[26.3] Ignored but not Forgotten

Once Hazel climbed to the top of the stairs and looked over to our table, she froze in her tracks. Her lips started to tremble as her eyes locked onto Zephyr. She watched Zephyr and I fight over the missing chicken as she fought not to cry.

I glanced at Hazel, "Oi. Why are you crying?"

Hazel shook her head and wiped at her eyes. She beamed at us, "I-I'm just so happy to be with you all again! I missed you all so much!"

She ran over to Zephyr and me and pulled us both into a hug. Zephyr and I both shrieked from her abnormal strength.

Zephyr tried to squirm out of her grip, "LET GO OF ME, YOU TRASHY HUMAN!"

My face started turning blue, "A-Air-"

"AH! I'm sorry!" She let go of us with a timid smile, "I just got so happy seeing you both. I couldn't help it."

I fell backward and was caught by Felix who helped me to my chair.

Zephyr looked Hazel up and down, then smiled with a creepy expression. "Oi. Human girl. You grew up nicely~"

Hazel flushed red and looked away with a shy expression, "Y-You aged well too."

He placed his hands on his hips, "I certainly did! Look at how handsome I am! I bet you want a piece of this, but unfortunately for you, you can only look."

I rolled my eyes.

He opened one eye and looked at her once again. He added with a toothy grin, "But, I guess if you work hard enough to impress me, I might look your way."

Hazel let out a giggle.

I rolled my eyes, "Says the guy who is shorter than her."


"Obviously you."


I sneered, "Then why are you the same height as me?"


I let out a low chuckle, "Oh? Is that true?"

His mouth clamped shut as his body trembled from anger.

Felix rubbed his shoulders, "Now, now. Calm down. It's not good to get angry on a full stomach. You'll get indigestion."

Zephyr cast him a look, "I'm not full! I could eat more."

Felix's smile curved his eyes, "Oh? Then that won't do."

He motioned to a servant who brought over plates of food.

Zephyr and I licked our lips, then started shoving the food into our mouths. Felix and Hazel sat with us watching with smiling faces.

After I finished, I leaned back and let out a burp.

Hazel forced a smile, "I-It seems you haven't changed over the years."

My eyes lit up, "Oh yeah! Has anything changed since I've been gone?"

Felix and Hazel averted their eyes, "...A few things."

Hazel pointed over the railing towards where Cyrus had escaped to.

My mouth dropped as I watched Goldilocks surrounded by women.

My hand shook as I slowly pointed at him, "W-What is that?!"

Hazel smiled at me, "Oh yeah. Prince Cyrus is very popular these days."

"But why!?" I cried out, "Didn't the children always bully him and avoid him?!"

Hazel nodded, "Yes. But that was before he grew into such a handsome man. Now everyone wants to be beside him."

My eye twitched, "What a bunch of fake jerks."

Felix laughed as he rubbed my shoulders to calm me down, "Don't worry. Cyrus doesn't care about them and even ignores them. So you don't need to be concerned; you're still his favorite."

I cast him a frown, "Why would I care about that?"

Hazel tapped her chin, "Although the more he ignores them, the more they like him."

My eyebrow twitched more, "I don't care how popular he is. He's still the same innocent kid I know."

I think.

I strolled over to Cyrus with a grin, "Oi! Goldilocks!"

He cast one look at me then abruptly turned away and rushed out of the room without a single word.

I froze with my hand still raised.

Did he just…

Ignore me?!

I heard a self-righteous giggle beside me, "Looks like you fell out of favor. Poor you."

I turned to the voice to see a short, but arrogant-looking girl with her blonde curly hair sprawled around her. Behind her were two girls, one with an indignant expression on her face and the other one looking at me with slight hesitation.

I raised my eyebrow, "Who are you again?"

She stomped her foot, "I'm Princess Priscilla Newman! You rude delinquent!"

My face lit up in understanding, "Ahh! Prissy! I almost forgot you existed."

"Y-You! You little-" She took in a deep breath then grinned smugly, "Well it looks like Cyrus forgot about YOU."

My face scrunched up in irritation.

This girl really gets under my skin.

I sneered, "And why are you here? Are you also another desperate loser who wants his attention?"

She tossed her hair back with a bright smile, "Not one bit. That little tainted blood Prince is a disgrace. I'm only here to protect him from my brother."

I looked over at Felix who immediately looked exhausted. Felix spoke to her in a firm tone, "Priscilla. I keep telling you that you need to stop saying things like that."

She shoved me to the side and held onto Felix with affectionate eyes, "But Brother… I'm only worried about your safety."

Felix forced on a smile, "I keep telling you that Cyrus is my friend and you should be kind to him."

She pouted, "But brother! He is-"

"Priscilla." He stated firmly, "Don't make me angry."

Her bottom lip trembled, "Brother…"

I stared at the direction Cyrus had escaped to with anger bubbling up. I no longer cared about the brocon Prissy and her obnoxious way of speaking.

Goldilocks! That brat! He used to follow me around!

He used to pester me nonstop!

And now he wants to ignore ME?!

I stomped with ferocity in the direction he went.

He won't be able to ignore me for long!

I won't let him!