[36.4] Demanding Another Chance

As we walked along the water's edge, Cyrus decided to stop teasing me and changed the subject, "So your familiar was a demon all along?"

I nodded slowly, "Yeah… Is that a problem?"

He let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair, "It's dangerous."

I pursed my lips, "Just because he's a demon, doesn't make him dangerous. He just likes to cause drama from time to time."

Cyrus shook his head, "I don't mean that it's dangerous because he's a demon. I mean it's dangerous because society wouldn't approve of it. Your entire family could be thrown in jail for sympathizing with demons."

My eyes widened, "You don't care that he's a demon? I thought out of anyone you would hate demons."

He gave me a look, "If I hated demons, it would make me a hypocrite. Although I am cursed because of my demon blood, it was always humans that were cruel to me because of it. Not demons."

I forced a smile, "Riiight."

"How many people know?"

I thought back, "Just my father, my mother, and you… And maybe Hazel. I think she knows more than she's saying."

His expression turned serious, "I wanted to ask you about Hazel. I caught her- ah. No. Maybe I shouldn't say."

"Hey, there are no secrets between us." I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, "I told you several times that I'm an adult in the body of a child... Although now I guess I am a teenager. Either way, I don't keep anything from you, so you can't keep anything from me."

He rolled his eyes, "I haven't heard that in a while."

I laughed, "It's the truth."

He looked at me as if trying to decide whether to believe me or not.

I smiled back innocently.

He ultimately gave in, "I thought I caught her using magic."

"Eh!? But I thought she couldn't?"

"I thought the same too. But the magic I saw her use… It didn't look like normal magic."


He shook his head, "No. I think she used Holy Light."

My eyes widened, "Holy Light?"

"I think so, but I'm not sure. I've never seen Holy Light before and it happened so quickly. I could be wrong."

"Isn't being a holy light user extremely rare?"

"It is. It's so rare that the person would probably be treated like a god. Countries would undoubtedly fight over her… Which is why I find it hard to believe that she is one. Her Kingdom would never let her leave if she was a Holy Light user and it's impossible for someone to hide that as a child."

I nodded, "Even I can't contain my mana on occasion and I'd like to think I'm a master at controlling my emotions."

He smiled affectionately and squeezed my hand, "I don't doubt it."

I averted my gaze from him shyly, "We should keep an eye on her for now. I wouldn't want to assume anything and be wrong."

He nodded, "I agree."

After chatting for what felt like hours, we eventually returned to the carriage. I cleared my throat, "That was an interesting day. Are we returning back now?"

He shook his head, "Not yet."

I watched as we made our way back into the Capital and traveled to the poorer parts of the city.

I looked at him in confusion, "Why are we going here?"

"If you're scared, just grab onto me."

I laughed and nudged his leg with my foot, "If anything, you should stick to me. I'm more familiar here."

He raised an eyebrow, "Why would you be familiar with it?"

I smiled softly, "I used to live here for a short time."

His expression changed, "You did?"

I nodded, "Yup."

"But I thought you were at an orphanage."

"It was before that."

He averted his gaze, "Ah, I'm sorry… I didn't know."

"You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault." Once the carriage stopped, I hopped out and held out my hand, "It's all in the past now."

He smiled to himself and reached out to hold my hand. After I helped him out, he refused to let go of my hand.

I tried not to let my emotions show, "Are you perhaps the one who is scared?"

He maintained a straight face, "That's right. I'm terrified."

I laughed, "You're a horrible liar."

He pursed his lips, "I'm a great liar."

I pinched his side and made him jump, "Then why aren't you shivering."

He smiled mischievously and pulled me into his embrace, "I am shivering! Can't you feel it?"

I leaned against his chest and sighed dreamily, "I can only feel your muscles."

I reached up to feel his chest muscles before slowly trailing down to his lower abdomen.

Without even looking I could tell his face was red.

"Ah, Prince Cyrus -" Duke Newman walked over to us, "You're here just on time-Oh hello, Miss Reika."

I jumped out of Cyrus's arms as if I was caught doing something illegal. I forced on a smile, "Hello, Duke Newman. I wasn't expecting to see you."

Cyrus snickered beside me. I pinched his side and felt him jump, "Hey!"

"This is the local soup kitchen I operate." Duke Newman smiled at us, "Prince Cyrus comes every week to hand out food to those in the slums."

I looked at Cyrus in surprise, "You do?"

Cyrus looked away awkwardly, "I-It's important for a King to aid every member of the community."

Cyrus grabbed a box from the carriage and started to walk into the building.

I skipped after him, "What a good boy."

As I was putting on my apron a small child who was barely old enough to walk, ran over and grabbed Cyrus's pants. She started garbling unintelligible words.

Watching the child grab at him made me recoil in disgust, but Cyrus didn't seem to mind.

Cyrus bent down and smiled, "Hello there, what's your name?"

She stuck out her tongue, drooling all over him.

I held my mouth to avoid puking.

The mother ran over in a panic, "Ah! Please forgive me, sir!"

She pulled the child off, leaving behind dirty imprints on Cyrus's pants.

The mother fell to her knees and held her child close, "I'M SO SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I-I can clean those!"

Cyrus looked a bit panicked, "Madam! You don't need to apologize! It's just clothes!"

The woman didn't dare make eye contact, "I-I can wash it!"

"It's okay. I really don't mind." Cyrus reached into his basket and pulled out a small cookie and handed it to the child, "A little dirt never hurt anyone."

The child's eyes shimmered as she took a bite. I watched as she savored each bite. The woman picked her up as she held back tears, "I will never forget your generosity, Prince Cyrus."

After she left, I sauntered over to him and elbowed him playfully, "You're really generous, aren't you?"

He let out a sigh, "Not really. I wish I could do more but-"

"-But you lack power?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

I gave a confident nod, "Don't worry. You'll have it soon."

"You seem awfully confident."

I shrugged, "You have to be."

"I noticed you aren't a big fan of children. You always seem to shrink away when one comes near."

I crossed my arms in a huff, "That's because they are all snot-nosed brats. I can't stand how messy they are! It's disgusting."

He stared at me closely, "Is that really it?"


Is it?

I tilted my head, "Eh… I don't know. It plays a big role, but really… I guess they just remind me of something I really wish I could forget."

He opened his mouth to ask, but Duke Newman interrupted, "We have everything set up! Are you two ready?"

Cyrus and I joined the others and started handing out bread and soup to those who came. We were even able to give a cookie to each guest and they treated it as if it was a gift given to them by a god.

I wiped my forehead in exhaustion and looked over at Cyrus. I held my breath as I watched him handing out the food with a gentle smile.

I never thought I would meet such a genuine person.

…Nor could I imagine that such a genuine person would ever associate with me.

I shook my head to toss out my thoughts and returned back to what I was doing.

After we gave out all the food, we returned back to the Academy's gates.

He motioned to the tower, "Let me walk you back."

"Ah! Wait!"

He paused and looked back at me.

I took a deep breath and tightened my fists. I stood across from him and forced myself to speak, "I'm s-sorry."

He looked at me in confusion, "For what?"

I shyly pushed a piece of hair behind my ear and looked at the ground, "I said some mean things to you when you ran into Moni and me in town."

"You don't have to apologize for that. I overstepped my bounds."

"No. Even though my trust in men is a bit twisted, that doesn't mean I should take it out on you. I can say very terrible things sometimes." I let out a sigh, "If anything, I should have listened to you. He clearly wasn't interested in me and only wanted to use me."

Just like every other man before him.

I closed my eyes and let out another sigh.

I felt arms embrace me and opened my eyes in surprise.

Cyrus spoke in a low voice, "It's not your fault he tried to take advantage of you. He's the only one who should apologize."

I felt something tugging at my heart causing tears to surface in my eyes. I bit my lip and blinked the tears away before returning his hug.

I took in a deep breath and felt my body relax as his sweet smell wrapped around me.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him to see the dazzling lights dance around him.

He looked back down at me, "What is it?"

The corners of my lips curled up, "I'm just realizing that you're a man."

He pursed his lips, "Of course I'm a man! I'm not a little girl."

I laughed, "No, I mean you're not a child anymore. You're a grown man… And a rather attractive one at that."

I watched as his skin turned pink and pulled away. He coughed away his embarrassment, "Let's return before the Headmaster tries to accuse me of kidnapping."

I held my chest as I smiled to myself.

It's warm.

I spoke up, "You know… If you had asked me out on a date, I would have said yes without hesitation."

He turned to look at me with a smirk, "What do you think today was?"

He bent down and kissed the top of my head before leaving me behind.

I stared at him in shock.

I felt the top of my head and snapped out of my stupor. I ran after him shouting, "This wasn't a date! It was a job! WAIT! GOLDILOCKS! I want another date!!!"