Birthday Present

Seren was sitting on her balcony and drinking tea while thinking about the seal and the warning that the sisters gave her when her mother sat beside her. "we need to talk about something. your birthday is near and I need to tell you something." Nadia said while looking like a serious queen and not a mother.

'oh, it's finally the time of my 19th birthday and I can finally go out and search this world.' Seren thought with herself.

"when you were only 2 months old, you were so beautiful" Nadia couldn't continue and just looked at Seren with a big sorry in her eyes.

"AND?..." Seren asked and was ready for her mother to just spill the beans.

in all these years, Seren considered Nadia and Marie more than a family. Nadia was like a mother, a friend, a father, and mostly good support for her. Marie, on the other hand, was like her partner in crime. although she stopped Seren from not doing reckless things, she would sometimes suggest something that was even below Seren's mind, like the training with the soldiers.

"I am sorry. I did something horrible and I will never forgive myself for that." Nadia couldn't hold back her tears and started crying in front of Seren. she hold her head down and hid her face with her hands.

"Mom...Mom...look at me. you did nothing right ok? It was alright. I know you had to accept the sister's offer for my safety." Seren couldn't see her only mother and her only world crying in front of her and just said those to make her mother calm a little. Nadia was crying and sobbing but after she heard that, everything turned silent.

"How do you know about the sisters?" Nadia got shocked to the bone after realizing what Seren said and there was only one question in her mind ' How does she know? '

"oh damn it. Look mom I know that magic is real and the sisters of something sealed the magic in my body so I won't hurt myself while practicing. right and after around 20 I think, I will be free." Seren didn't know what to say but she never lied to her mother in all of these years and she didn't lie now.

"so you knew, but that is not the complete story. look at me my child" Nadia hold Seren's head with her hands and looked at her eyes. "our world is not what you have been thought these years. out there, there are gods, elves, demons, and many other specious that we never wanted you to learn. because knowing that they existed, you would have thought that something like magic was real."

" your Father was a man of power, he could split skies and do many awesome things. the gods saw your father and got scared and jealous so they started a war. your father and his group won and brought peace to all Artusa but non of his group including himself came back. the gods are now prisoned in a space called void but their children and heir are still alive."

"They are very powerful and use a different kind of magic that can cancel our kind of magic. we call it 'Godly power' and my child, since birth you could use godly powers too and that was why I called the sisters of fate to seal your body and memory but it seems even they have failed somehow"

'pft...they have not failed mother, I was only a little bit strong hehe.' Seren laughed in her mind while listening to her mother. although she had learned everything she could and she thought that she was now a knowledgeable person, she was wrong because what she had learned was only the way of living in this world.

"you might ask why did they seal your power...that is because if you used your power, every species and even gods would feel your magic and could find you easily. I only did that because I had to, I had to protect you" Tears fell from Nadia's eyes like a waterfall and she started crying again.

"look, Mom, I'm not sad and I'm not angry. I know that you had to protect me. it's okay." Seren once again tried to comfort her mother. although around 19 years has passed, Nadia and Marie looked the same. those who practiced magic nowadays lived more than half a millennium so it was only normal for her mother and Marie to not change at all.

Nadia was still crying in her daughter's embrace "Mom. if you want me to forgive you, just teach me magic and this time do it as you mean it. it is super easy so don't cry." Seren knew that it was the right time to ask for it because the iron was hot and she needed to hammer it as hard and as fast as she could.

"you cannot learn magic until you are nineteen. what are you saying?" Nadia asked while sobbing.

"of course, it is only around 5-4 months till my birthday so till that time, I can start reading books," Seren suggested. she thought that like the other knowledge, magic was the same but she was wrong. only some universities had access to knowledge about magic.

"you fool girl, you cant learn magic without going to university. even I as a queen wouldn't be able to buy you techniques.

Seren suddenly had an Idea. what if she could go to university? she could see others and talk to others too. it would be a lot of fun. in her last life on earth, she couldn't enjoy university life because of her problem, and even now with godly powers, she wouldn't stop enjoying this part of her life.

"Do you mean that I can go to university? that is hella awesome. Thanks for this amazing birthday present. mutual" Seren laughed and kissed her mother. in all these years, Seren learned the way of being a girl and how to ask something like a girl so she shamelessly fooled her mother so she can get out of the palace.

"I mean...N...Yes of course. how can I say no to my one and only princess." Nadia wanted to reject her because she thought that it was dangerous but then she remembered that in all these years, Seren never asked for a present even once. she was always running from her birthday till now.

"I mean in these five months, I can get ready to go to town and see around the university and familiarize myself with it, right? of course, you would say yes." Seren continued talking and talking and talking. "Oh and I can finally live outside these walls."

"No, absolutely not. you are taking this too far Seren" Nadia stood up and tried to control her daughter's excitement but suddenly she heard about living alone and shouted at Seren.

"Yeah, Yeah Mother. you are a generous queen." and after saying that, she left the room while singing and hopping.

Nadia didn't know what to say and just stood silently while looking at the door that Seren left the room from. suddenly Marie appeared beside Nadia and while she had locked her hands, she said "Kids nowadays, Seren has grown up hehe. we should be careful about the boys if she wants to live alone." and like gas on the fire, Nadia got angry and without paying any attention to Marie, she ran after Seren.

'I had forgotten about the boys, damn it.' Nadia had only one thing in mind while she was running after Seren.

"hehe, Seren is just like Nadia. if only she knew what I and her mother had done when we were young...hoooof...I miss my teenage years." Marie complained while having a small smile on her face.