[45.5] Hazel/Alora's POV: Surrounded by Strangers

The next day, I climbed onto a carriage and endured the long journey to the border. From there, I was placed at the foot of the snowy mountains as I waited for a boat to carry me around to my Kingdom.

I stared at the snowy mountain with dull eyes.

It's even worse than it was before.

"Ma'am." A boatsman appeared, "Your ride is ready."

I bowed to him and climbed onboard. I endured the frigid air to stand on the deck and watch as the icebergs sticking out of the water were carefully transversed. Once we were past the icebergs, I was able to leave the port and travel back to my castle.

It wasn't anything magnificent like in the Captial, but for my poor and small Kingdom, it was pretty extravagant. As soon as I got off the carriage, my parents were already waiting in front of the door. They both looked at me with anxious expressions.

I pursed my lips.

I always hated that look they gave me.

I walked over to them holding my suitcase, "Greetings to the King and Queen."

The two looked at each other speechless, but my mother was the first to speak, "W-Welcome home… Um, we prepared your room for you… Hopefully, it's to your liking."

I pressed my lips together firmly and didn't respond. I walked inside and followed them to the room which had been redecorated to be extremely pink and overwhelming.

My father hesitantly spoke, "Y-Your little sister decorated it. We didn't know what you would like and since she's closest to you in age- um… Anyway. Hopefully, it isn't too much."


My mother looked at me anxiously, "Do you hate it?"

I shook my head, "It's good."

"G-Good?!" My father shouted, "O-Oh! Good. That's good."

I turned to them and forced a smile, "I'd like to be alone to unpack."

I could see them both get the shivers at my smile.

My mother nodded, "W-We will leave you then… Um. We are having dinner in a few hours if you want to join us."

"Thank you."

I watched as they left hurriedly and sat on the edge of my bed.

Ugh. Why do I even try to smile?

I stared up at the ceiling for hours.

Without Zephyr or Reika, I never know what to do. Now that I'm back here, I don't feel like doing anything.

Why did I even come back?

Do I even want to think of these people as my family?

I ran my fingers through my hair, "Seriously… What am I even doing here?"

I feel absolutely no ties to these people.

They are like strangers to me.

They always have been.

I opened my eyes with a sigh, "But Reika said to try."

I sat up and left my room to join them for dinner. As I walked down the hallway, I passed by a maid carrying a tray of food who flinched.

I ignored her and kept walking.

Everyone here was always afraid of me.

Even though I never did anything to cause it.

When I was a child, I stayed in my room and never talked to anyone.

I would never cry out for my mother nor my father.

Because of that, I gained a reputation in my house.

I was the creepy girl.

I entered the dining room and sat at an open seat.

My older sibling started choking on his food.

My parents stared at me slack-jawed.

Soon a maid scurried in and placed the plate of food down in front of me.

It was obvious no one was prepared for me to join.

My father was the first one to speak up, "Y-You… You're joining us today?"

I calmly reached out and grabbed a fork to eat with, "I am. I haven't seen my family in a long time. Is there something wrong with it?"

His face flushed red, "N-No! Of course not."

My little brother, who sat next to me, leaned over with a bright grin, "Are you really my sister?"

I pursed my lips as I stared at him, "Did you forget me?"

He blinked innocently, "Yup."

My mother shouted quickly, "D-Don't be rude to your sister! Apologize! Quickly!!"

I spoke up, "It's okay. He's too young to remember me."

Silence filled the room again making it particularly awkward. While everyone else around me struggled to eat, I was perfectly comfortable.

Eventually, my older sister broke the tension, "S-So… Hazel… How is the Capital?"

"It's good."

"And the Academy? I've always wanted to go there. I heard it's beautiful. There's a barn for familiars and the school officials-"

She was always the chatty one.

I interrupted with a scowl, "If you like it so much, why don't you go?"

She froze, "O-Oh. Y-Yeah. I suppose you're right. S-Sorry…"

The room returned to silence again.

I glanced up and noticed my sister's face red with embarrassment.

My father spoke, "Please don't get frustrated, Hazel. We are just curious about your new life."

I scoffed.

No, you're just trying to make conversation because you feel uncomfortable around me.

You would all be relieved if I suddenly disappeared.

I felt a fit of anger start to boil inside of me.

And I can prove it.

I turned to my little brother with an ominous smile, "Want to see something cool that I learned while I was at the Academy?"

He nodded quickly with a bright grin, "I do!"

I held out my palm and condensed a ball of light.

He awed as the light sparkled.

I heard a smashing sound come from beside me and looked over to see my mother had dropped the glass she had been holding.

My father jumped up with a shout, "Hazel! What do you think you're doing?!"

I snickered and wagged my finger, producing swords above each of their heads. I grinned menacingly, "What? Are you worried I will use this to kill you?"

"We aren't!" My mother ran over and grabbed my hands. She looked at me in a panic, "You must not use this magic!!"

I looked at her in shock.

This isn't the reaction I was expecting.

My father agreed, "If someone saw you using this, they would try to use you to their advantage!"

I laughed so hard everyone around me grew concerned.

I wiped away my tears and stood up slowly shaking my head, "Like who? All of you?"

My parents looked startled by my statement.

My mother's gaze slowly dropped to the ground, "Is that… Is that what you think of us?"


Save that pitiful expression for someone who would believe it.

I spun around in my tracks and walked out of the room.

My father called out to me, "Hazel! Wait! Don't-"

I felt a surge of emotion so overwhelming I let out a shriek and punched the wall.


Why am I so angry?

I just feel like tearing apart this whole place!

I don't want to feel this way, but I can't stop myself.

I stomped to my room growling through my teeth and slammed the door behind me. Cracks appeared from the force, but I didn't care.

I let out a scream and started tearing everything apart.

I completely blacked out from the rage.

When I felt myself return back to normal, the newly refurbished room was torn to shreds.

I collapsed onto the ripped bed and let out a sigh, "...Seriously. Why did I come back here?"

I think it would be best if I were to return…

But is there even anything to return to?

In the end, I stood up and started packing my bag.

If I can't return to Reika and Zephyr, maybe I will just go back to that cave.

Anything would be better than here.

As I was packing, my door suddenly opened. I looked at it with a frown, "Shouldn't you knock?"

My younger sibling stood in the doorway with an innocent expression. He looked around the room, "Shouldn't you be cleaner? Mother and Father always ground me when I don't clean up after myself. They told me that maids are here to help me, not clean up after me. She's going to ground you too if you don't clean up."

I raised my eyebrow, "Are you being serious right now?"

He nodded, "Deadly."

I rolled my eyes, "Well she won't have the chance. I'm returning to the Academy."

"No!" He ran over to me and grabbed my side, "I won't let you!"

I stared at him indifferently and calmly reached down to pick him up by the collar, "I could easily kill you with the snap of my fingers, little boy."

He looked at me grievously, "I'm not a little boy! Do you even know my name?!"

I narrowed my eyes as I tried to recall, "Casper?"

"No! Copper!"

I dropped him to the floor, "Do I look like I care? Now scram. I have to finish packing."

"Wait!!" He grabbed me again, "Before you go, can we play a game? None of my other siblings will play with me. They are all boring! All they do is read books and talk politics!"

I sighed, "What do you want to play?"

He pulled out a bunch of fruit from his pockets, "Use those swords to chop this!"

My eyebrow twitched, "You just want me to cut fruit for you?"

He shook his head, "No! I want to play! I will throw them and you can cut them! Come on!"

I allowed him to drag me outside and bring me to a place without anyone else. He held out the fruit and threw it suddenly.

I used my sword to cut it without blinking an eye.

He cheered, "Now do this one!"

I sat down in boredom and used my swords to continue to slash whatever he threw at me.

It was particularly boring.

However, he was having the time of his life throwing whatever he could find at me.

Before either of us knew it, the sun had set.

He let out a yawn and sauntered over to me, "Mother will be upset if we miss curfew."

Seeing that he was almost falling asleep, I bent over and picked him up. As soon as he was in my arms, he was already snoring.

I stared at his face feeling no particular attachment to it.

I pursed my lips and looked up at the stars, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to stay a few more days."