
"thank Lucas the Great, it's a Girl. she is alive and healthy. may the Gods keep her safe, my majesty." the woman laughed and said.

'oh fuck, now I am a girl?' Harry thought.

the woman looked to be in her thirties and she had dressed as a maid but now her outfit and hands were bloody. she looked like those grannies that would feed you to death, meaning she was kind and nice. she was shouting and celebrating while looking at some people. because of Harry's limited vision, he couldn't see them. he didn't know how but he could understand what they were saying. suddenly a woman's voice came from his back.

"why...why isn't she saying anything? don't tell me...she..she?" the woman sounded terrified and sad. suddenly the maid looked at Harry and murmured "she..is fine. wait a moment." then she turned Harry around and spanked her butt.

cry' cry'

'Why did you hit me, you, psycho maid?' Harry wanted to curse and say something to that woman but all he could do was cry.

"you see my Queen, she is completely healthy. she is going to be a beauty queen like you." the maid smiled back at the woman that Harry could see now because the maid had turned him around. he was mesmerized by her beauty. she looked like an angel out of a fairy tale. he wasn't crying now and was only looking at the woman in front of him.

"it looks like he knows who her mother is, my majesty," the maid said and walked toward the woman and passed the petrified Harry to her.

"give me my beautiful girl. come here my angel" the woman said and opened her arms to embrace her newly born child. she hugged Harry and touched Harry's nose with her own and smiled. she then opened her dress and put her breast on Harry's mouth.

"huh...no..no. I'm, not a pervert. take that thing away from me." although Harry said that, his body automatically grabbed it and slowly started sucking on it.

"why...why my body doesn't listen to me. it wasn't what I wished from you, you damn god...wow I was hungry and how strangely this tastes like the most delicious thing I have ever tasted." Harry thought.

"drink, my beautiful princess. from now on you should be called Seren Westwood."

Harry didn't know now but his destiny changed when he got a new name. a name that would shake the whole universe and make fear in those gods' hearts that granted his wish.

(from now on Harry becomes a 'she' and his name will change to Seren)


a month had passed since Seren had been born. she only played and drank milk thrice a day in this one month. she also learned many things about this world, her family, and her situation. this world was called Artusa. it was a world where magic was real and God lived among men, dragons existed and instead of animals, magical beasts roamed the jungle. Humans were not the only species, many other known and unknown specious lived out there and in this month Seren only saw elves. her mother called magic Aether and Nether so Seren believed that it was magic that she used all the time. although Aether and Nether were real, not all people could use them, and even if they could, they wouldn't be able to split skies or challenge the Gods. only those that were talented and had a matched body with Aether or Nether could become someone who could surpass even the gods. men and women all shared the same position in the society of this world and all races lived peacefully alongside each other and it was only because of people like Seren's father.

her mother often told her the tale of her father's adventures. he was a great man that could use both Aether and Nether, and those who could use both could be counted with fingers of one hand. Lord Axel was a man of honor, loyalty, and someone who even challenged a god because of his family.

a war happened two years ago between Gods and other specious and these five people that could use both Aether and Nether gathered an army and fought against them. they won but none of those five people came back. they send the responsible gods for this war to a place called Void so that they could never come back. After that peace came back to Artusa and people, beasts and other gods lived alongside each other.

you might ask how Seren got born a month ago but her father died two years ago? around a year ago Axel came back home. he was bloody and tired but he only wanted to see his wife. he always said that his wife was his most precious treasure and he would protect her with her life. he showered, ate a delicious meal, and told his wife that he was gonna die because it was the only way to stop those fallen gods. he said that he came back to see her for the last time and give her a part of himself. Seren's mother was so mad when she heard that and gave Axel a great beating.

tomorrow morning he teleported back to war. a week after that Seren's mother, Nadia, found herself pregnant. she was happy but sad at the same time. two months passed and Nadia heard that the war had been finished and those gods were now in a place called Void. she waited and waited but nobody said anything about his husband. Nadia was sad and wanted to cry, she also thought about killing herself so she could join his husband in eternity but she had a task. she needed to raise her one and only child, Axel's gift, to be remembered by the world.

Axel, the great mage. Roa, the weapon master. Nix, the Dark elf. Lion, the great martial artist. and lastly Havard, the scholar. these five great people lost their lives so that others could live in peace. in their memory, people made statues of them all over the world so history could remember who had saved it.

Seren lived in a castle in the north. although it was north, it wasn't cold or snowy all the time. it had four seasons and every season was more beautiful than the other. it was spring now and Seren would sometimes enjoy sunbathing while Marie, the boss maid as Seren called her in her mind, would go out to do outdoor chores. her mother attended many meetings and other stuff but she always made time to hang out with Seren.

sometimes Nadia talked about magic and the things that one could do with it and Seren would always listen to it as her life depended on it. Aether was the positive antimatter and Nether was negative. it was impossible to have both forces in a single place or body but sometimes nature liked to play with its own rules and her father was one of those. Nadia believed that Seren could also use both because Nadia was a great Aether magician and that was why she taught her the instruction of both Aether and Nether. although she knew Seren would not remember any of these, she did that to honor the memories of her husband in her heart.

Seren, on the other hand, learned many things and besides Aether and Nether, she could also use another 'magic'. two days ago, when she was playing with a fluffy doll she tried to move herself using magic. although her mother had thought her the instruction, she had the old concept of magic from Earth. one could do anything that one imagined with magic. growing plants, Sure. flying, why not? teleportation? of course. immortality? can you even call yourself a mage when you are not immortal? having these thoughts, Seren imagined herself flying so that she can move freely but it didn't happen as she expected it.

"oh it seems I'm wrong but let me try again." with another try she floated for two seconds and then got down. it wasn't flying as Seren thought at first, it was telekinesis. she wanted to try again but she was so tired that she slept on the spot that she had fallen.

the next day, she tried to use small things like small stones, woods, her dolls, and other stuff. she succeeded and it was her first step in becoming a magician.