[78.1] A House Built for Two

Zephyr pulled his hand to try to free himself from Lovi's grip as he cried, "Nooooooo! I wanna plaaaaay!"

Lovi firmly held his hand and forced a brush into it, "No! You have to do our hair!"

"DON'T WANNA!" Seeing he wasn't strong enough to get out of her grip, he turned to me to cry, "MAAAAMAAAA!"

I ignored his cries as Astra showed me the small pebbles she had collected. I was already exhausted from constantly chasing Zephyr around and making him wear clothes that I calmly replied, "Zephyr. Do their hair already."


Lene used her silky spider-like hair to wrap around his wrists and drag him over. She plopped down with a smug smile, "Be gentle!"

Zephyr grumbled, spewing off swear words he had learned from Lovi and me. However, he stopped fighting and started brushing and styling their long hair. His hands worked quickly and although it was far from the skill he had when I knew him, I had to admit he had talent for it.

He finished, "Ro!"

Rose was next and sat down. She seductively pushed back her hair revealing the shaved head and snake tattoo. In a soft voice, she reminded him, "Just be careful of my new tattoo."

I rolled my eyes.

I still can't believe she had Koale do that tattoo…

Zephyr shook his head mockingly, "Kowe did that a long time ago! It's healed, dummy!!!"

"Zephyr." I stared at him sharply, "Language."

He turned up his nose, "I'm speaking a language, ain't I!"

My eyebrow twitched, "Zephyr. Do you want to go play with Atta?"

He stuck out his tongue and went to work brushing Rose's hair.

Atta was next and started furiously punching the ground making him scream in fear.

"Atta. Stop scaring your brother."

She immediately stopped at my voice.

Astra lightly slapped my legs to get my attention so I went back to applauding her small pebbles, "Wow! That one's cute."

"It's bwue!"


She made a face then pulled out the next, "Gween!"


She really can't say her R's…

Lovi walked over to her and showed her a black stone with runes, "Do you like this rock? I cursed it myself."

Astra pointed at it, "Bwack!"

I corrected her, "Black-" 

When I turned my attention to it, I could see the ominous smoke pouring off it and recognized it immediately.

Isn't that the sealing stone I swallowed!?

I quickly grabbed it and cocked my arm back. With all my strength, and a lot of mana for power, I threw it into the distance without hesitation.

Everyone watched with open mouths as it disappeared into the sky with a twinkle.

I brushed off my hands, "That's that."

Lovi cried out, "MY CURSED ROCK! I made that for Astra!!!"

I gave her a look, "Stop trying to give your sister cursed objects."

She crossed her arms with a pout, "But I worked hard on it…"

Zephyr put down the brush, "Finished! Can I play now?!"

I waved him off, "Atta. Zephyr still has energy. Play chase with him."

His face turned pale, "NOOOOOOOO!!!! I don't wanna play chase!!!"

Atta jumped up with a monstrous look in her eyes.

Zephyr let out a high-pitched scream and started to run away from her as if honestly afraid of what she would do if she caught him.

I laughed as I turned back to Astra and started playing with her hair, "Hmmm. I remember you having a streak of silver in your hair. Did you get it as you aged?"

She tilted her head curiously.

I pinched her nose playfully, "What other treasures did you find?"

She grinned and went back to showing off her new collection.

After a while, Asmonious stepped into the courtyard beaming with joy. He walked over to me, "...Master."

I smiled back at him, "Is it ready?"

He nodded happily.

I stood up and clapped my hands, "Okay everyone! Road trip."

Koale rushed over to me, "What's a road trip?"

I picked up Astra who refused to let go of me, "I'm going to take everyone somewhere new today. This time, everyone must go… Even you, Rose."

She flinched and looked at me anxiously.

I nodded at her to reassure her, "We won't run into anyone, I promise."

Koale excitedly grabbed her hand, "I will protect you, Rose! So don't be afraid!!!"

She looked at his innocent expression and felt her heart soften. If anything, she would have to protect him.

Rose let out a soft laugh and squeezed his hand, "Okay. I'm going to count on you."

Seeing that everyone was ready, I pulled on Asmonious, "Will you keep an eye on Zephyr for me? He might try to run."

He nodded with an obedient smile, "Of course, Master."

"Atta. You're in charge of Lene."

Atta saluted me.

I summoned my ice chunk, "Okay all aboard!"

Zephyr immediately tried to sprint off, but Asmonious caught him. He burst into tears, "I DON'T WANNA RIDE! IT'S SCAWY!"

Astra climbed up and snickered, "Baby."

He glared at her, "NOT A BABY!"

I scratched his head with a chuckle, "That's right. You are the great demon Zephyr, right?"

He puffed out his chest, "That's right! I'm the grweat demon that brings fwear into everyone's heawrt!"

I had to clutch my heart after hearing his adorable speech impediment.

Astra clicked her tongue, "You're not a great demon! You're just a baby who cries over everything!"

"AM NOT!" His eyes teared up as he stomped his foot, "I'm a grweat demon!"

I rubbed his head, "That's right. You are."

Asmonious smiled at him, "And great demons can ride a measly ice chunk, right?"

He looked at it fearfully, "Y-Yes…"

I laughed and held my arms out, "Would it feel better if I held you?"

He ran into my arms and buried his face, "I-I'm not scawred!"

"I know."

Astra puffed out her cheeks as she pouted, "I want to be held too…"

Asmonious laughed and held out his arms, "Come here, sleepy one."

Her face lit up and she ran into his arms with a large smile. Seeing that everyone was now on and ready, I took us in the direction of the ocean, much to the confusion of everyone on board. However, Asmonious and I both wore a knowing smile.

As we got over the last hill, the ocean came into view. Everyone was in awe at the beautiful landscape, but it was only when we got closer, did everyone realized why we traveled there. In front of a homemade cabin, Bale was on his knees, holding out a ring as his tail swished behind him from anxiety and excitement.

Lovi stiffened up in surprise and looked at me for an explanation.

I mustered up a smile and landed the ice chunk, "I think he has something to ask."

We all got off of the ice chunk and Lovi went over to him, fumbling with her hands.

Bale cleared his throat and held out the ring, his voice trembling as he spoke, "L-Lovi. I-I built you a house. I-I made you this ring."

Lovi looked back at me in surprise, and I nodded with a soft smile.

Tears came to my eyes as I watched him take her hand, "From the moment I met you, I knew you were the only one I would ever want to spend the rest of my time with. Whether that time is long or short, it will last forever to me."

Her cheeks flushed.

"So…" His eyes drifted up to her, "Will you marry me?"

Her cheeks flushed a darker hue of red as she silently nodded. 

Bale's expression lit up and he jumped up, picking her up and twirling her around.

Seeing her agree, I raised my hand and released an explosion of mana into the sky.

The children all stopped to watch, their mouths wide as the sky lit up in bursts. Asmonious looked at me, "What are those, Master?"

"Fireworks." I proudly puffed out my chest, "Cool, isn't it?"

Zephyr laughed happily, clapping his hands as his eyes reflected the scattering lights.

As everyone watched the fireworks, Lovi glanced at Bale and asked in a small voice, "But why the ocean?"

"You said my dream was to retire here, so I thought you'd like it." He scratched the back of his head, "Plus, there's a lot of blackbirds here."

Lovi looked around, her eyes wide as she saw all of the nests of birds in the trees. The birds didn't care about their presence, accepting it as if they were one of them. Bird chirped gleefully and flew off the top of her head to communicate with the other birds.

As the birds all flew around in the air happily, Lovi felt tears surface in her eyes. She jumped forward to embrace Bale, kissing him on the cheek before cuddling into his neck, "Bale… I love you."

His eyes widened slightly and he quickly hugged her back, "Lovi. I'm so happy I decided to go to the Macrabre forest and was able to meet you."

Watching them embrace, I felt my eyes stinging.

They look so cute together.

I'm so happy for them…


I also feel a bit jealous.

I lowered my eyes somberly.

Why did I take advantage of Cyrus always being by my side?

Why didn't I appreciate his presence more?

I should have…

I should have treasured him more.

Astra tugged on my skirt to get my attention. Looking down at her, I saw her jewel-like eyes staring up at me. Her mouth spread into a wide grin, revealing her missing front teeth.

That's right.

I can still see him.

Now that the children are older, maybe they can figure out a way to let me meet him again.

I need to apologize to him for pushing him away.

I hope he will forgive me…

I reached out and rubbed the top of Astra's head, "Come on. Let's leave the two lovebirds to get settled into their new house."

"Master." Lovi turned to me and ran at me, embracing me so hard I nearly fell over. She hugged me tightly, "I can't thank you enough."

I rubbed her back as I returned her hug, "As long as you live a long and happy life, that will be thanks enough."

She pulled away to smile at me with a soft expression, "If it wasn't for you, I would have been dead years ago… Thank you for giving me a chance at a future I never thought possible."

I reached out to brush the hair out of her face. Instead of flinching away, she smiled sweetly. She was no longer ashamed of her scarred face.

"You'll always be welcomed on the mountain. If you ever want to visit, or-" I glanced at Bale to shoot him a warning, "-or if you need me to beat someone up, just know I will always be here for you."

"Thank you, Master."

After making sure the protective barrier was working, I left their new home with the rest of the children on my ice chunk.

I may not know the fate of Lovi, but this barrier should at least keep her safe. As for Koale, I just need to keep an eye on him.

After arriving back at the courtyard, Asmonious sleepily picked up Lene and started carrying her off to bed. He let out a yawn, "Time to sleep, Lene."

She mumbled, falling asleep as she felt the sun return to the sky.

After the two went to bed, I bent down to look at Zephyr and Astra, "I have something I want to try with you two."