[78.2] The Pup and the Fearsome Goddess

[Author's note: This part of the chapter is from no one's perspective.]

In a stone room's cold, dark, dampness, a small boy stood shaking in an open doorway.

A gorgeous man with reddish-blonde hair knelt beside the boy, smiling sweetly.

"Darling pup. This is your new home. You like it, right?"

The boy trembled, his eyes stuck on the man who looked so kind and angelic, yet experience taught him otherwise.

The man confidently led him over to a table and sat down. He patted his lap so the boy would know to sit on top of it.

Without even asking, two priestesses entered the room and placed a plate of food in front of him.

At the sight of the nice meal, the boy started drooling.

The angelic man smiled ear to ear, almost as if sneering. He motioned to the boy, "Go on. It's yours. You must be hungry after the journey to get here."

The boy reached for the food, but his hands were grabbed.

The angelic man reminded in a sweet tone, "Use utensils. Do you know how?"

He shook his head, his pupils reflecting his fear at angering the handsome man.

"Let me teach you then." He took the boy's hands and showed him by wrapping his fingers around his, "Like this."

The boy nodded and slowly started eating. After the delicious taste hit his tongue, he forgot all of his fears and started shoving his face full of the food.

Seeing him eat wholeheartedly, Orphelio wrapped his arms around the skeleton of the boy and hugged him. He leaned forward and buried his face in the boy's hair. He took a deep breath, "Mmmmm. You smell so much better after a bath."

The boy finished gulping down his meal and then turned to look at the man who was hugging him. Confusion spread over his face as he tried to figure out if the man smiling at him was actually the one who had slaughtered his entire pack and made him watch, or if he was actually an angel sent to love and cherish him.

Orphelio blotted the pup's mouth with a cloth, "Darling pup. We are going to have so much fun."

The boy squeaked, "Fun?"

He stood up while holding him, "Yes. A lot of fun. Do you want to have fun?"

He nodded with a timid smile.

…Soon, the pup discovered that Orphelio's version of fun differed from his.

Orphelio took his hand, leading him out of the basement of his new home and outside, "Come on. Today I'm going to take you on an adventure."

The pup looked up at him curious, "An adventure?"

He gave him a wink, "My lovely Holy Goddess wants to meet with me. She has a mission for us."

The pup gave a nod and was picked up by Orphelio and carried off to a carriage. The Leading Priestess glanced at his horns, "Should we hide those, my Lord?"

He ran his hands through the pup's hair, "No need. He's with me. No one would dare say anything."

After they started moving, the boy looked out of the window. His eyes innocently reflected the changing scenery. They arrived at a large gate where the carriage paused. Orphelio glanced at the pup, "Do you know this place?"

The pup shook his head.

"This place is the favorite city of the Holy Goddess. She loved the location so much, she built a fortress and made it her home. She only allows in those she trusts, and that is very few in number." He smiled, his eyes shimmering, "In fact, I'm the only one allowed to enter and leave whenever I want."

Seeing the carriage approaching, the gate opened up as if they already knew who was inside. Once the carriage stopped, the door opened and Orphelio carried the boy out. The two walked hand in hand towards the large palace.

Orphelio explained, "This stronghold can be seen from far away which shows just how fearsome and influential our Holy Goddess is. Because of her power, no demon would ever dare set foot here."

The pup looked up at him in confusion, "Am I not a demon?"

Orphelio laughed, "No. You're my darling pup."

The pup was led inside, through the empty hallways in the large palace. He was surprised to never see another person despite it being such a huge place. They came to a regal lounge room where a woman lay in a seductive pose. Her pure white hair reflected the sunlight coming in as she flipped lazily through a book.

Hearing them enter, her pale blue eyes slowly raised.

The pup found his entire body freezing up as her eyes were upon him. Sweat drenched his back as his instincts warned him that this was his mortal enemy.

She spoke in a sing-songy voice, "So this is your new plaything?"

Orphelio pushed the pup forward with pride, "Isn't he adorable?"

"I really don't understand your tastes." She closed the book and let out a sigh, "All I see when I look at those demon monstrosities is that filthy bastard."

Orphelio pulled on the pup in front of him with a bright grin, "But this is no demon. It's my darling pup."

The pup would have looked up in confusion, but he was too afraid to raise his head.

The woman across from them blinked slowly, "...As long as you're happy."

"Oh, I'm very happy. Do you see this innocent face? Do you see these pure eyes of his?!" He grabbed the boy's face and forced him to look at the woman, "Look how much he trembles!!! It's going to be so fun with him!"

"Hmmmm." She stood up with a stretch, "Do whatever you want. I don't care. But I have a task for you."

"Anything for you, my goddess."

"I got a report of a man claiming to be from another world. He's in a village off the coast."

"Do you know who it is?"

"Nope. So just wipe out the entire village. It's better to be safe than to let him escape."

"And if I find out the identity of the arriver before that?"

"Kill them all anyway. You can't trust people anymore."

"Even better! I love killing!!" He nudged the pup, "Isn't that right?"

Recalling the sight of his wolf pack dying, he trembled uncontrollably until-

Vira turned up her nose, "Your dog peed on my floor."

"Should I have him lick it up, my goddess?"

"Don't even joke about that."

"HAHA! Alright, I won't then. Alora! Canta!"

They both appeared and he pushed the pup over, "Alora, wash him up. Canta, wash the floor. If you don't do it properly, I will cut off your hand. The home of the Holy Goddess is a sacred place."

He didn't get to find out what happened to Canta because he was dragged off by the other priestess to a bath. He let out a frightened cry when she suddenly ripped off the clothes, not even blinking at the sight of the scrawny child attempting to cover himself up. She threw him into the water and washed him quickly and accurately before dragging him back out.

Soon, he was outside in a new pair of clothes waiting for Orphelio to join them. Orphelio walked out, wiping his bloody hands with a cloth, "Are we ready?"

As he took the pup's hand and started leading him to the carriage, the pup's eyes were stuck on the hand still splattered with blood.

On the carriage ride to the village off the coast, Orphelio pulled the pup onto his lap and hugged him tightly. The pup stared ahead, confused by his flippant personality.

One moment, he was hostile and vile.

The next, he was loving and doting.

So which one is the real him?


The pup hesitantly looked at the twisted angelic man who was smiling at him.

It's not like this man ever physically hurt him.

He killed his family, but he also saved his life.

He gave him warm meals and even if it was in a cold basement, he finally had a place to stay.

But why him?

What made him so special?

The boy felt a warm feeling in his chest and spoke hesitantly, "Mister-"

Orphelio quickly stopped him by holding a finger to his mouth, "-I told you to call me Father. I'm your father now."

The pup blushed, "F-Father…"


"Why me?"

"Hah!" Orphelio held his cheeks, "Your persistent innocence is so endearing to me. I've never seen it before… You're truly special."


So he was special!

The pup's eyes fluttered for a moment before he leaned back into the embrace of his father.

However, his contentment didn't last long.