[26.1] A Jump in Time

…Years later…

In an exquisite banquet hall, several conversations could be heard overlapping with one another. It was a festive air with conniving eyes and rumors being discussed all under the guise of elegance.

The point of the banquet was simple: The current King was announcing the beginning of the competition for the Throne. As was customary, one person would be chosen as King or Queen based on their status and ability to lead the Kingdom. Those who had royal blood all had equal opportunity to win as long as they had a Royal Magician beside them.

Prince Cyrus stood in the middle of the room with eyes of indifference as he listened to the chatter around him. His bright blue eyes seemed to comprehend everything as they scanned the crowd.

The baby fat he once had as a child was now replaced by muscle from the many years of arduous magical sword training he put himself through. His golden blonde hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail and not a single piece of clothing was out of place.

He not only resembled an ideal Prince, but he acted like one.

Now at the age of 19, his once feminine and feeble body was entirely replaced by a tall and impressive young adult. He excelled in his studies and relied more on his own strength rather than magic.

Despite being a hated child in aristocracy, many were now clambering to his side trying to curry favors. However, his eyes didn't meet a single one.

Caldwell stood behind him with a smile on his face. He leaned forward to whisper in Prince Cyrus's ear, "I've heard a rumor that the Headmaster is at the banquet today. Apparently, they arrived back to the Academy from their travels."

Cyrus looked away in boredom, "Why does that matter?"

Caldwell continued to smile, but his eyes held a mischievous look, "Aren't you curious as to what our lovely Miss Reika looks like after all these years?"

Cyrus scoffed and took a sip of his drink, "Hardly."

"Is that so?" Caldwell chuckled, "Then why are you drinking from that empty glass?"

Cyrus cleared his throat and handed off the glass to a nearby servant.

A soft and timid voice spoke behind him, "Prince Cyrus! I found you."

Cyrus turned to the voice, "Hazel."

A young woman with dark brown hair and faint freckles smiled back at him. She wore a modest dress with flowers placed into her braids. Her bright brownish green eyes curved in a slight smile, "You look so handsome today. Are you nervous?"

He shrugged, "Not really. Where's Felix?"

"Oh, his parents are dragging him around again. I feel a bit bad for him."

Cyrus raised an eyebrow, "Do you really?"

Hazel smiled at him with a smile that wasn't quite a smile.

She looked away, "I heard that the Headmaster and his family are attending the banquet today, but I haven't seen them yet."

Cyrus looked away in disinterest, "Hmm. Is that so?"

"They must have been late and missed the introductions." She giggled and covered her mouth, "Have you seen Reika yet?"

Cyrus clicked his tongue, "Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

Caldwell chuckled, "Actually Miss Hazel, my young master is far too embarrassed to admit he is excited to see her again after all these years."

Cyrus glared at him, "I did not say anything like that."

Hazel laughed, "It's only natural for you to be so excited. After all, Reika and you were very close when we were children."

Cyrus scoffed and looked away.

Felix dodged through the crowd waving at the group, "Prince Cyrus!"

Felix still wore a warm smile and while Cyrus may have lost his baby face, Felix somehow kept his. Instead of maturing, his features only grew softer giving him more of a cutesy appeal.

Cryus gave him a nod, "Felix. I see you escaped."

Felix grinned and brushed back his shaggy brown hair, "Ah! That's actually a funny story. The Headmaster walked in with a woman as his date. Someone complimented her in an attempt to gain his favor, and the room iced over. Long story short, I took advantage of the moment to excuse myself."

Hazel grinned at him, "So you ran away like a scared little child?"

Felix glanced at her with a forced smile. Then turned back to Cyrus, "Have you seen Reika yet? If the Headmaster is here then-"

Cyrus turned his head away with a shout, "No I haven't! Stop asking!"

Felix's face pinched in confusion from Cyrus's harsh response, "Ah… I'm sorry?"

Cyrus pinched the bridge of his nose, "Ugh. I didn't mean to snap. It's just that everyone keeps asking me that and it's getting irritating."

Felix nodded in understanding, "You don't need to be embarrassed. We understand-"

Cyrus glared at him, "Just stop talking."

Felix closed his mouth, but the smile never left his face.

Before anyone could speak, someone announced, "Attention! Our Majesty, King Henry is now entering!"

Everyone politely turned to the announcer, patiently awaiting the King to enter. Once he walked into the room, everyone's eyes were upon him. Some in adoration, others with indifference. It was clear that over the years, not a single thing changed about him.

He spoke in a booming voice, "Good evening everyone. Thank you so much for attending today. As you know, I am officially announcing the start of the Throne competition. As is tradition, there are only two requirements to participate. You must be recognized as a descendent of the Royal Family and you must have a Royal Magician to support you."

Felix leaned over and whispered in Cyrus's ear, "Did you ever find a backup just in case Reika doesn't accept?"

Cyrus pressed his lips together.

Hazel cut in, "Felix. Don't make Prince Cyrus anxious."

"I wasn't trying to…" Felix pouted, "It's just that Reika was firm in not becoming his personal magician and her opinion hasn't changed over the years, so-"

Hazel clicked her tongue, "You don't know so stop acting like a know-it-all."

"Can you two stop arguing?" Cyrus let out a sigh, "Every time you two get together you're always fighting."

They avoided each other's gaze, "...Sorry."

"To answer your question, I wasn't able to find anyone willing." Cyrus looked at the main stage with a firm look, "But someone may nominate themselves. I can't give up before it even begins."

Felix gave a nod, "Well said!"

Hazel made a fist, "Keep fighting! We will be here to cheer you on!"

The King spoke to everyone, "Please come forward to announce your intent to compete."

An arrogant man with a round stomach stepped forward with a young man beside him, "Your Majesty. As your brother, I would like to nominate my son for the competition: Nicholas. We have a teacher from the Academy as his Royal Magician."

Nicholas stood beside his father with a disinterested expression. His reddish-blonde hair shimmered in the lights as he winked at the women swooning over him on the side.

Felix frowned, "Your Uncle Albert is so shameless. Can't he see Nicholas is one of the worst candidates?"

Cyrus stared at his Uncle and Aunt with a harsh look as they stood near the King. Even after all these years, he would never forget how they had treated him.

Now he had a chance for revenge.

The King nodded to him, "Step forth, Nicholas and receive the token. You will need this to participate in the upcoming competitions."

Nicholas grabbed it without a care, "Cool."

One by one, each family announced its own candidate.

Felix's father raised his voice, "I would like to nominate my daughter, Priscilla for the position. Our family's top mage will be her Royal Magician."

Priscilla stood beside her father with a forced smile on her face. Her dress was easily the most exquisite at the banquet and her many accessories complimented her fair skin and flawless hair. She truly resembled a perfect princess.

Cyrus looked over at Felix, "I thought Priscilla didn't want to compete?"

Felix let out a sigh, "Unfortunately, she doesn't have a choice. Since I can't compete, my parents are pressuring her into it. If she didn't, we would be the only branch of the Royal family that wouldn't compete for the throne. My parents couldn't suffer that kind of humiliation."

Cyrus stared ahead without expression, "I see."

Felix looked at him worried, "B-But don't worry! I'm on your side!"

Cyrus cast him a faint smile, "I know."

Felix let out the breath he had been holding.

The King spoke to the crowd, "Is there anyone else who wishes to compete?"

Cyrus stepped forward and bowed in front of the King, "I would like to nominate myself as a contestant, your Majesty."

Cyrus's Uncle Albert cut in rudely, "Your Majesty! You can't let this taint compete! Demonic blood flows through his veins! He can't be trusted!"

Cyrus frowned but refrained from showing any emotion.

The King hesitated for a moment and gave a faint smile, "He is of Royal blood. There is nothing preventing him from competing."

"Tsk." Albert's face darkened for a moment before his lips curled into a snarl, "Then what about a Royal Magician? My family certainly won't be giving him one."

The King slowly looked at Cyrus, "Prince Cyrus. Do you have anyone to be your Royal Magician?"

Cyrus tensed up, "I… I don't."

As Albert gloated, the King looked to the crowd, "Does anyone nominate themselves?"

Whispers erupted throughout the banquet hall as eyes dashed side to side. In the beginning, the Royal Family decided each candidate should have a Royal magician. This wasn't because a King or Queen couldn't use magic, but because it was decided that they should have someone trustworthy and loyal on their side to help them get through tough times. They were the support a Leader needed in order to keep the entire Kingdom from collapsing. As such, being a Royal Magician was a noble and well-respected job.

However, it wasn't without risks.

If you lacked the skill, it was certain death. For those strong enough, it could boost your career regardless of if the candidate won or not. The only problem was that most of the Magicians capable of that position were already taken, or too afraid of Uncle Albert and his powerful connections to come forward.

The King repeated, "Anyone?"

Uncle Albert scoffed, "See? No one wants you as their King, so why don't you just crawl into a hole and disappear?"

Cyrus clenched his fists and met his Uncles eyes with a venomous look.

Uncle Albert smiled at the King, "Judging from the silence, it looks like he doesn't have a Royal Magician. Let's-"

"-He has one."

From the top floor, a single person stood on the railing. Her heels clicked off of the railing as she jumped to the crowd below her. With a single wave of her wand, and without a single syllable spoken, a calming whirl of snow drifted below her feet.

She landed softly on the ground as her magic permeated the room.

Cyrus's eyes were drawn to that magic.

It felt familiar…

And yet, it was different.

Although the mana was filled with overwhelming power and gave off a cool and soothing effect, there was now a trace of danger on the periphery which was sharper than a blade's edge.

It wasn't the same magic he had known.

It had changed ever so slightly over the years.

An arrogant, domineering, yet sweet-sounding voice rang out, "I'm his personal royal magician."