Leaving the Manor (2)

Then, he turned around, looking at her, "What are you doing? Let's go."

Daphne jumped up immediately, excited to go out. If they were walking out, she would be able to see the way out of the manor. And, she would have a better chance to look around Healeh and possibly escape if they were able to go outside and leave this wolves' den.

Lucifer noticed her excitement, and he licked his lips quickly before opening the door, walking out of the room. Daphne followed closely behind him as they made several turns around the manor.

She tried to remember once again, but soon enough, the list got so long it was impossible to memorize. They continued to walk before they finally arrived at a large lobby.

Towards the front, Daphne saw the enormous golden doors.

When they neared it, the door opened by itself, and Daphne saw the outside sky. Just as she was looking out the door, Lucifer suddenly stopped. She did not notice and bumped right into his back.

He turned around, looking at her with a frown. She looked away, rubbing her forehead with her hand, wondering why this man's back was so hard. Her forehead hurt, okay?!

The butler walked over after a moment, holding an umbrella as it was raining heavily outside. The sky was gloomy and dark, different from the sky this morning.

The sound of the raindrops hitting the ground was very loud, and Lucifer had to step back and bend down towards her hair for her to hear him say, "What are you standing here for? Let's get onto the carriage."

Then, he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her with him as they walked into the rain under the same black umbrella. The steps were slippery and Daphne would have certainly slipped if it weren't for his tight grip around her waist, supporting her as they walked down the steps and towards the carriage waiting outside.

It was the same carriage as the one that he had used when they got here.

When they neared the door, the coachman standing outside opened the door for them. Finally, Lucifer let go of her waist and stepped behind, tilting the umbrella slightly forward as Daphne pushed herself up the carriage and into the small compartment.

The rain was very heavy and the sky was gloomy and dark, so even if she was outside, it was hard for her to see where they were and what was going on.

She watched as the devil closed the umbrella and entered the carriage as well, sitting down in the same spot as when they had come. Where was he going in this weather. . . with her?

The door closed and the outside world was blocked out once again in the darkness of the carriage. There were no windows and she could not tell where they were going.

Still, the sound of the raindrops splashing against the top of the carriage could be loudly heard. As Lucifer was wiping away the droplets of water on his suit, the coachman had gotten on as well, and the carriage began moving with a start.

Daphne looked around and then at Lucifer, "Where are we going?"

Lucifer continued to wipe away the water carefully, trying to dry it with his handkerchief, "I am personally going to deliver the invitations to the seven devil families."

"Invitations?" Daphne asked.

Lucifer finished getting rid of the droplets and folded his handkerchief up neatly, "For the Sevil meeting."

Daphne could faintly remember hearing about the Sevil meeting the other day during breakfast. The other devil, Lucifer's father, was talking about it.

Maryanne had told her that since all the angels were dead from a war, the seven devil families controlled the land. Was the meeting for the seven families to make governing decisions?

Lucifer put the handkerchief away into his pocket and looked up, seeing Daphne's confused expression.

He furrowed his eyebrows together slightly, looking at her curiously as if there was something he could not quite figure out. Finally, he looked away, folding his hands together.

"The Sevil meeting happens once a month, and the next one is in a week."

Daphne looked over at him as he continued, "You should know that each of the seven villes in Healeh is overseen by one devil family, right?"

Daphne nodded, remembering that Maryanne had told her something about how the system in Healeh worked. Lucifer looked at her reaction, not completely convinced but did not question her any further.

"I need to go and give the invitation to each devil family in each ville for the meeting. The meeting is always held at the Black manor," Lucifer said with a hint of pride, as the Black family was the head of all the devils in Healeh.

All the seven villes. . . Daphne slouched down in the seat, thinking that it would likely take forever. Even if Healeh was small, it was still a whole world and the seven villes were each a place of its own.

Going to each one. . . That would take forever.

Just as she was thinking about all the time she would spend on this carriage with him, Lucifer suddenly said, "Don't worry, Trystville is in the center and isn't too far from the other six villes."

Daphne's eyes widened as her question slipped out of her mouth, "Can devils read people's minds?!"

Lucifer grinned, leaning forward as he looked deeply into her eyes, answering, "Well, it isn't one of our skills, but. . . your mind is quite easy to read."

Daphne scowled, looking away as he tried to decipher what his words meant. Was it really that easy to guess what she was thinking or was this devil just more complicated than other people?

She folded her arms together, wondering how long it would take for them to reach the first destination. As her eyes glimpsed at the devil, Daphne suddenly realized something:

"Can't you teleport?"

Lucifer shrugged, obviously not considering that choice as he replied pleasantly, "The weather is nice today."

Daphne's lips twitched slightly as she thought of the weather earlier, listening to the sounds of the rain hitting the ceiling of the carriage: . . .