[64.5] Cyrus POV: Clinging to a Rotting Rope

[Author's note: This chapter is from Cyrus's point of view.]

[***DISCLAIMER: This chapter mentions animal violence, suicidal ideation, blood, attempted murder, and violence against women, which some readers may find uncomfortable.]

The scene faded and Reika suddenly appeared back in the museum. She held onto her boss as she pleaded on her knees, "Please! Please give me my job back! I won't cause any more issues!"

The boss was so annoyed he tried to remove her hands, but they clenched onto him too tightly, "Enough! What about your Ex?! I can't have him causing any more problems!"

"No! It's okay! The police have him in lockup. They said they will call me if he's released."

"Hm. Are you sure?"

She nodded quickly, "I am!"

"Well… I do have a children's tour group coming today and we are currently understaffed."

Reika's face soured, "No way. I'm not going to lead around snot nose kids."

He finally pushed off her hands as he shouted, "Then get lost! Why beg me for a job if you have the option to be picky!!!"

"No! NO wait!" Reika quickly jumped in front of him to stop him from leaving, "I will do it! I will."

"Hmph. Then go get changed. They will be here soon."

Reika nodded happily and went to put on her uniform. As the group arrived, she was waiting at the entrance with a forced smile. Hearing the children's laughter as she led them throughout the art museum, she held her stomach with a pained expression.

I could tell she desperately wanted to cry.

But she forced herself not to.

This job was the last thing she held left and she clinged to it desperately.

Just as she moved throughout the museum-


Everyone was thrown to the ground by a violent explosion. Reika raised her head and could see the smoke billowing into the hallway. She panicked and jumped to her feet, grabbing the children.

"GO! GO QUICK! This way!" As she led the children to safety, she stared up at the ceiling, "Why aren't the sprinklers working!?"

Ignoring this, she focused on the children and successfully led them outside to safety. As everyone discussed who was missing, Reika caught sight of a certain man.

Her face fell, "No… Not him."

I knew who it was before I even saw him.

Smiling with his hood on, he was enjoying the blaring fire behind her. Seeing her defeated expression, he licked his lips.

"I knew you would regret it."

Reika's eyes glazed over as she turned around and saw the building roaring with fire. She whispered, "It really is all my fault…"

Suddenly someone shouted, "The director!!! He's still inside!"

Reika's eyes widened, snapping her out of her previous thoughts, "Where!?"

"His office! I think that's where the explosion-"

Reika sprinted inside the burning building without hesitation.


I sprinted after her, watching as she covered her mouth with her sleeve. The smoke was so thick, it stung my eyes and prevented me from seeing. Even my own throat started to burn as my eyes watered.

How am I being affected by the smoke?

Isn't this just a memory?!

Reika had spent so many years at the museum that she didn't even need to see it to know where to go. She pushed the door to the office that was stuck on fallen rubble, "Director!"

"I'm-*cough* I'm in here!"

She forced herself inside where she found her boss trapped under rubble. Using all her strength, she managed to push it off. Her eyes widened when she saw his mangled leg. She coughed from the smoke, "Lean on me."

As she carried him out, he coughed, "You… I knew I shouldn't have let you come back… All this art… All this history. All gone because of you."

Her face contorted as her eyes were drawn to the historical paintings… All of which were being damaged by the smoke.

Guilt flooded her eyes as they made their way through the halls. Each painting she saw caused the smoke to seep deeper into her lungs.

She couldn't even care about the pain from the smoke anymore.

The pain in her heart hurt far worse than anything physical.

Arriving at the main door, she heard a crack come from above their heads. Her eyes drifted up and saw a beam cracking in half from the fire. She pushed her boss outside without explanation.

He fell to the ground and stared back at her, "...Reika?"

She smiled painfully as the beams fell in front of the door, preventing her from using the exit any longer. Through the blustering cracks, her boss screamed, "REIKA! GET OUT OF THERE!"

Reika chuckled in a croaking voice, "Don't worry. I will make it up to you… I will save the art."

She turned back and sprinted down the halls, her body now feeling heavier from the smoke and the heat. She went to the most valuable works, ripping them from their frames and rolling them up. Sweat poured down her face and back as she coughed violently.

Following beside her, I felt every single sensation.

I held my throat, gasping for air as I struggled to see through my own tears.

My lungs burned as if they were on fire.

My muscles contracted uncontrollably until I felt like I couldn't walk any longer.

Reika turned the corner, having to rely on the wall to keep walking, "I… Must… Protect… It…"

Her eyes fell on one last painting.

The painting that started it all.

She struggled to get to it, ripping it out of the frame.

She turned back, the smoke now completely taking away her vision.

Unable to walk any longer, she collapsed to the ground…

But she still wouldn't give up.

She crawled with one hand, digging her nails into the tile.





Her arm suddenly fell limply to her side.

Her vision faded and her eyes clouded over.

As she lay gasping for air that would never come, a single tear rolled down her smoke-stained cheek, "I… I don't want to die…"

I collapsed beside her and reached my hand out to touch her, "Reika…"

She curled up into a ball, using her body as a last resort to protect the paintings.

The last thing I heard before my vision turned black was a single whisper.

"That d*mned bastard… If… If I could go back in time… If I could… I would kill that bastard the moment I met him."