Growing Up

"what do you by my destiny?" Seren knew that she had nowhere and didn't know to stop them. she was just trying to lessen her punishment, as she thought.

"there was a prophecy that we uncovered it. it said that a foreign soul will appear and if it walks the path of normal people, it would change the destiny of the universe but if it walked the path of power and lust, it would devour the universe in itself. and we think that soul might be you because those before you couldn't use godly powers." The sisters explained.

"What are these godly powers you speak of? Isn't it normal magic? I just did what had been written in my world books and it was easy. I mean I can teach you if you want." Seren offered and tried to somehow bribe the sisters.

"We stand at the pinnacle of magic. don't try to bribe us with something like that." the sisters chuckled and replied.

"you mean that I can bribe you with something else? so tell me what do you need?" Seren didn't back off and shamelessly repeat.

Seren was sure that every existence in every universe has a price, you should just find the right one. she was laughing in her mind but she didn't know that it had backfired in her face instead.

suddenly lightning hit her body out of nowhere and she got electrified. even though she had no real body and was in another form, she still felt every bit of that electricity running in her body. 'I deserved that' Seren thought because not everyone has the same way of bribing.

"your soul and power will be partly sealed for nineteen years. in these years you will live like a normal girl. you will learn the way of our world, you will learn about its secrets and when the time comes you should get powerful and guide us to a better universe. in these nineteen years, we will do everything in our power to keep you safe." the sisters moved their hands in the air and created a circle in front of them and their hands started glowing.

"what do you mean by partly sealed? I didn't agree..." Seren wanted to stop them but how could he do that?

"remember...if you see a symbol of an eye with a drop of tear under it, Run and never look back."


Nadia and Marie were waiting beside Seren when the two sisters opened their eyes and the golden aura of Seren went away. "What happened? Was it successful?" Nadia was very worried and didn't know any other way besides these half-gods and she had to trust them.

"Yes, our majesty. everything is perfect and our princess is healthy and in perfect condition of both body and mind." The sisters replied.

"so what from now on? what should I do? Can Seren live like a normal human?"

"on the first second of her 19th birthday, the seal will vanish and she will inherit every little information about godly powers. until that time, protect her and teach her the way of us humans but you should never teach her any magic or the seal will kill her."


days turned to months, months turned to years. Seren slowly grew up. her soul was sealed. although she could hear and feel everything around her, she couldn't control her body completely. it felt like someone else was in control instead of herself. at first, it was frustrating but then she adapted to the things. the first five years were boring, as she thought, but it turned at for a magician it was the most valuable part.

Nadia stopped talking about magic like it didn't exist and ordered everyone that Seren saw to act the same way but instead of teaching her magic Nadia always trained Seren's Body with her magic so that she can have a great start when she started learning magic for real. Seren saw this and felt warm and promised herself to hug this woman that she cared about now. Nadia made sure to not touch the seal when she trained Seren's body.

Nadia started doing this when Seren was only 3 years old. at first, she would inject a selected element and use only that element to train Seren's body. she would hold Seren's hand and inject that said element in her body and using her magic she would control the element to make a big circle all around Seren's body. it was taxing even for someone like Nadia who was a great Aether mage. for Nether magic, Marie would do the same thing but with negative elements like death and poison.

Seren grew up and was now 7 years old. it was time for her to go to school, at least Seren thought. instead of going to school, the Queen had all the teachers that her daughter need to teach her everything. from history to physician and languages, anything except magic. although she understood the concept of Aether and Nether, she didn't learn how to use them or even sence them.

Aether, the positive energy, used to exist in a fabric of the world that wasn't visible to the eyes but could affect the lives of that said universe. there were parts of the universe that this fabric of space was larger and bigger but at someplace of the universe, there were places where it was so hard to even feel that fabric of space. Nether, on the other hand, was the negative energy. although they existed in the same fabric of space, they never really got close because if they did, that part of space would blow up. there were places in the universe that this thing happened like black holes and white holes. Seren also learned six languages and although she thought that they were useless, she believed that maybe someday this useless information would come in handy in dire situations so she never slacked off.

although Seren was a girl now, she didn't know how to act or live like one. she had long forgotten about how he felt like a man and as her body grew she was worried about a big and bad thing that would happen to any girl in any universe, the Period. Seren thought that like Earth, girls would hit puberty at age 9 but it wasn't like that in Artusa. girls hit puberty at age 11 in artist and the period happened at that age. although as a man she was scared of it after 11 years of living as a girl, talking and feeling like a girl, she wasn't so scared. although she felt the mood swings and the pain and all, she learned how to handle it like a strong girl.

she also trained her body as hard as she could from 12. at first, Marie thought her how to fight and that was the best thing that Seren felt in all of her life. slowly she learned every weapon out there, from daggers to spears and even some strange weapons. when she was 17, Marie said that she had learned enough and she needs to choose a weapon and master it over time. Seren argued that her mother wouldn't even let her go outside of the castle and many other things in hope of Marie teaching her more but the next thing Marie said surprised her. "Let's go train with the boys then. this body of yours is a bit hard to hide but it is possible for an hour or two."

from that day onward every weekend Seren dressed like a boy and with a pill that Marie gave her, she would turn to a boy for two hours at most. although not completely, her breast would get smaller than she bandaged for more safety and her face would get manlier but nothing more than that. she was still smaller than men and thinner than them too but it didn't mean that she would lose. she made a name for herself in a year and had only lost one time in all this

she was now 18 and 1 1 month old, a girl with a breathtaking face and a body that looked to be sculptured by the god himself. an hourglass body shape, long and slender legs that followed them. at first, Seren was shy to wear dresses that showed her body because she thought that maybe boys and men would look at her weirdly but as her body grew, she understood that the fashion and culture of this world were like this and she had no way to solve it she just went with it.

Seren was sitting on her balcony and drinking tea while thinking about the seal and the warning that the sisters gave her when her mother sat beside her.

"We need to talk about something. your birthday is near and I need to tell you something." Nadia said while looking like a serious queen and not a mother.