Good Sleep

Soon enough, Daphne's nose caught onto the smell, and the confusion on her face immediately changed into shock and disgust as she jumped up from the couch, "Blood?!"

Both Lucifer and Zack looked at her in confusion and Daphne also realized her reaction was a little over. Of course it was blood! He was a vampire!

She quickly sat down again, and Zack grinned awkwardly, lifting his cup up, "Blood tea. Do you fancy it?"

"No! Thank you. . ." Daphne quickly rejected as she looked at Lucifer, who was taking a sip from his water. The devil almost appeared to be normal as he drank water, in comparison to Zack, who was enjoying his blood tea at the moment.

The maid had not brought any beverage for Daphne, and she did not expect it, although her lips were cracking from dryness at the moment. It had been a while since she had last drank or eaten something.

Zack set the empty teacup onto the table again and licked his lips, looking at Daphne and then at Lucifer, "Young master Black, I'm certain you are here to talk business, right? Perhaps, she should. . ."

Lucifer raised one eyebrow and Daphne also looked up. Seeing that they did not understand his hint, he said softly, "Is she going to leave?"

Daphne made the move to get up and leave since she did not like being in between these two and did not want to listen to any business talk anyways, but Lucifer put one hand onto her knee and said, "She can listen."

Daphne felt her knees weaken from his palm, and she wasn't sure if it was just a psychological effect, but after learning that he was a devil, him touching her was like needles on her skin.

Zack's expression turned from confusion to shock as he forgot to respond for a few seconds. Even if he liked her, it wasn't right for her to listen here, right. . . The business they were talking about was huge! It had to do with the whole Land of Healeh!

But Lucifer did not care and Zack could not do anything so he started talking, "You have heard from the centaurs right? Those humans. . . Do you think it's the witches' doing?"

Lucifer snapped his dark eyebrows together at the mention of those disgusting little humans, "Probably."

"But how are they doing that?" Zack moved forward on the chair, forgetting about Daphne's existence.

"Who knows?" Lucifer frowned, "Have you been in contact with Hilga recently? She seemed to have been offended from the last meeting. . . She's stopped contacting me."

Lucifer's eyes narrowed as he spoke, and Zack also seemed to notice something was off as he paused for a moment before shaking his head, "You're right. . . The devils also haven't heard of her in a while?"

In the beginning, Daphne tried to pay attention to what they were saying, wondering if it would be of any importance to her. However, soon enough, she realized that she could barely understand a word of what they were talking about.

Witches? Centaurs? Hilga? Before long, Daphne was overcome by fatigue after a long day with little rest or energy. She leaned her head back against the soft velvet couch, the gibberish they were talking about getting blurry as she slowly fell asleep.



There was a loud cracking sound as Daphne jolted awake, looking around to find herself still on the couch. Lucifer and Zack had stood up, and they were both looking at her with slightly amused expressions on their faces, although Zack did not dare to look straight into her eye.

"My little girl, did you have a good sleep?"


Daphne felt a little embarrassed for some reason as she walked out of the Mintz mansion after Lucifer, still exhausted even after sleeping for who knows how long.

They left the house, walking down the marble stairs as Zack Mintz closed the heavy door behind them. Daphne looked up as they stopped at the bottom of the stairs, as the carriage was gone.

Was the coachman late? Daphne looked around, wondering where they would go next. Would he return her to the Brothel or was she actually stuck with this devil forever?

Then, perhaps she would go home with him? A devil's home. . . That did not sound pleasant at all. Perhaps, they lived underground, or in a cave, or some shady forest? Were there more devils in his family as well? Did he have a family?

Questions that surrounded her fate flooded Daphne's mind as her shoulders sagged. She hugged herself with her arms, freezing in the cold air.

Lucifer seemed to have also finally noticed that their ride was gone, but he wasn't angry or shocked at all as he turned around and lifted one arm up, "Grab onto my waist."

Daphne took a step back, looking at him suspiciously as her eyes slowly drifted to his waist, which was hidden underneath the thick black suit.

Even under the suit, Daphne could tell he had a well built body, which only added to his tall and handsome figure. Daphne did not really want to admit that he was handsome, but after all, he was a devil.

Being attractive was a devil's basic characteristic.

Seeing that she was not moving, Lucifer frowned deeply, reaching his arm out as he took a hold of her hand and placed it onto his left waist, also pulling her in so they were practically hugging. . . and with her hand on his waist, it looked like she had initiated it!

Before Daphne could even express her unwillingness, a gust of wind whirled by and the next second, the front of the Mintz mansion was completely empty and silent as the two people that had just stood there disappeared.