I turned to run, but no matter how hard I tried, I only seemed to be running in place going nowhere.

As I panted heavily from the exertion, a sharp light appeared in front of me. The blinding bright light rushed towards me, piercing through my abdomen.

Why is it in the same spot?

An odd sensation of freezing cold slowly seeped out from where the light had stabbed into me. I fell backward and felt a pair of warm hands catch me in a gentle embrace.


I opened my eyes to see Cyrus's worried eyes just inches away from mine. I pushed him away in a panic, "Wha-What just happened!?"

Cyrus sighed after realizing I was okay, "You sniffed her and then fainted."

The girl sniffed herself, "Do I smell that bad??"

I rubbed my head and distanced myself from the girl, "There's something very wrong with you."

She blinked, "Huh?"

I shook my head, "Just now… I felt like I was being sucked into an endless abyss without any hope of escaping."

She flinched, "O-Oh…"

Cyrus looked at me carefully, "Are you alright? Did you hit your head? Should I call for the Headmaster?"

I shook my head quickly, "No, no. It's best not to disturb him."

The Headmaster would probably get annoyed that I am causing trouble again. It's better if I keep this a secret from him.

The girl let out a sigh, "I'm so sorry… You keep getting in trouble because of me…"

"Never mind that, kid. Just don't-"

"Oh! I didn't tell you my name!" She jumped towards me with a childish grin, "My name is Hazel! I'm glad to finally meet you!"

I took a step away quickly to avoid her outstretched arms, "Okay, okay! Just don't touch me!!"

I covered my nose and looked at her hesitantly.

Note to self: Stop smelling strangers. Especially those with an allergy to magic.

"I'm Cyrus and this is Reika."

She curtsied with a bright grin, "It's a pleasure to make both of your acquaintances."

I let out a sigh while ignoring her sudden happiness, "Forget all of that, Hazel. You should know that even if you are a political prisoner, you can't just let those girls step all over you like that. Those kinds of people only respect those stronger than them. So you have to show off your muscles and beat them up."

Hazel stuck out her lip, "B-But she's a Duke's daughter…"

"And what are you?" I looked at her closely, "Obviously you are just as important if you were sent to a neighboring kingdom to be a political prisoner."

"Oh! Yes. I am a Princess, but-"

My eyes widened, "A princess?!"

"Yes, but-"

I clapped my hands with a frown, "Why is there so much Royalty in this world?! Doesn't that make it lose its value?!"

She shouted over me, "Just because I am a Princess in one kingdom, doesn't make me important in another. Plus, I have seven brothers and four sisters."

I looked at her in disbelief, "You have THAT many?!"

"Yes. But I am the only one with an aversion to magic in my family."

"Are you the youngest?"

She shook her head, "Nope! I'm the sixth sibling."

I gasped, "The middle child."

She tilted her head, "Is that… Bad?"

Cyrus spoke up, "I'm an only child."

I made a face, "That's almost just as bad."

He frowned, "You're an only child too."

I averted my gaze, "Pah. Only in this world."

Although in my other world, I became one eventually.

Cyrus raised an eyebrow, "What's that supposed to mean?"

I waved him off, "It's nothing."

I turned back to Hazel with a firm look, "Hazel, just make sure to declare that you are a Princess as confidently as possible. That should scare her off."

Hazel tugged on her braid, "I can't use my position as a Princess over the Duke's daughter. She's higher ranking than I am."

Ugh. This girl needs some serious advice.

I motioned to her and started walking, "Come on."

She hurried to follow me, "Where are we going?"

"We are going back to my room."

She blushed, "W-Why?"

"Because I need to teach you about loopholes."

Cyrus puffed out his cheek, "You can't just let a stranger into your room!!!"

I made a face, "She's a little girl. What is she going to do? Kill me?"

He crossed his arms in irritation, "Maybe! What if she's a demon in disguise!?"

I clicked my tongue, "She's not. I would have known if she was."

"Well, I won't let you!"

I stopped and stared at him, "Why are you being so annoying!? Just come with me if you are so concerned!"