[64.6] Cyrus POV: The Price of a Life

[Author's note: This chapter is from Cyrus's point of view.]

I suddenly sat up, gasping for air. Smoke was still around me, clouding my vision, but I found it didn't burn as badly as it had before. I brought myself to my feet and looked around in confusion, "Reika?"

She was no longer beside me, clutching that roll of canvas.

The cloud of smoke parted, revealing a part of the hallway I had been in just moments before. I walked forward, staring at the paintings on the walls.

Are these the ones she saved?

The smoke grew harder to breathe in, forcing me to cover my mouth with my sleeve. My eyes squinted through the smoke until I caught sight of a figure.

My steps halted when a woman with shoulder-length black hair came into view, staring at a large painting in front of her. Her eyes were dull and melancholic, reflecting the painting in her dark black eyes.

I glanced over at the portrait and recognized it not as a memory, but as the painting Reika had been so desperate to save.

…The painting that started it all.

I heard her soft, yet monotonous, voice speak. "Do you think it's worth dying over?"

I paused, turning my gaze back to Reika with conflicting emotions. I spoke slowly, "What do you think?"

"The things we leave behind are the things that are immortal. Humans will die and will eventually be forgotten, while our trash remains behind. Even famous historical figures remain on paper, but no one will remember how they truly were. Yet, a painting like this becomes priceless."

She forced a faint smile, "But even still then, I'm not so sure… Was it really worth dying over? Did my death give meaning to my meaningless life?"

"Is that why you wanted to die? To give your life meaning?"

She shook her head, "I could have escaped, but I hesitated. Did I want to die? Well… I didn't want to. In fact, I desperately wanted to live. But I was so tired… I was tired of having to fight for a better life even though the entire world was against me. Yet, in my final hours, I still clung to life. I even tried to drag myself out by my fingernails. The truth is, I didn't want that death…"

I felt a strange pain in my chest as I watched her, "You didn't deserve that… Any of that…"

She let out a strange laugh, "You're right. I deserved far worse."


"As I lay gasping for air… I realized something." She turned to him with pure black eyes, "I wasn't sad. I wasn't regretful. I was so angry. So very, very angry. I wished I could go back in time, to kill that man. He took my unborn child. He took away my friends. He took everything away from me…"

I pressed my lips together.

"That's why I let you in. I needed to show you the truth."

"Why? Why show me all that?"

She took a step towards me, "Because I had to show you the evil that is in my heart… Cyrus, I am filled with this uncontrollable rage. This world and that world. It's all the same… I want it destroyed just as it destroyed me."

"You're wrong. This world is different." I grabbed her hand with the utmost care, "I love you and I would never hurt you like that. I will protect you, no matter what. I won't let anything like that ever happen to you again… I promise."

She turned her dull and lifeless eyes to my hand, "How would I know that? How could I even believe that? In the beginning, he also claimed that he would never hurt me…. But he did. So how do I know you are any different?"

My gaze softened, "You just have to trust me."

She let out a sigh, "Trust? I once had trust… But now… Now I don't think I have any more trust to give."

"Reika. Please. Your life is different here. You have so many friends and family who will protect and support you. You're not alone this time."

A low, self-deprecating chuckle came out from her throat, "You are wrong, and I will show you."

Suddenly, I found my body starting to fade. I panicked, "What's happening?"

The halls started to shake as the smoke grew thicker.

She spoke in a low voice, "I'm being turned into a Monster… But I guess I always was one."

I looked at her with fear, "You aren't a Monster. I know you, Reika Marlow. You're a good person. You would never hurt anyone. You would NEVER destroy this world… So please! Please don't give in! Please fight it!"

Hesitation reflected in her eyes, "Why should I fight it?"

My form started to grow opaque, but my eyes never left hers, "Because there are people in this world who love you. There is a family back there who would do anything for you. You aren't alone in that world. You have allies-"

She pursed her lips as if amused, "Love… Love? I have such a thing? I didn't think you could make jokes… My King."

Seeing my hands disappear, I knew I didn't have long. I pressed my lips together in determination and took a deep breath. I spoke with conviction, "No matter what happens, I will always be by your side. I won't hurt you and I won't let anyone else do it either."

My form finally disappeared, leaving the original form of Reika alone in the corridor that was slowly breaking apart.

One last sentence drifted in the air, "I will give up the Kingdom. I will even give up this world… But I won't EVER give you up. I promise."

She tilted her head, "A promise, huh?"

Her gaze turned back to the painting in front of her.

A soft smile slowly appeared on her face, "Ah, my dear painting. You were always my inspiration. You gave me courage when I had none. Humm.. I really hope that you survived that fire…"

A single tear rolled down her cheek and fell to the ground silently.

Darkness started to crawl closer to her.

She closed her eyes and smiled, "A promise? Okay. Let's see just how valuable your promises are."

In the darkness, a sudden blue flame erupted, chasing away the encroaching darkness. Not even the corruption could defeat the eternal flame which burned so intensely, that it made one feel ice cold.

Her eyes snapped open, reflecting the flame that was the color of ice. She chuckled to herself, "Curiosity always got the better of me."