Leaving the Manor (1)

Her voice was soft and light as she asked, "Are you really a fairy?"

Daphne was taken aback by her sudden question, and her heartbeat sped up as she could not answer. She did not know how to answer. . . Because she was indeed not a fairy, but should she lie?

Why was Calanthe asking her that? Was she suspicious? How did she know? Is there a way she could tell that she was not a fairy?

"I. . ." Daphne stammered, her eyes moving away as she tried to think of something to say. If Calanthe had a way to tell she was not a fairy, she would know she was lying if she said she was a fairy.

Daphne was at a loss for words, but Calanthe was patient as she awaited her response. Luckily, before Daphne could answer, the door opened again, and this time, Lucifer walked in. His eyes immediately narrowed when he saw the "extra" person inside the room.

Seeing him, Daphne let out a breath of relief, although she was certain he would be mad again to see someone else from his family inside his room.

After this, she was certain of one thing. Nothing good could possibly come when that door opened and someone other than Lucifer Black walked in.

Although Calanthe had been relatively pleasant to give her food, she probably also came here with impure intentions. Daphne sighed, looking over at Lucifer a little annoyedly.

Lucifer returned her look, raising one eyebrow as if asking her why she wasn't behaving again, and she continued to look straight back. It wasn't her problem anyway.

After he looked at her for a few seconds, his eyes finally trailed away to the half full basket of bread on the bed. Calanthe had stood up when she saw her brother, and she looked down a little nervously.

When he saw the bread, Lucifer's eyes sharpened as he looked over at his sister, shaking his head. He slowly began walking over to them, his eyes locked on the top of Calanthe's head, "Calindra is starting to have an influence on you. . . a negative influence," he added.

"Calanthe, you should know to not get your nose into my business," he said a little disappointedly.

Calanthe looked up, her eyes blank as she replied, "I'm sorry, brother. I was just afraid she would be hungry."

Daphne raised one eyebrow, looking at Calanthe and starting to feel a little bad for her. She did indeed come here to give her food. . . Maybe she should help her?

Lucifer clicked his tongue, shaking his head, "Now, now. I don't need anyone else worrying about my girl. So, why don't you stop getting your nose into my people and leave now?"

Calanthe grabbed onto the basket, looking at Daphne one last time before she quickly stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Lucifer did not seem very mad with Calanthe and let her leave. After the door had closed, he moved over to Daphne, seeing her hair wrapped in the white towel.

He quickly reached his hand out, pulling the towel out of her hair. Her long blonde hair swung out, the water on it splashing around as a few drops landed on Lucifer's black coat.

He frowned slightly and brushed it off with the towel, looking at her hair, "Why didn't you go dry it?"

"I don't know how to."

Lucifer frowned, throwing the towel onto the bed, "Dumb girl."

Then, he turned around, walking into the restroom. After a few seconds, he came out holding the golden hair dryer. Somehow, Daphne could not see, he opened it and the hot air began blowing out.

He stood in front of Daphne, who sat at the edge of the bed. Towering over her, he grabbed onto her head with one hand and pointed the dryer at her, starting to dry her hair.

Daphne could hear her heart thumping when he suddenly moved very close to her, his lower stomach, right above his groin, directly in front of her face.

She bit her lips, trying to look away, but Lucifer had a grip on her head so she could not move it a lot. For the next minute, Lucifer went through her hair, drying it as the water dripped onto the blankets.

After he had finished, he threw the dryer onto the bed as well, stepping away so Daphne could notice the slight smirk on his face.

He took off his suit jacket, going over to the cabinet to take out another one, "We are going out."

Daphne ran her fingers through her hair, her heartbeat finally returning to normal, "Going out?"

"Mhm," the devil replied, putting on a new suit jacket the exact same color and design as the old one. She wondered if all his clothes were the same.

Then, he turned around, looking at her, "What are you doing? Let's go."