Calindra Black

The girl that had despised and targeted her at the dining table during breakfast.

Daphne frowned.

What was she doing here?

Daphne remembered that Lucifer had also told her the girl's name, but it was long and she had forgotten already. It started with a C. . .

The girl obviously came here with a purpose, and it did not seem like a good one as she grabbed the chair at the corner of the room, dragging it behind her easily as she stopped it in front of Daphne, who was sitting on the bed.

She sat down straight across from Daphne, crossing her legs together underneath the long yellow dress, glaring at her. In less than a second, she frowned, rolling her eyes as she scoffed, "What did elder brother see in you, you ugly -"

Calindra furrowed her eyebrows together, about to say fairy, but quickly realized that she was a fairy too since her mother was a fairy. Her lips twitched, quickly hiding the awkwardness as she crossed her arms together, remembering something.

She sized Daphne up, muttering underneath her breath, "Even brother seems to have an interest in you. . ."

Daphne heard this as the room was silent except for the girl's voice, and she wondered who the other brother she was talking about was. If the elder brother was Lucifer, brother. . . Lucifer had said that she and Doyle were the only children of the first mistress.

Was she talking about Doyle Black?

Daphne sat up straightly, not moving as she looked back at the girl, who she had remembered the name of now. Calindra. Calindra Black.

She frowned deeply, not liking the way Calindra's eyes were moving up and down her as if she was a product for sale or something. Perhaps it was a mutual feeling, because just as Calindra did not like her, she did not like Calindra at all either upon first glance.

On the other hand, the other girl she had seen at the dining table seemed much more pleasant.

After looking, Calindra scrunched her nose up in disgust, wondering what Lucifer had seen in this girl. As his youngest sister, Lucifer did not exactly treat Calindra well, but she had always looked up to him.

Just like any other woman in Healeh, Calindra was no different in her admiration and possibly even adoration towards Lucifer Black, the most popular bachelor in all of Healeh.

Growing up in the Black family, Calindra believed that besides his half-brother, no other man was good enough for her! Only someone as good-looking, powerful, smart, evil, and attractive as his elder brother was suitable for her, the youngest daughter of the Black family.

And this girl. . . Calindra felt disgusted just looking at the girl from the Brothel. How could she even walk alongside her brother?! She was dirtying the air around her brother! What did his brother even see in this girl?

She was ugly, disgusting, and had no fashion sense. . . Calindra raised one eyebrow seeing the outfit Daphne was wearing. That was even worse than the dress from the Brothel, which was disgusting enough.

Calindra smoothed out her dress, resting her hands onto her lap elegantly, looking down at her in a condescending way, "I'll give you the option of leaving big brother yourself and going back to where you belong. . . or you will suffer a very unfortunate death."

Although she appeared young, her tone when she spoke was very similar to her devil brothers, scary and threatening. However, maybe it was because of her age or because Daphne did not know her well, but Daphne was not scared by her threat at all.

Instead, a large ball of annoyance built up in her chest, tugging at her calmness as she locked eyes with Calindra. She had to say that she was very confused about why Calindra didn't like her at first sight.

Was it something to do with the way she looked or acted, or was it just. . . a natural feeling? Just like the natural annoyance she had towards Calindra right now.

Knowing that she will be leaving soon and also partially knowing that she always had Lucifer Black to "protect" her, Daphne let her annoyance and frustration overtake her as she crossed her arms and legs together just like Calindra a moment ago, smiling fakely back at her.

"Aw," she squinted her eyes together pitifully, "Now isn't that bad."

Calindra frowned, looking at her a little confused.

Daphne sighed, continuing in a sassy voice as she had appeared to have grasped Calindra's point of anger, "I would love to leave too, but your beloved big brother won't let me!"

Calindra's expression immediately turned from confusion to anger when she heard this, her eyes widening in both disbelief and anger as she refused to accept that this was true.

Seeing this reaction, Daphne felt a rush of happiness in her heart as she pressed her lips together to hide her triumphant smile, "Why don't you go ask him?"

Calindra jumped up from her chair when she heard this, and she opened and closed her mouth several times, not knowing how to reply.

Finally, she stomped her foot onto the ground like a three year old, glaring at her as she said through clenched teeth, "I will go ask him right now!"

Then, she swung around, her long dress swishing behind her as she stomped out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her as she supposedly went to go find his "elder brother".

Seeing that she was gone, Daphne rolled her eyes in annoyance, standing up to push the chair back to its original position to avoid getting in trouble.

If Calindra actually went and found Lucifer, hopefully she would clarify that she was the one that had come and bothered Daphne, not the other way around so Daphne wouldn't get punished again.

Daphne grabbed onto the back of the chair, trying to lift it up. However, when she did so, she finally realized how heavy it was.

"Oh my -" She looked down at the chair, wondering how that little girl managed to pull the chair over so easily. With both arms, she slowly inched the chair back to the corner of the room, panting for air when she had finished.

Why was this golden chair so heavy?!

Just as she had sat down on the chair to rest for a second, the door was pushed open. By this point, Daphne had no idea who the person that had opened it would be. Perhaps another sibling that had come to question her?

Daphne looked up frustratingly as she watched a tall man enter the room. Seeing this, she let out a breath of relief as she stood up, maybe just a little glad to see Lucifer.

However, the next second, she wondered why he had come back at this moment. . . Did that stupid little girl actually tell on her?