Cycle of Death

"would you believe me if I said your father left the Reed family legacy for you and all of this is now yours?"

Harry didn't know what to say, he was petrified. legacy? me? Reed family?

"Reed family? do you know what you are saying? in all these years this Reed family of yours was nowhere to be found. do you know how much I suffered? do you see these glasses on my face? I have no place to stay and now you are telling me that I have had money all this time? A LEGACY?" Harry couldn't contain his anger anymore and said what came to his mind out of anger and before waiting for the man's answer, he grabbed his necklace and ran out of the room clumsily.

"It doesn't matter if you want these or not, it is yours anyway." the old man shouted so that Harry could hear on his way out.


'that man must have hit his head somewhere or he has become crazy of old age. how the hell is it even possible?' Harry got out of the elevator and was walking out of the building when he only heard a bang and suddenly everything went black.


Harry couldn't see anything and he felt that somehow his consciousness had been ripped apart, his memories fading slowly and he couldn't feel anything. he tried to move but he couldn't. he tried to feel the warmth or the cold or anything that would remind him of his body but he couldn't. Harry couldn't even feel the flow of time and as he was thinking in that little bit of consciousness he had, he saw a light. that light was like a button but he could feel a force taking him in the light and it got bigger and bigger.

the next moment when he opened his eyes he saw the sky. it was beautiful and perfect. the last time he saw the sky like this was before the accident that took his eyes. slowly he tried to stand and move his body but he felt pain all over. a pain more powerful than what he had felt so far, even his brain hurt. he looked around.

the soil he was standing on was red and it stretched as far as his eyes could see. he saw many dead bodies around him but the most shocking thing was that they were not human. the dead bodies looked like aliens. egg-like head, three fingers, and blue skin. they were wearing some kind of armor that looked to be made out of gold. among these dead bodies, some animal corpses could be seen too they were strange and he had not seen anything like them in his entire life.

'where the hell am I?' Harry thought and looked at his own body. 'oh damn what the hell am I ? '

he had three fingers, bulky muscles on his arms and he could see his skin was blue. but the most surprising thing out of all was the wound on his stomach. it was a punch-size wound that had pierced his abdomen completely and one could see the other side of the wound. the most magical thing was that the wound was closing itself at an alarming speed.

'maybe I'm dreaming. yeah, that should be it but how the hell can I feel pain?'

he turned around and decided to walk and search for anything that could help him understand where he was. he searched the dead bodies but found nothing. he then walked out of the battlefield and ran into the woods behind him.

'Wow, I can run super-fast.' as he was running he felt the air hit him in the face and felt the speed.

as he was running he somehow heard water splashes and decided to go there. it didn't take him long to reach the sound. when he arrived he saw a beautiful waterfall. he went closer to the water and looked at himself. egg-like head without any hair. golden eyes and a flat nose that looked like a movie character he remembered on earth. a small mouth but he could see two small and pretty tusks beside his mouth. he looked very different from the rest of the bodies he had seen so far.

Harry said "how strange yet familiar" but the sound that came out of its mouth wasn't like any sound he had heard before. a squeaking sound and a different language of course. how it all happen, Harry did not know at all.

suddenly he heard some footsteps and turned around but he only saw an arrow and died on the spot, again.


Harry found himself in that familiar dark space where he couldn't feel anything again.

'now I somehow understand, I had died for the second time. why is this happening? even I cant rest in the afterlife huh?' Harry thought with that little consciousness he had.

again, a light appeared and sucked Harry in. when he opened his eyes he saw another scene in front of him. he was locked in a dungeon. a dark and cold dungeon where screaming sounds were echoing through all cells in the building and those sounds gave him goosebumps. he looked at his own body and saw many differences. he now had pale skin and his hand looked like a human at least but instead of feet, he had hooves. the most shameful thing about him was that he was naked. it looked like this time he was a man and a real man at that. soon he heard some footsteps and a beautiful woman came into his view. she had red eyes, pointy ears, and a tail!

she opened the door and walked toward Harry with a red dagger in her hand. Harry got terrified and started shouting at the woman because she had a devilish smile on her face. this time harry had a normal voice but his language was different. he didn't know how he could talk in that language but he tried to say that he wasn't that person and he had been from another world but that woman only looked at him and slowly licked his dagger and the next second Harry felt a sting on where his neck should be. he felt a hot liquid running down his skin and slowly everything turned dark again.


'uh, how many times should I die, damn it. if I am dead and my soul tries to find a host then be it. I wish to be reborn as a baby so I can live the life I never had' Harry didn't have any feeling in this space but he remembered how hard his life was so at least he tried to make a wish to the gods so they can at least give it a good life.

[your wish has been granted, Harry Reed from Earth-243]

[live your life to the fullest]

suddenly he saw that light again but it was brighter than it had been in the past then that suction feeling appeared again. this time he decided to open his eyes slowly and saw, a woman?

"thank Lucas the Great, it's a Girl. she is alive and healthy. may the Gods keep her safe, my majesty." the woman laughed and said.

'damn, now I am a girl?' Harry thought