[67.4] The Great Fairy Awakens

"Reika… Please open your eyes…"

My eyes opened at the sound of his voice, but I couldn't see anything in front of me.

I called out to the darkness, "Cyrus? I can hear you… But I can't see you… Where are you?"

"Reika… Please… I need you…"

"I'm right here!" I suddenly jumped up, looking around frantically, "Where are you? I can't see you! I can't-"

"-Great Fairy!"

I was startled awake to see a bunch of faces invading my personal space. I quickly pushed them all away, "W-What's going on?!"

They all stepped away from me simultaneously. One spoke, "You suddenly collapsed, Great Fairy. It worried us."

I felt the blood drain from my face, "Oh no… Not that…"

Just as I was going to faint again, another villager caught me, "Great Fairy!"

I felt like crying, "P-Please don't call me that!"

"Why not, Great Fairy?"

"Because-" I paused suddenly.

Wait. I freaked out because of that name, but it's not like there can only be ONE Great Fairy throughout history…


I smiled desperately, "How many Great Fairies exist?"

They all looked at each other in confusion before turning back to me. One hesitantly spoke up, "Um… Just you?"

I stared at them with a smile plastered on my face, "Hm?"

"Just you?"

"Sorry. I don't think I heard you."

"J-Just you, Miss… We came up with that nickname for you-"

I stood up abruptly and started walking away. They panicked as they rushed after me, "Where are you going?!"

"Anywhere other than here."

"Wait!!! You can't leave us!!!"

I was suddenly pulled back, "What what what?! Why not?!"

They all started shouting at me.

"What if someone attacks?!"

"Everyone wants what we have!"

"They are going to kill us all!"

"I don't want to die!"

Having them all crowd around me shouting with genuine fear and clawing at me in desperation, I felt panic surging up through my chest. I quickly created a dragon at my feet to raise me up in the air to avoid setting them on fire.

They all gasped as they stared at me with wide eyes.

I placed my hand over my heart and forced myself to breathe deeply. I forced on a smile once I calmed myself down, "You'll be fine."

They all screamed in unison, "NO WE WON'T!"

"Ugh. Fine."

I raised the dragon higher up in the air and had it suck in its breath. I shouted, "Watch out!"

The villagers all ran around avoiding the dragon's fire breath as it collided with the ground, creating deep scorch marks. Once I finished, I gave the new design a once over and then flew back to the ground. 

The villagers watched in surprise as I hopped off the dragon which abruptly disappeared. They stared at me waiting for the next show, "Now what?"

I stepped over to the scorch marks and placed my hand down, "Now this."

A bright blue light appeared at my palm, lighting up all around the villagers and the newly enclosed land. A barrier shot up just as I brushed the dirt from my fingers, "There. I created a barrier that will only allow in those who have no malicious intentions. Anyone who isn't approved of or is trying to do harm won't be able to enter no matter how hard they try. If anyone inside tries to hurt another, demon or human, the barrier will throw them out. No one could possibly destroy this barrier, even if they used Holy magic or anything else. It's completely indestructible!"

As I strolled out for the exit, I heard them shout, "Thank you, Great Fairy!"

I paused before leaving, "Just to be clear… This isn't the Macrabre Forest, right?"

They all shook their heads.

I let out a sigh, "Oh, good… For a moment I was worried."

I hopped on my ice chunk and flew back up to the top of the mountain where I could be alone.


I'm just overthinking things.

As long as I am far away from these people, there's no chance I can alter the past.

I can just hide away until I figure out how to return to the future.

As I flew away, one leaned to another, "Macrabre Forest… That's pretty catchy, right?"

A demon grinned, "I think the name is perfect for us. No one would ever dare try to cause trouble with us."

Another laughed, "Then we are all in agreement! Our village is now named the Macrabre forest!"

I flew across the land, silently praising myself.

I can't interfere with the past if I hide myself in the one place no one will go!

It's foolproof!

Of course, I had no idea what was happening behind me.

Once I reached the top of the mountain, I felt my energy slipping. I hopped off the ice chunk, using a tree to lean against and catch my breath.

I had no idea…

Using mana without a wand…

Could be so…


I raised my head, huffing for air when my breath suddenly caught in my throat.

Wow. Each time I see this, I'm amazed…

Mountain views are really spectacular.

I hummed to myself, "I wish I had paint so I could paint this."

I sat down, deciding to have a little picnic. Luckily, I had already packed away fruit and cooked meat into my bag. I peacefully ate the meat and fruit perfectly preserved in the interspatial bag.

I really need to praise the man who gave me this. This bag really does keep everything fresh.

A noise came from behind me and I glanced over, my eyes catching sight of a cave.

There's not a bear inside that… Right?

I hesitantly stepped over, summoning a sharpened icicle in hand. I peered inside and gasped.

Forget a bear!

This place is beautiful!

I went into the cave which had flowers growing and illuminating the inside. I curiously bent down to check them out.

They look like lights!

It makes it feel like this isn't a cave, but rather a bedroom…

I could live here.

In fact-

I created a bed made from moss and leaves and then lay down on it. I let out a content sigh, "It's a perfect place for my new room."