The Vampire's Touch

Daphne's eyes moved up, and she immediately regretted it from what she saw.

He had red eyes! Red eyes!

Daphne's blue eyes widened as she tried to draw her attention away from those eyes, but it was hard. She noticed his other features, including his ink black hair, tall and pointed nose, and thin lips, which he slowly opened to eat a strawberry.

His teeth were straight and Daphne did not notice any fangs, which slowed down her beating heart only a little bit. But those red eyes. . . His eyes were half closed, and he would fully close them once in a while.

As his eyes were closed, he said softly, "Come."

Hearing this, the two girls that had come in with Daphne practically ran over, positioning themselves at his feet and immediately beginning their duties, almost as if they had practiced before.

Daphne felt awkward standing there alone at the opposite end of the room, so she slowly inched over, sitting down several feet away from the vampire's chair, a little behind it, hoping he wouldn't notice her. Fortunately, her plan seemed to work, for now.

The vampire shut his blood-colored eyes, immersing himself in the pleasure of having the woman whimper in their high-pitched voices around him, feeding him food and "massaging" his body parts. After a while, he opened his eyes and looked at each girl one at a time.

As his eyes scanned them, the girls took turns blushing as they embarrassedly looked away, pursing their lips out in what they imagined to be a very seductive expression. After a while, the vampire frowned and narrowed his eyes, "Didn't the woman say she would bring three more girls?"

Upon hearing this, Daphne's spine immediately stiffened as she held her breath, praying that he would move on from this issue. Of course, it was not like a pure blooded vampire to let himself be tricked.

Hearing the thundering beat of a nearby heart, the vampire followed the sound and looked behind him, tilting his head as his eyes landed on a pair of ocean blue eyes.

'I am invisible, I am invisible, I am invisible,' Daphne repeated, lying to herself as she felt her fingers curl up against her dress to stop them from shaking.

"What is such a beauty like you doing over there? Come over," the vampire commanded. His voice was soft and gentle, but there was no mistaking the fierce and threatening tone hidden underneath the gentleness.

Daphne did not want to move, but somehow, she had a feeling that if she did not move, what awaited her would be much worse. She slowly lifted herself up to her knees, carefully moving her knees one bit at a time over to the chair.

The vampire's red eyes trailed her every move, and the other girls were staring at her as well by now. When she was a foot away from the chair now, she sat down again, no longer budging.

However, the vampire was still not pleased.

"Next to me," the deep voice said simply, stretching his neck as he spoke.

Daphne bent her back slightly, and the uncomfortable feeling almost felt as if tiny ants were crawling along her spine. She did not move for a few seconds, and noticing this, the vampire tilted his head towards her.

He stared at her for several seconds, raising one eyebrow judgmentally as his thin lips curled up into a noticeable grin, "A fairy?"

Daphne nodded.

The vampire's grin immediately disappeared, as fast as it had come as he said coldly, "Come over now."

The tension between them grew and Daphne knew that nothing good would await her if she continued to disobey his commands. Even though she did not wish to be here, she was here now, and her job was to satisfy the customers. Certainly, he wouldn't do anything too out of line, right?

Daphne took a deep breath and jumped up, lifting her chin up high as she patted the dust off her dress and marched over, standing right in front of the vampire. The other four girls were all crowded around the vampire's large chair or at his feet, and they tried not to look at her, but they continued to steal quick glances at the snobbish girl as they tried to gain the vampire's attention.

The vampire opened his eyes, pulling his long legs in slowly and folding them together, sitting up as he scrutinized the woman in front of him. Under his sharp stare, Daphne refused to back down as she looked straight back at him.

The longer she looked, the more the creature's red eyes seemed to almost be. . . normal. It matched with his appearance and the more you looked, it almost appeared to be a little, just a tiny bit. . . attractive.

Just as Daphne lost herself in the trance of his eyes, he stretched his arm out and with one quick swish like the passing wind, he pulled her down to the empty spot on the chair next to him. The four girls gasped as one of them accidentally dropped the cherry she was holding, and at once, the confused and annoyed glares turned into jealousy and bitter hate.

Daphne's entire body tensed up as she tried to move away, but the vampire's grip was unusually strong, "Stay."

Daphne was genuinely annoyed by his simple yet direct commands, and she slouched down as he let go of her. It's okay, she comforted herself. It's totally okay. . . She just had to sit here like a statue and wait until this troublesome vampire got tired and decided to let her go.

In the beginning, her plan seemed to go smoothly. The four other girls pretended as if she was transparent and invisible, and they continued to speak their words of praise lined with honey, feed him fruits, massage his body parts, and act as if he was the almighty emperor.

Daphne felt her eyelids get heavy as she was getting tired, having not gotten a lot of sleep the past days. How could she sleep when she was in this crazy world with monsters threatening to. . . Well, so far, they haven't exactly been threatening? Maybe -

Her eyelids burst wide open as she suddenly felt an unknown touch on her upper legs, and she lowered her head as she saw the vampire's long and slim fingers grazing her legs, like a tiny ant crawling on her skin.

As a normal woman, she trusted her natural instinct and immediately turned around, pushing him away as she jumped up from the chair, accidentally kicking over the porcelain bowl of cherries, "Don't touch me!"

And yes, that was indeed a wrong decision.