[45.4] Hazel/Alora's POV: A Life Lived for Just Two People

…Modern day…

I stood in front of the Marlow's tent with my heart racing anxiously.

I poked my head inside timidly to get a glance but was quickly caught by Reika who was glaring at me as she sat beside the bed where Cyrus was resting.

My heart lightened when I saw Zephyr curled up in a ball beside Cyrus in his fox form.

However, Reika quickly stood up and stepped outside of the tent to block my view.

I felt something grab my heart as I looked back into her distrusting gaze. My lips pressed together painfully, "Reika… I-I just want to explain-"

Reika promptly shook her head, "No. He doesn't want to see you."

I peered around her anxious to see Zephyr, but Reika stepped in front of me once again to block my sight. I wasn't brave enough to raise my eyes and look at her.

This is what I deserve.

I spoke in a pleading tone, "Reika… Just hear me out, please. I just want to explain-"

Reika cut me off, "Listen. I don't know what happened between the two of you, and I certainly don't have the place to tell either of you what to do. But if I were you, I would listen to him. He told you to get lost so if you really care for him, then respect his wishes."

She… She really doesn't remember, does she?

But how does that make sense?


Unless I was wrong?

No, I can't be wrong.

Although I can't recall that woman's face or name, I am sure she and Reika are related somehow.

They both have the same mannerisms.

They both have the same mana.

They both even have the same scent.

If Astra is convinced, then I am too.

I quickly reached out to grab Reika's hand. She gave me a suspicious look, but I was getting desperate.

"Reika. Please. I won't talk to him. I can wait… But can't I at least talk to you? If I don't get this off of my chest…" I trailed off feeling like my expression was getting darker and darker. I took a deep breath, "I consider you my friend whether you consider me one or not… So, please? Can you let me tell you my story?"

Reika stared at me for a moment, pondering if she should give me her attention or not. Eventually, she let out a sigh and gave in, "Fine. I will hear you out."

I felt a rush of excitement and couldn't stop myself from smiling. I grabbed her hand in a moment of satisfaction, "Thank you! Thank you, Reika!"

She shook off my hand, "Yeah, yeah. Follow me."

I wasn't offended that she shook off my hand and followed her just relieved that she was willing to hear me out. Once we were alone, she sat down on a bench and motioned for me to sit next to her. She eyed me carefully as I sat down, "So what do you want to tell me?"

There are so many things I want to say…

But there are some things I don't think I could ever say.

I took a deep breath, "I never had a family until Zephyr brought me into his. I tried my best to fit in, but his older brother always had a grudge against me. I didn't understand at the time and I thought he just wanted to make me suffer. Now I know that he only acted this way because he was protective of his little brother… But back then, I honestly thought he was trying to separate Zephyr and me. I couldn't handle it and one day, I wasn't able to hold back anymore. His brother and I started fighting and before I realized it, we were fighting to the point where we were causing severe injuries to each other. Zephyr got the Great Fairy to help and rushed over to stop the fight, and I promise that I held back my attack- But… Zephyr's mother jumped in front of Moni and was hit fatally."

Reika continued to stare at me without giving away her thoughts.

I thought back to that painful era, "After she kicked us off of the mountain and died, I never knew what happened to the others. I've always wanted the chance to apologize for causing so much pain, but I ended up dying before I had the chance to redeem myself."

"And the curse?"

I paused and looked at her in surprise, "The curse?"

Reika nodded, "How did the curse happen?"

A flush of shame rushed to my cheeks, "T-That… Moni placed that curse on me before we were all forcibly kicked off the mountain. I'm not entirely sure what the curse is since I died not too long after receiving it."

He cursed me and my descendants to die painfully as they suffered from their obsession.

She thought to herself and hummed, "So to cure it, I need to find him first."

I couldn't bring myself to look into her eyes and turned away.

She changed the subject, "So how are you still alive? How did Zephyr not recognize you?"

"Ah… Well, I'm not entirely sure how I came to return. After I died, I just remember knowing my biggest regret was that I never had the opportunity to apologize to you or Zephyr."

She immediately looked startled, "Me? Why would you apologize to me?"

I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye nervously, "T-That…"

Then Reika had an epiphany. She clicked her tongue and crossed her arms in irritation, "Ugh. Let me guess. You think I'm the 'Great Fairy' too?"


Reika shook her head in exasperation, "I'm not. I thought Astra was just using me as a replacement because she missed her mother, but now you think I'm her too? I don't know if I resemble the person you knew in the past or if she's somehow related to me, but I can assure you I'm not her. I would remember a thing like that."

I watched her expression for a little longer and recognized that she was telling the truth. I let out a sigh, "If you say you aren't, then you're not. Honestly, magic is such a complicated thing, it's possible there was a mistake."

She nodded, "I'm glad you are more reasonable than Astra… So? What happened next?"

"Next I found that I woke up in the body of an infant. I grew up as Hazel and was presented with the opportunity to travel to the capital. I knew Zephyr was going to be here."

"How did you know?"

That woman said he was trapped near the capital.

I shrugged, "I'm not sure. I just knew."


I looked down a bit ashamed, "I always acted so childish in the past and was always quick to get angry. In this life, I wanted to change to match the person Zephyr deserved. I treated him kindly and played the role of the gentle girl. I wanted to use this life to make up for my mistakes. I didn't care about anything else."

"And your parents?"

I paused, "My… Parents?"

Reika leaned back and let out a sigh. "That's your problem. You had a chance at another family in this life, yet you didn't give them the chance. I met your parents and I could tell that they actually cared for you… So why wouldn't you give them a chance?"

I felt something strange poking at my heart and rushed to speak, "You don't understand! I'm a Holy light user. If they knew, they would only use me. How can I treat them like parents when I know they'll just take advantage of me!?"

"Maybe they will, or maybe they won't. Sometimes, you just have to take a chance." She stared at me with wisdom that could only come from experience, "You're not the same girl you were back then. You know better and you're stronger."


Reika reached out and patted my hand, "You're not alone, either."

I stared at my hand in confusion and saw her stand up out of the corner of my eye. She turned to look at me with a smirk, "Oh and you shouldn't change for others. You should do it for yourself."

For… Myself?

After she left me, I continued to sit there for a while as I pondered her words.

In the end, I made up my mind.

Reika said to give my family a chance.

So then I shall.

After everything calmed down again, I returned to the Capital and sought an audience with the King.

I stared at the King with indifferent eyes, "I would like to request to visit my family."

The King repositioned himself in his seat as he tried not to look at me directly, "Oh… Um… Yeah. That's fine."

I ignored his anxiety, "I will return."

"I-I'm not that concerned."

I gave him a bow and turned to leave. However, before walking out the door, I gave one last piece of warning.

"Reika has been given the Holy Light's blessings by the goddess herself."

His expression paled once he heard this, "I… I see."

I clicked my tongue.

What a cowardly man.