[67.3] Not a Fairy

They didn't try to stop me and politely let me escape without being questioned. I stood off in the barren trees, staring at the stars while the villagers fell asleep. 

So I really did go back in time…

So how can I get back?

Should I try to use magic and imagine the future?

I closed my eyes, "Okay… Future! Let's go!"

I waited for a bit, then opened my eyes. I hastily looked for a black hole, but there was none.

Okay… Maybe I should just imagine my tower?

I closed my eyes again and focused my energy on the image of the tower.

I waited a bit, then opened one eye.

Still no black hole.

I collapsed to my knees, "How… How am I going to get back?"

How did I even get here?

Before that black hole swallowed me up, all I remember was fighting with Moni before I felt my magic go out of control…

The next thing I knew, I was falling through time.

How can I get that feeling back?

Do I really need to go out of control again?

I laid on my back with a sigh, "Then I would just destroy the world before I even got a chance to live it in…"

Wait. Wouldn't that make me not exist then?

Then I wouldn't be able to go back in time and destroy everything….

But then I would exist because I didn't go back to destroy everything-

I shook my head quickly, "Let's not think about it."

And maybe-

Let's avoid changing anything as much as possible.

My ears twitched as a cry came from the distance.


I summoned my ice chunk and flew towards the noise. As I did, the cry became more intelligible. 


I soared faster, appearing at the scene of a small family being attacked by another group using blinding white swords. It was clear that one side wasn't fighting at all, but instead trying to flee as the other continued to attack without mercy.

Hm? Is that Holy Light?


That's Holy light!!!!

My face lit up, "I'm not that far back then!"

Ah. But still far enough that my lifespan won't make it-


Their cries startled me back to my senses. I panicked and created a giant ball of ice, throwing it at the people chasing after the innocent family. Immediately, the group attacking got squished under the ice.

My expression paled, "I… I really do have less control without a wand…" 

But at least I didn't squish the family.

I lowered myself on the ice chunk and stared at the group that had been crying out desperately. From the way they were dressed, it appeared they had come from somewhere farther away than anywhere near here. But just like the other group I had run into, they too were malnourished and starving. 

My eyes drifted to their foreheads where I could see two protruding horns.


Just like Caldwell, their horns are perfectly fine.

They stared up at me with trembling bodies, "You… You saved us…"

I smiled back, "You asked me to."

"But why would a fairy-"

My face stiffened, "Not a fairy."

"H-How can we ever repay you?"

I lowered my ice chunk to the ground and grinned, "How good are you at hunting?"

As daylight appeared, I arrived with the small group of demons and the handful of rabbits and deer that we had hunted.

The villagers all stared at me slackjawed.

I motioned to them, "I saved them last night. They were about to die… Can't they join you? I think it would be safer for everyone."

The previous group was completely lost for words, "Uhhhhhhhh-"

I could tell they wanted to say no, but couldn't bring themselves to say it to me. I ignored this and motioned to the luscious mountains, "We can set up a camp at the base of the mountain. A safe haven of sorts for anyone who needs it. Demons or humans, as long as they aren't violent against the other."

The villagers all looked at each other in confusion, "If… Miss Fairy suggests it… It can't be bad?"

I motioned toward them, "Come on! Look! They are practically children. What harm can they do?"

The demons looked at me in uncertainty, "Miss Fairy… Are you sure these humans aren't dangerous?"

Great. Even the demons are calling me that now?

A human child shouted, "We aren't dangerous! You are! You're demons! You use curses!"

The demons all looked hurt, "We specialize in medicine! We cure curses! Not cause them!"

"Hah! How can you have one without the other!?"

I cleared my throat as they argued between themselves, "Listen up!"

  A silent hush came over the crowd.

Seeing that I got their attention, I continued, "If either human or demon acts up, I will personally enact punishment!"


Why do they look so scared…

Am I really that scary?

I felt like I was losing confidence, "So… Get along?"

They all chimed in, "Yes, Miss Fairy! Anything for you!"

Well that was easy… I think?

After that, we started our journey to the base of the mountain. Occasionally, we would run into demons or humans that were near starvation or death. After keeping the good and shooing away the bad, I soon had a large group following me.

I turned to one of them, "Why do we keep encountering so many starving people?"

One explained, "That's because of the drought. All lands are affected… The green valleys are drying up without rain, so we have no choice but to move away from where our ancestors lived."

"But why is no one on the mountain? Why is everyone just migrating there now? It seems untouched for years."

"That's because of the Great War… That Mountain is built on the corpses of Gods… We never would have dared to intrude… But now… We are so hungry. We have no choice."

A demon added, "Our people believe the mountain to be cursed by the Gods. We were always afraid that the Gods would try to kill us if we were to live there. However, we are being chased out of our lands by humans so we have no choice but to go there."

I scratched my head, "That's probably just a superstition. I was there and never encountered any trouble."

"That is because Miss Fairy was a God before she died."

My face deadpanned, "I never died."

"That's what they all say…"

"Okay, I died once." I added confidently, "But that was in another world."

"It's okay that you forgot your life as a God, Miss Fairy. Most fairies do."

"Oi! Listen! I'm telling you that I'm-"

"We are finally here!"

I looked ahead and realized we arrived at the foot of the mountain. Just as they both said, neither humans nor demons dared go in further or climb the mountain. They were all standing together in one giant huddle as they stared at the mountain in uneasiness.

I guess that's one thing they have in common.

I frowned slightly as I watched them, "Are you really not planning on going up further? What will you do for food?"

"We will hunt the fish from the river, or hunt the animals that venture out from the mountain."

I pursed my lips, "That doesn't seem very sustainable."

Another added, "We could also plant crops… We just need to find seeds or trade with another group-"

"-Ah!" I was suddenly reminded of my interspatial bag and pulled out the seeds given to me by the strange group I met while falling through the black squares, "I forgot I had these! I hope they work-AAAAH!"

One fell from between my fingers and as soon as it touched the ground, a tree shot up from where I placed the seed, throwing me to the side in the process. My mouth dropped in shock as a tree formed and a variety of fruits suddenly grew from the newly formed branches. I stood up and plucked off a orange, watching as another suddenly appeared.

"No way…"

Those seeds… Were this!?

I suddenly threw out the rest of the seeds haphazardly and watched as the empty earth was transformed into a forest. My mouth hung open, "No way…"

That's kind of fun-


"Huh?" I turned back to the group and noticed they were all bowing to me with their foreheads touching the ground. I immediately panicked, "Wait! Don't praise me!"

"The Great Fairy gives us life and fortune!"

"She gives us hope when we have none!"

Listening to their chants, I found myself growing dizzy.


What did they just call me?

I fell over, completely blacked out.