[36.3] A Lakeside Lunch Date

After the villagers chatted for a while, they finally released us. I followed Cyrus over to our carriage where they loaded up crates of food that Cyrus then paid for. I watched curiously until a group of elderly women shuffled over and shoved a basket full of baked goods into my arms.

My mouth watered as the smell tickled my nose.

One of them spoke to me, "Here! Take this as thanks for your help."

I looked at the basket with a bright smile, "Many thanks!"

I shoved my mouth full of the treats and stepped back on the carriage.

Why does it taste SO GOOD!?

Maybe because it's straight from a farm?

I noticed Cyrus staring at me, so I turned to face him and placed the food down beside me. I cleared my throat, "It's delicious and fresh."

A slow smile crossed his face, "It seems like it."

I took a small apple tart out, "Would you like one?"

He looked at my hand with a frown, "Not if it touched your fingers. You haven't washed your hands."

I smirked, "Oh really?"

I suddenly leaned forward and shoved the tart into his mouth. He had no choice but to open his mouth to eat it or have it smeared over his face.

He looked back at me with a stuffed mouth and eyes full of grievances.

I laughed and sat back down in my seat. I licked my fingers with a grin, "Tasty."

He gulped down his tart and averted his gaze shyly, "...You're so shameless."

I laughed joyfully.

He cleared his throat, "Since we finished early, shall we stop for lunch?"

As if on cue, the carriage slowly rolled to a stop and Cyrus got out. He held out his hand which I took, then he went to the driver who handed him a small basket and blanket.

I watched him suspiciously as he led me down the hill covered in tall grass and to a small lake that was hidden behind a few trees. He rolled out the blanket and put it on the ground near the basket. He sat down and patted the blanket beside him.

"It's a bit strange that you already had everything prepared." I sat down and narrowed my eyes, "It's almost like you planned this."

Cyrus coughed awkwardly and averted his gaze, "I-It's a coincidence."

He pulled out premade sandwiches from the picnic basket and handed one to me.

I leaned forward and took a bite directly from his hand. I smiled at him, "Delicious. Feed me some more~"

He looked startled for a moment before clicking his tongue, "You have hands, so you can feed yourself."

I pouted, "But I want you to feed me."

Cyrus paused for a moment before smirking mischievously. He held out the food to me, "Then I will feed you just like one feeds a baby. Say ahh~"

My face twitched, "Never mind. I will eat it myself."

I grabbed the food from him and ignored his chuckles.

I changed the subject as we ate, "I'm not complaining, but why did we help out those people?"

"You might have noticed that the village is filled with an older population who lacks mana. They can't afford to retire and they can't afford to hire magicians to help them. That's why I occasionally visit them to help them with the harvest."

I smiled affectionately, "My, my. What a kind-hearted King you are."

He muttered under his breath, "I'm not a King."

I laughed and turned back to eat my meal. After finishing, I rubbed my stomach happily, "That was delicious! Did Caldwell prepare it?"

He clicked his tongue in displeasure, "No. I prepared it."

I smiled mischievously, "So you did plan this lunch date beforehand."

He choked on his food and averted his gaze.

I laughed, "I didn't know you were such a good cook."

He tried not to show his embarrassment, "It's just simple sandwiches. It doesn't require much work."

I let out a sigh, "Food made with love always tastes best."

He flinched and looked at me with bright red cheeks, "W-Who said it was made of love!?"

I laughed, "Was I wrong?"

He muttered to himself, "Who knows…"

I felt a warming sensation in my chest as I stared at his side profile.

Goldilocks is cutest when he blushes.

I cleared my throat and patted my legs, "As thanks for the food, I offer my lap for you to lay your head on and take a nap."

"I graciously accept your offer."

I blinked, "Hm?"

Did I hear wrong just now?

He laid on his back and put his head on my lap. He smiled with a smug expression, "It's quite comfy. Far better than the pillows at the dorm."

My mind went blank.

He turned his head towards me and nuzzled his cheek against my inner thigh. His clear blue eyes glanced up at me, burrowing into my soul. His lips curved into a salacious smile, "It even smells better."

What what WHAT?!

Is Goldilocks teasing me?! ME?!

What happened to my sweet and innocent little boy who would always blush and run away?!

He would never do or say such a suggestive thing to me!


My eyes trailed down his muscular body, admiring each detail as his chest moved up and down rhythmically.

…He's definitely not a little boy anymore.

Sensing that I wasn't going to push him off my lap, he closed his eyes and started dozing off.

I reached out and gently ran my fingers through his hair.

Oh… My… Gods!

It's so soft!

I can touch this all day!

And his skin…

It looks like porcelain.

I reached out and gently rubbed my thumb across his flawless skin.

It's just like a sculpture…

Unable to stop myself, I bent down and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Cyrus's eyes snapped open in shock.

Suddenly I realized what I just did and felt a wave of embarrassment.

I quickly stood up, causing his head to crash to the ground. I brushed a piece of hair behind my ear, "Today is such nice weather for a walk."

Ugh! Why am I so embarrassed!? It's just Goldilocks!

I only kissed his cheek because he looks adorable.

There was no other reason!

Yup! That's right!

No other reason…


I cleared my throat and turned to look at Cyrus who was staring back at me with wide eyes, "Are you going to come with me?"

Cyrus scrambled up and rushed to my side, still staring at me as if he couldn't tell if he had imagined the kiss or not.

I ignored his stare and tried to calm my beating heart.

I should say something…

What should I say?

AHH! I'm not good at things like this!

His voice startled me from my thoughts, "Can I have another one?"

I looked at him in disbelief, "Huh?!"

He pointed to his cheek, "Can I have another kiss?"

My cheeks turned bright red as I shrieked, "WHAT?! No!"

He pretended to pout, "But my other cheek is jealous…"

I closed my eyes as I felt my face twitch, "I don't care."

"Then let me return the favor."

I felt his lips gently touch my cheek as he returned my cheek kiss with his own.

My eyes shot open and I stumbled back in a fluster. My foot got caught on a rock and I fell backward but was caught by Cyrus before I landed in the lake.

Cyrus smirked as he stared at me, "Are you falling for me again?"

My expression stiffened, "Let me go."

He laughed, "Why? You'll fall into the water."

"I don't care."

"But you'll be wet."

"I will just dry myself using magic."

He smiled warmly before pulling me to him. He embraced me as he spoke, "Why waste all that energy?"

I craned my head up to look at him and felt my breath catch in my throat.

Has he always been this tall?


Why am I still letting him hug me?!

I pushed him away and strolled ahead quickly, "L-Let's just finish our walk."

He chuckled and followed after me.