[77.2] Number 6739 POV: Survival of the Fittest

****Disclaimer: This part of the chapter includes: Blood, gore, death of a child, and abuse that some reader's may find uncomfortable. Reader discretion is advised.

After walking a few hours, the girls behind me started to whine. To be kind, I stopped and turned around.

"We can take a break."

They all blew out sighs of relief and sat down, rubbing their feet and backs to relieve their soreness.

I remained standing, listening to the sounds of the forests. I heard rustling and turned to look at the noise.

A golden arrow shot out before I could warn anyone.

I ducked quickly to avoid it.


A gurgling noise came from behind, "Urggg."

As I turned around, my eyes widened in shock as a strange liquid rolled down my comrade's neck and to the floor.

The arrow that I avoided, struck the girl behind me in the neck.

I watched helplessly as she choked on her blood before going limp. Panicking, I ran to her side and tried to pull her up, but she wouldn't remain standing. She wouldn't even wake up no matter how many times I slapped her.


What happened!?

"Finally. This year we get to kill."

I turned around in horror to see three other girls in clothes like mine that I didn't recognize.

Judging by the number on their collars, these are eighth years.

But why did they-

A girl missing an eye raised a short sword, "You all will die before making it back to the temple."

In the blink of an eye, they attacked. 

Some of my comrades were fighting back with knives of their own, but most lacked that ability.

I created a knife and blocked an attack targeting my weaker comrade, but a scream filled the air while my back was turned.

Another comrade fell down and stopped moving.

Intuition told me that I had to stop defending and go on the offensive. As I fought the eighth year, I materialized another knife and used it to defend my comrade who was about to be stabbed.

I struggled to control both knives as I attacked and defended.

This is different from what I did on the rooftop.

As my mind slipped from the distraction, the other attacker managed to avoid my knife and hit the girl I was trying to protect.

Another down.

My knife disappeared as I heaved heavily from the effort.

Another down.

Then another….

And another…


The three girls who were also out of breath stared at me, "You're last."

I have to escape quickly.

Several knives materialized above my head and shot at them, slashing their wrists and rendering them unable to fight any longer.

Watching them crumble and fall, I didn't wait and went to check on my comrades.

I shook them, "Wake up! Why are you sleeping!?!"

Why won't my comrades wake up!?

A girl I slashed laughed forcefully, "Because they are dead you idiot."


I don't…

I don't understand…


I'm scared.

I clenched my jaw and sped off, sprinting toward the temple.

Where is the Priest!?

I huffed as I ran, feeling my eyes sting.

What's going on!?

I don't understand!

Why are they doing this to us?!

Aren't we on the same team!?

Aren't we all supposed to be fighting evil demons together?!

We shouldn't be killing each other!

I stumbled over and root and came crashing down to the ground. For the first time, my body trembled and heaved as a strange liquid poured from my eyes.

Golden tears reflected the sunlight as they splashed onto the earth, enriching it.

Where my tears fell, the grass grew beautifully.

I wiped away the liquid in confusion, "What is this?"

I chose to ignore it and forced myself forward. Too afraid to get caught again, I snuck around the forest. When night came, I didn't dare light a fire in fear of running into more.

I just…

Kept walking.

As the night dragged on, my thin clothes weren't enough to keep me warm. I shivered as my hands and feet grew numb.

I pushed back some bushes and noticed a flicker in the distance.

Did someone else start a fire?

An older girl?

Or my comrade?

I stealthily made my way to the fire, hunkering behind a bush to avoid detection.

It's my comrade.

What a relief-

Before I could go to her, another person appeared with a short sword drawn, "Thanks for the fire, now I don't have to work so hard to find you."

The girl screamed and produced a knife, dodging the attack from the older girl. 

I hesitated in the woods, listening to the forest to make sure it was just us three around.

When I looked back, I was shocked to see my comrade covered in wounds. Although none of them were fatal, they wounded her to the point where she could no longer walk.

Is this girl just playing with her!?

The girl raised her sword, preparing to cut off my comrade's head.

I took a deep breath and threw my newly materialized knife.

I had no time to do to her as I did to the other girls.

My knife passed over the fire, extinguishing it. And before I knew if my knife landed, a scream cried out.


I ignored her and ran over to my comrade and picked her up, "Can you walk?"

The older girl screamed as she rolled on the ground, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

I ignored her, "Are you alright, comrade?"

My comrade was pale as she nodded weakly, "W-What should we do about her? Shouldn't we kill her?"

I shook my head, "No need. She can't hurt us any longer. Now come. Let me help you walk. The temple isn't too far."

"How can you tell?"

"I… I can just feel it."

The girl hummed as I helped her walk, "You are amazing! I can barely make a knife, but you can make so many. Your Holy Power is so strong, I wish I could make as many as you."

I didn't dare smile, "You'll be able to one day."

The girl looked at me and softly called, "Thank you, 6739."

I tried to smile back, but found it made my cheeks ache, "We are almost back to the temple, 6732."

Luckily, we both made it back without incident and were greeted by the priest in charge.

The priest didn't look pleased and frowned, "6739. Why did you find it necessary to help her?"

I blinked back innocently, "Because she is my comrade. We will fight together in the future, why shouldn't I help her?"

He smirked with a knowing grin, "Who will say if you will fight together with her in the future? You will only see a real battle when you turn 12. You two need to make it there first."

I lowered my eyes. 

But I… I don't feel like I'm wrong.


I can't question a priest.

I don't want to be whipped again.

He spoke up, "Go to the dining room and sit."

I obediently followed his orders and sat in the dining room while we waited for the next order. My comrade sat beside me, wrapping her wounds with fabric so they wouldn't bleed on the floor. A few more wounded children came in and filled the room. After the last one, the priest shut the door.

"Congratulations to all those who survived. Now your next test will begin."

My eyes widened in surprise as exquisite food was brought in and placed in front of us. 

What is this?

I've only ever eaten that brown liquid thing.

This looks so different and-

I took a deep breath and felt my mouth water.

It smells so good.

"Go ahead. Eat it all and don't leave a single thing."

After giving the order, we all happily indulged in the meal. Manners were forgotten as our energy had to be replenished from the past challenging days.

I ate alongside them, shoving food into my mouth so I wouldn't get less than my peers.

Seeing 6732 start struggling to hold a fork, I put down my fork. 

I'm full enough anyway.

I raised the fork for her, helping her eat until-




My own chewing slowed as I glanced over at my classmates. Some were vomiting, others were wailing out in agony, and the rest…

Were no longer breathing.

I swallowed my mouthful and turned to my comrade in confusion, "Number 6732, what is wrong with them-"

My voice caught in my throat as I witnessed my comrade seizing up with foam coming out of her mouth. I could only watch with wide eyes as my comrade turned blue and stopped breathing.

A priest spoke, "Let's see… Only seven children survived the initial dose this year? Tsk tsk."

He walked along the survivors with detached eyes as he evaluated them. The priest approached me, "And you? How do you feel?"

"There's a slight tingle in my throat and-" I hummed in shock, my voice sounding foreign to me, "I can't taste anything, but it's starting to go away."

The priest grinned, "Wonderful. That's just one of the side effects of the poison."


He laughed, "You really have the best potential. You should be proud. You're one step closer to becoming Alora."