The Replacement

She stopped a foot away from her and opened her mouth to explain the situation when Ada spoke first, "So you're the replacement?"

Daphne swallowed her words as she blinked a few times in confusion, "Replacement?"

Ada chuckled softly, almost in a mocking manner as she began playing around with a small green grape between her fingers, "You are lucky."

She looked up at her, her eyes traveling up and down Daphne before she ate the grape in her hand, "Ten new girls are sent to The Brothel every month so there are always new and refreshing choices for our customers. However, one of the girls that was originally chosen suddenly disappeared."

Ada scrunched her nose up in annoyance as she spoke, but then she looked up at Daphne, pointing one dainty finger at her, "Consider yourself lucky to be chosen so rashly as a replacement without even an examination. It doesn't happen often."

Ada grinned, running her fingers through her hair now as she looked over at the other girls, who were all changing excitedly. When she looked back at Daphne, she was slightly taken aback by Daphne's expression, which showed no excitement or gratitude like she had expected.

Ada scoffed, leaning forward, "You know that being at the Brothel is a dream for most - all women, right?"

Daphne raised one eyebrow as Ada continued, "You get a chance to meet all the 2's and maybe even a devil if you are lucky."

She smiled crookedly, "Take this opportunity well. . . What are you still standing here for? Hurry and go change now!"

Ada stood up, flipping her hair to the back as she marched off in her heels, out of the room. Daphne stood rooted in place, staring at the bowl of green grapes. This whole time, she did not get to even say one word, but most of her confusions had been cleared.

So that was why she was forced here. . . as a replacement! But she did not even want to be here, where she would have to bend down and serve other mythical and dangerous creatures. Especially a devil. . . Just thinking about one made Daphne shudder in fear.

When she was a child, her father had a book filled with fantasy stories that ranged from fairies to elves to vampires to devils and he would read one to her every night. The devils were ugly, selfish, heartless creatures in his stories, and that idea had been ingrained into Daphne's mind since she was a child.

She would have never thought that in this lifetime, she would actually be able to be in a place where devils existed. This was nonsense! Absolute nonsense! It was a dream. Devils were not real, and so weren't any of the creatures here.

Many of the girls had finished changing and were busy doing their hair by now. Although they could not do anything special with their hair, they still tried to make some tiny changes here and there to stand out and hopefully catch the attention of a vampire or devil.

Daphne was not going to change, and she still stood there, too many thoughts running through her mind that she was beginning to get a headache. Suddenly, the door burst open again as Ada rushed in, swaying her hips left and right as she announced, "Girls, it's your lucky day! A pureblooded vampire is here!"

At once, all nine girls squealed in excitement as many began jumping up and down, trying to suppress their excitement. However, seven of them had their excitement shattered into pieces when Ada pointed at three girls and said, "You three come with me."

She had pointed at Daphne.

The seven girls that had not gotten picked immediately began moaning in frustration, and this annoyed Ada, "What are you girls moaning for?! It's not like you won't have the opportunity later. Now shut up and come with me!"

She turned around but froze when she saw Daphne, who was still wearing the same outfit as earlier, "Why haven't you changed yet?! Hurry up!"

Ada's lips twitched when Daphne still didn't move, and she turned to look at another worker in the room, pointing her head towards the rack of clothes. The workers walked over quickly, grabbing onto Daphne's arms and beginning to push her towards the rack of clothes.

"What are you doing?!" Daphne screamed, flinging her arms around but not working, "Let go of me!"

She did not want to go serve a vampire, pureblooded or not?! No, she was definitely not going to do that! However, Ada and the other workers in the Brothel had different plans.

One of them let go of her and grabbed onto a dress while the other one began forcefully trying to take Daphne's clothes off.

Daphne tried to escape, wondering how it was possible the woman holding onto her was this strong. Her clothes torn and realizing that there was no way she could escape, she immediately stopped, "I'll do it myself!"

The woman finally stopped, turning to look at Ada, who nodded her head, before letting go of Daphne. Daphne scanned the room furiously, noticing how all the girls were glaring at her with disgusted and annoyed expressions.

She gulped before quickly removing her garments, hiding behind the folding screen so they wouldn't all see her naked. She reached for the dress, which was a blend of red, pink, green, and white colors, the majority of the dress red.

It was composed of two parts, an inner sleeveless dress and an outer long cardigan, that seemed to be made out of mesh as they were slightly see through, although they were long sleeves.

The dress itself was very long, reaching the toes. However, the chestline was very low and tight, and the lower portion of the dress had a cut in it that revealed the legs whenever the wearer moved. The cardigan was also not helpful, as it was very loose and would easily slide off the shoulders.

Daphne looked down at her new outfit in disgust, pulling the cardigan tightly across her chest and stomach before stepping out of the folding screen.

The two other girls looked at her impatiently, but they could not hide the hint of surprise on their faces when they saw how beautiful Daphne's figure was in the revealing outfit.

Her pale skin also seemed to glow, especially under the red color. Her long and skinny legs were also particularly eye catching, probably even more so to men. The annoyance and impatience soon turned to sour jealousy as the two girls crossed their arms together, pushing down the chestline of the dress a little further.

"Hurry up and come with me!" Ada did not show any emotion as she whirled around, walking out of the room with the other two girls sashaying closely behind her.

Daphne did not want to move, but knowing she had no other choice, she grudgingly followed the three women out of the changing room and into the lively first floor, where groups of people sat at the tables, chattering and laughing about unknown topics.

Ada led the three of them up the flight of stairs at the front of the room, and Daphne lifted her dress up as she walked slowly, keeping a distance away from the two girls in front.

Her eyes scanned the room, noticing several maids, or female workers, carrying food and wine around, all with glistening smiles on their faces. Then, there were the customers sitting at the tables on the first floor. Looking at them from afar, they all seemed quite normal, although a few of them had weird features - colored scales like Maryanne, pointy and large ears, and even wings.

Ada made a left turn at the top of the stairs, and they continued up to the second floor, where there was merely a hallway filled with doors and a railing to the side. However, they did not go to the doors. Instead, they turned right and entered another area of the Brothel, where there were fewer rooms and a more quiet atmosphere.

They reached the third room and Ada stopped, turning around to look at them, "The pure blooded vampire inside is the young master of the Foster family."

The two girls in front gasped as they exchanged excited looks at each other, but Daphne had no clue who or what the Foster family was.

Ada did not seem very pleased at their reaction as she continued, "Two girls are inside already, so just join them quickly. Remember the rules. Do and follow whatever the customer wants."

Then, Ada pushed the wooden red door open, creating a faint creaking sound as she stepped in, a wide smile immediately appearing on her face, "Master Ramon, I brought three more girls over for you!"

The two girls followed Ada and Daphne did as well, gulping as she looked down at the floor, afraid to look around the room. It was a vampire! She was afraid her heart would jump out of her chest from beating too fast, or that the vampire would hear her running heart.

Can vampires eat humans' hearts? Daphne shook her head, as the thought of it only made her more light headed.

"Good," Daphne heard a deep voice say faintly, only loud enough to hear. Hearing this, Ada walked out of the room, closing the door behind her and leaving them inside with the vampire and two other girls.

Daphne's curiosity overtook her and she couldn't help but sneak a peek up at what was happening. At the other end of the room, there was a bed, but no one was on it. . . yet.

In front of it, there was what seemed to be a large sofa chair, and the man sat on it, his legs stretched out on the chair and his back leaning against the other side. On either side of the chair, one woman sat very close to him, feeding him food or complimenting him.

The man was very tall, which could be seen from his incredibly long and slim legs. Daphne's eyes moved up, and she immediately regretted it from what she saw.