[26.2] Back and Ready for Action!

[Author's note: This chapter is back to Reika's perspective.]

I stared at the group of snobbish rich people with a smirk. They all stared at me with wide mouths and eyes full of disbelief.

I tilted my head, "Is that a problem?"

Cyrus's uncle stuttered, "O-Of course it is! You have no qualifications!"

My smile widened, "No qualifications?"

I placed my wand into my sock, not at all ashamed by hiking up my dress to do so.

I met his eyes with a sneer and held out my palms.

Suddenly, a cloud of smoke started to rise from my skin and with a sudden spark, a small fire appeared. It took the shape of a human and jumped off my palm and onto the Uncle. He started screaming and swatting off the flame, but it couldn't be stifled.

I held my sides as I laughed, "Ahaha! Relax, old man. It's not going to set you on fire."

As if on cue, it disappeared into a cloud of smoke leaving behind no trace of being on his body. He huffed with his hair strewn about in a mess, "Y-Y-You! How dare a lowlife nobody disrespect me?!"

The King broke out into a large smile. He walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulder in an affectionate way, "Reika! My child. I'm so relieved to see you back in one piece. How were your travels?"

Albert's eyes nearly rolled out of his skull at the King's friendly tone.

I smiled back politely, "It was very fun. Although I'm still surprised you allowed the Headmaster to leave the Academy for so many years."

My lips twitched.

You d*mned King!

I won't forget how you allowed me to be tortured!

So many years down the drain!

Ugh… My body still aches from all that charity work.

The King laughed, "I wouldn't if it was any other person, but I owed Aldrich a favor and I had to keep my promise. By the way, where is he now? I don't see him around."

I pointed to a far corner covered in darkness, "He's hiding."

Everyone slowly turned to the corner and noticed a pair of unforgiving eyes peering out from the darkness. I could feel the animosity from them, but I smiled without remorse.

The King grinned, "Ah! I should have known he was trying to hide from me. Aldrich! I told you to come to see me as soon as you returned. You were gone longer than promised, but I can overlook that… However, I have some tasks for you to help me with."

As the King went to walk over to the Headmaster, Albert stopped him, "Wait, your Majesty! What about the issue at hand!? You can't possibly allow this girl-"

"Oh! Right. I almost forgot." The King smiled at me with twinkles in his eyes, "Prince Cyrus is now allowed to compete. Thanks for reminding me, Duke Albert. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go speak with Headmaster Aldrich before he escapes again."

After the King walked away, everyone dispersed back into groups to whisper amongst themselves about what had just happened. I skipped past the seething Albert and over to Cyrus. I leaned toward him with a grin, "Aren't you happy? Aren't you going to thank me?"

Cyrus's face scrunched up in a frown.

I smiled in expectation.

He abruptly turned around and walked away without saying a single word.

Caldwell looked between the two of us with a panicked expression before rushing after Cyrus.

I blinked in confusion.


What just happened…

Did he…

Did he just avoid me?!

But why!?

Wasn't this brat always chasing after me as a child?!

I know I was gone for several years, but why would he change this much in my absence?!

Felix rushed over to me, "Reika! You're back!"

Felix picked me up in a hug and twirled me around, "I've missed you so much!"

I laughed as he put me down. I reached out to rub his head which was now taller than me, "I've missed you too. You haven't changed much since the last time I've seen you."

Hazel followed after him and smiled sweetly, "Reika. You look so lovely! You're even more beautiful now than when we were children."

I frowned, "If that's true, then why did I get ignored by Goldilocks just now?! He didn't even thank me for coming to his aid!"

Felix let out a forced chuckle and scratched his cheek, "Ah… Well… Maybe it's because he hasn't seen you in a while?"

I puffed out my cheeks, "Shouldn't that make him more excited to see me?!"

Hazel spoke, "Did you send him letters while you were away?"

I thought back, "I always made sure to send him a letter and gifts for his birthday."

Felix tilted his head, "And other than that?"

My face twitched, "He would always respond to my letters by telling me about his grades. How am I supposed to respond to a report card?! I'm not his parent!"

Hazel let out a sigh, "Oh, Reika. People change when they grow up. You shouldn't be surprised if he doesn't act the same when you didn't stay in contact with him."

I averted my eyes guiltily, "W-Well… I tried! But do you realize I was at the mercy of that snowman?! Even when I was free all I could do was sleep! It was very exhausting."

Felix let out a laugh, "Well we are happy to have you back."

"By the way, Reika! How did you do that trick with the fire!?" Hazel looked at me with stars in her eyes, "You must tell me! That little flame looked like it was alive!"

I laughed, "It's just something I picked up in my travels."

Felix spoke, "And how were your travels? Did you get to do anything fun?"

I crossed my arms, "Fun? It wasn't fun at all! The Headmaster had me building houses and helping out farmers! I was exercising nearly every day! It was pure torture!"

Hazel poked my arms, "But it doesn't seem like you got any muscle from it…"

My eyebrows twitched in irritation, "...Don't touch me."

Felix looked around, "But where is Zephyr? Did he stay home?"

"No. He's upstairs watching my plate of chicken-" I suddenly shrieked, "-HE IS PROBABLY EATING IT!"

I rushed up the stairs to see Zephyr with a large belly, rubbing it with a content face. He was no longer the child I forced him to be, instead, he aged alongside me and was now a teenager. Although he was still in his human disguise, his features held a devilish charm. However, that charm was diminished by his lazy state. It was a fight just to get him to wear clothes, so it was nearly impossible to get him to brush his hair. As such, his long black hair was shaggy and unkempt.

I could force him into clothes, but I couldn't force him to look tidy.

I shook Zephyr abruptly, "DID YOU EAT MY CHICKEN!?"

Zephyr shouted back, "DON'T ACCUSE ME WITHOUT PROOF!"


Zephyr stuck out his tongue, "Why do you even care!? Just ask the annoying humans for more!"

Felix followed behind me with a laugh, "You two haven't changed at all."