[77.3] No Words to Use

[Author's note: This part of the chapter is back to Reika's perspective.]

"Momma! Momma! Momma!"

I looked down to see a furball of energy come hopping over to me. His messy black hair bounced up and down as his red eyes sparkled while he stared up at me.

I put the food down on the table, "Good morning Zephyr."

He reached his hands up and started jumping, "Up! Up! Up!"

I chuckled and picked him up. He hugged me tightly as he made joyful noises.

Astra walked out of her room while holding her teddy bear and sucking on her thumb, her eyes still closed from sleepiness. She stumbled over to the table and sat down, her head bouncing up and down as she fought off sleep.

I smiled at her, "Good morning, Astra. Are you sure you're awake?"


"Astra. You don't have to get up just because your brother does."


I reached out to rub the top of her head. Once I felt the silky softness on my fingertips, I felt a content smile cross my face.

So soft!

I can really pet this all day.

And those tiny ears…

So cute!

So furry!

As I gave Astra attention, Zephyr cried out and started slapping my arm in a tantrum, "AHHHHHHH!!!"

I let out a sigh and held his flailing hand, "Zephyr. You're five now. Use your words."


My face twitched, "...Not that word."

He wailed and flailed in my grip before I let him pull my hand to the top of his head.

I rubbed the top of his head as I chuckled, "You twins are so competitive."

The scent of cooking meat suddenly reached my nose and panicked to take it off the stove before Asmonious could smell it. However, because of Zephyr who was still pulling on me and being difficult, I was struggling to do it fast enough.

Asmonious appeared and started serving it without even blinking, "Let me get that for you, Master."

"You don't have to serve breakfast." My eyes anxiously glanced at the small bits of meat on the plate, "I can do it. You don't have to force yourself to be around it."

He smiled at me, "As long as I don't eat it, I'm fine."

I stared at him hesitantly, "Are you sure?"

He turned away to hide his pale expression, "The doctor said to make sure the twins get a proper diet. Wouldn't it be cruel to deny them of that?"

Yes, but usually I feed them meat because you are asleep by now.

…But I can't say that.

I noticed the dark circles under his eyes and pursed my lips. "Go to sleep, you look tired."

He smiled at me, "I'm not tired."


Seeing my look of worry, he smiled sweetly, "Master, even if I'm tired I don't think I could fall asleep right now. Plus, I want to see my siblings before I head to bed."

Maybe this is a good thing?

Maybe it's a sign of growth?

I retracted my hand unwillingly, "Okay… Just don't push yourself too much."

"Mmn. Don't worry, Master." He leaned his head onto my shoulder, "If I'm beside you, I feel rejuvenated."

I laughed, "Such a sweet boy."

Zephyr laughed, slapping his head until Asmonious took him from me. He sat at the table feeding Zephyr while I helped Astra.

As the smell wafted out, Atta rushed back from the training grounds and sat at the table waiting for me. I slid over a dish as if it was natural, "Atta. I told you to bathe before joining our meals."

She blinked back and quickly wrote: 'I forgotted'

I groaned, "It's forgot, not forgotted."

She nodded quickly and started eating, careful to bring it under her scarf so we wouldn't see what was underneath.

Lovi emerged from her dark room, rubbing her eyes. She wore Bale's oversized shirt that was hanging off her shoulder.

I let out another groan, "And Lovi. I told you that you can't keep coming out wearing such light clothes. You're going to get sick."

She plopped down, "...I won't get sick."

Rose came out of Koale's room leading him by the hand and to the table. She started fixing his bed hair as she sang. Koale closed his eyes and nodded his head along with her singing.

I smiled, "Great. Now that everyone is here, I would like to discuss something."

Koale answered innocently, "Not Bale. He stayed the night, but he is climbing the wall to leave now."

Lovi's fork dropped, "STOP TATTLING!"

I glanced at Atta who nodded back at me in understanding. With a snap of my fingers, she had already disappeared and returned dragging Bale back inside the gates. Atta forced him onto his knees beside me then went back to eating her food.

I sat in a gangster CEO pose while I stared down at him, "Bale."

"Please don't kill me!"

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't."

"I just have so much love to give-"

I snapped my fingers causing a bucket of snow to drop onto his head.


"Let me try that again-" I crossed my arms, "NOW that everyone is here, I have something to say."

They all stopped eating and obediently focused their attention on me.

…All except Zephyr who continued to smash his baby food into his mouth.

I maintained a stern look, "From now on, there will be no sharing of rooms between men and women. That means no sneaking in- BALE."

He flinched and nodded while shivering.

I looked at Rose and Koale, "And neither can you."

Rose lowered her head with a pitiful look.

Koale tilted his head and asked curiously, "Why not? What's wrong with it?"

I cleared my throat awkwardly, "Only married couples can share a room."

He looked at me curiously and asked, "Have you ever shared a room with a man without being married?"


How can I admit to being a hypocrite!?

Lovi caught this and slapped the table, "Wait!?! You've shared a premarital room but you're telling us we can't!?!"

I cleared my throat and took a sip of tea, "Do as I say, not as I do."

Her face twitched, "What a load of sh*t!!"

We all froze and looked at Zephyr who turned back to us with an innocent gaze. His jeweled eyes glistened as he swallowed his mouthful of food and smiled, "Sh*t!"

"Ughhh." I leaned forward and slapped my forehead, "Thanks, Lovi. Now he knows another swear word."

She covered her mouth, "...Oops."

Asmonious bent over to Zephyr and wagged his finger, "No, no. That's a bad word, Zephyr."

He grinned larger, "Sh*t f*ck!"


At least I'm not the only one who taught him how to swear.

I waved my hand, "Back to the topic at hand, you're not allowed to share a room. I wouldn't be a good guardian if I let you all do whatever you'd like."

Rose leaned forward to proclaim her innocence, "But Koale and I don't do anything scandalous like Bale and Lovi do!!!"

Lovi glared at her, "Oi."

Zephyr started slapping the table while laughing, "Oi, oi, oi!"

I forced a mouthful of food into his mouth so he would stop chanting. He ate it happily as he watched our conversation like it was an extremely interesting show.

Rose crossed her arms, "It's true. Koale and I have only held hands. Our relationship won't go past that."

Koale blinked in confusion, "There's more to a relationship than holding hands?"

Lovi giggled mischievously, "Yes, there is. In fact-"

She leaned forward to whisper into his ear. I watched as his expression changed to one of confusion, "Huh?? What's se-"

I quickly threw a rag at him to silence him before he could teach Zephyr another bad word.

Zephyr burst out laughing and started clapping his hands.

I cleared my throat, "Okay. That's the end of that conversation."

Koale removed the rag from his face with a huge smile, "Oh! Can we go to the village? I think I can convince the doctor lady to give me permanent ink now!!!"


"Master, Astra face-planted into her food again."

I quickly held her as I cleaned her up, "You can come with me to drop off Bale then."

Bale flinched, "Y-You're dropping me off!?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Do you think I'd kill you in front of my babies?"