Girl From the Brothel

Before Daphne could even express her unwillingness, a gust of wind whirled by and the next second, the front of the Mintz mansion was completely empty and silent as the two people that had just stood there disappeared.

Daphne felt her head spin as her vision blurred and the next second, a very uncomfortable feeling filled her stomach as she practically did a side flip inside.

Then, when she landed on something again, she lost her balance as she wobbled around, only standing because of her strong grip on the man's waist. It took a moment for her vision to return, but even so, she felt nauseous, like after going on a very aggressive roller coaster ride.

Daphne coughed as she felt like vomiting, but nothing came out because she hadn't eaten anything in several hours. It took almost half a minute for her to feel slightly better, and she stood up, seeing that the devil was only looking at her with a smile on his face, looking like he was enjoying her suffering very much.

She pressed her lips tightly together in anger as she looked around, wondering what had just happened. They seemed to have landed in some other place. Did he just teleport. . . with her?

They were standing in a long hallway, with the ground made of slippery black marble. To the left, there was a red velvet wall with golden pillars positioned about six feet away from each other, leading down the hallway.

To the right, there was a transparent glass that opened up into the open. They seemed to be inside another large mansion, but she could not tell exactly how large it was. There was a gate outside as well, like the Mintz mansion, but the gate was a distance away and the front of the building was enormous.

There was a circular driveway, a large statue that also acted as a water fountain. It was getting dark already so she could not see very clearly, but it was definitely very grand and luxurious.

Lucifer did not say anything as he patiently let her examine the Black manor, the place he lived in. Daphne turned back around, looking at him as if she was waiting for him to say anything.

However, she was surprised when she suddenly heard a woman's voice, "Lucifer?"

Daphne quickly stepped back, afraid of everything here as she turned around to see a middle-aged woman wearing a long forest green gown with long lace sleeves.

She had very pale skin in the dimly candle-lit hallway, and her blue eyes especially stood out amongst all the red and dark colors. She had a small dainty body and Daphne guessed that she was a fairy as she stopped in front of them, her eyes landing on Daphne.

"This is?" She asked, slightly furrowing her eyebrows together as her eyes landed on Daphne. She tilted her head, her long curly blonde hair tilting to one side.

Lucifer's expression softened a bit after seeing the woman, "Mother."

He then turned to Daphne, "A girl I bought from the Brothel."

A hint of surprise flashed past the woman's face quickly, but her elegant and composed expression returned just as quickly.

This was the devil's mother?! Daphne's lips parted in surprise. How could this elegant and angelic woman be this devil's mother? She could not see any resemblance at all!

Daphne had expected for his mother to ask more questions or at least express her concern for her son bringing back a woman from a place like the Brothel, but she almost seemed to not care as she smiled slightly, saying, "Nice to meet you."

She then turned to Lucifer, saying, "It's time for dinner," and then she turned around and walked away, disappearing around the hallway again.

Lucifer waited until his mother was out of sight before he started walking too, and Daphne quickly followed. This place, which was most likely Lucifer's house, was eerily silent for some reason.

"That was my mother," Lucifer said again. He paused as they walked in silence down the long hallway, and then he added, "She's the main wife of my dad."

'Main wife?' Daphne thought. Was there more than one wife here?

They turned the corner and entered a larger room, which was dimly lit like the rest of the mansion. The mansion was mostly lined with red walls, and after leaving the hallway, Daphne saw several maids walking around, holding things with their eyes on the ground.

They were all dressed the same way, and it looked exactly like the movies of the royal palace. The decorations in the room were also lavish and fancy, with golden lamps on that table and silver plates on the other one.

Daphne looked around and as she did, several maids walking past them also took a peek at her, wondering who she was. She exchanged looks with several maids and when she did, they immediately looked away, but not from fear.

The dress she was wearing was easily recognizable since it was what all girls from the Brothel wore. Even if they were maids, they recognized the lowly outfit of a Brothel girl.

But what was the young master doing with a girl from the Brothel?