The Smith Family

Daphne gulped. Her only choice now was to be honest, "Human."

At once, Lucifer furrowed his eyebrows together. He continued to look up and down her body, and she wondered why he was doing so.

"You're really a human?" He asked, disbelief in his voice. There is no way she is a human. . . Just from her appearance, it was very unlikely she was a human.

Daphne could not tell what he was thinking of, and she stated firmly, "Yes."

Lucifer looked up into her eyes, and silence surrounded the space again before Lucifer finally looked away. He could tell she wasn't lying, but. . .

After a while, he looked at her again, confusion still evident on his face, "Humans aren't safe in Healeh, especially Trystville."

Daphne knew that humans weren't safe here, but where else could she go?!

"The slave trade is most active here, and especially with the witches going around to human villages recently. . ." Lucifer leaned over to her, their faces a few inches apart as he smiled, "You are safest here with me."

Daphne leaned back, her back hitting the wall of the carriage, not sure of how to respond. Was she really safe with this devil? Why did that feel like the most dangerous place to be?

"Oh, my good girl, you don't know what goes around out there." Lucifer smiled widely, "Little innocent girls like you are sold as slaves to the flesh eating vampires or the werewolves, or possibly as food to the forest creatures."

Daphne's heart shook slightly when she heard him say that.

"And the witches. . . If you ever end up in the hands of a witch, that is your death day, I assure you. Unless, of course, I am with you. They will tear your skin off of your body, and then -"

Lucifer's vivid description of what would happen to her was abruptly cut off, thankfully, as the carriage suddenly came to a stop as they arrived at the first house. The coachman pulled the door open, announcing, "Saltsville, young master. We are at the Smith manor."

Daphne was relieved to hear this and the devil moved away, getting off the carriage first. It was still raining here in Saltsville, but the rain was lighter.

Lucifer took the umbrella away from the coachman, holding it up as Daphne climbed out of the carriage as well, looking at the large building in front of her.

The Smith family's house was also enormous, although it looked slightly less grand than the Black manor. Turning around, Lucifer walked towards the front door and Daphne quickly followed.

She could not get out of her mind the things Lucifer had just told her. There was still a slave trade here, and those witches. . .

Daphne looked at Lucifer's broad back from a short distance behind him as they neared the front entrance.

Although this devil was a little. . . very crazy, it would be safest for her to stay here, at least for now.

They walked into the front door, which was wide open. The servants standing at the sides bowed down to them as they walked in, and they were immediately greeted by two men, both with dark red eyes.

Daphne quickly glanced at them before looking down again, hiding behind Lucifer.

"Lucifer!" The man to the left beamed, the master of the Smith family, Hudo Smith.

Lucifer Black grinned, "Master Smith, it has been a while."

The devil laughed, "It certainly has! I'm sure your dad would understand why I missed the last Sevil meeting one month ago. I was terribly sick."

Lucifer nodded, "Of course."

"Come on, come on, let's go in." The older devil walked in the front and the other man standing to his right slowed down, walking beside Lucifer.

"Hades Smith. . ." the name of the devil rolled off Lucifer's tongue. Hades grinned, looking at Lucifer. The two of them were quite close friends amongst the devils in their generation since they were young.

After making several turns through the mansion, the four of them entered what appeared to be the living room.

Hudo and his son, Hades Smith sat down on the couch and Lucifer sat down across from them. This was when they finally noticed the other person that had walked in with Lucifer.

At first glance, they both thought that the girl was a maid, but quickly, the two devils were captivated by the girl's appearance.

Of course Lucifer was the fastest to notice this as he reached for Daphne's hand, pulling her down onto the space on the couch next to him.

Hudo and Hades' eyes followed her, and Daphne also noticed the gaze she was receiving. What was wrong with these devils?!

Have they never seen a pretty girl before? And she wasn't even that astonishing. . .

"Now, why don't you two get your eyes off of my person," Lucifer spoke with a smile, but his voice was threatening.

Hudo quickly looked away, chuckling awkwardly, "Young master Lucifer, may I ask who this girl is?"

"Mines," Lucifer replied simply, not answering his question at all. Hudo Smith raised one eyebrow at the response, not sure of how to reply.

Hades Smith was also surprised at his friend's response, his eyes landing on the girl once more. She had long wavy blonde hair, which was slightly tangled at the moment. Her blue eyes were most attractive, like the ocean.

Her outfit. . . Hades narrowed his eyes slightly at the disgusting outfit, but even so, it was easy to tell that she was tall and slim. Even in the dim room, her skin was incredibly pale, almost as if there was a light shining onto it.

In all the years they had been friends, Hades had never seen Lucifer bring a girl with him before, although he did have the practice of flirting and playing with attractive girls.

Well, this was a rare sight. . .

Daphne looked away, trying to draw attention away from herself as she looked at the other servants walking around the room. Even though they were maids, they were even dressed better than her, wearing clean working outfits.

She looked down at what Lucifer had given to her, sighing in annoyance. Perhaps having a different beauty or fashion sense was a common trait among devils.

Lucifer was not keen on talking about Daphne with these other devils any further, and he pulled out the invitation, placing it onto the glass table, "Here is the invitation for the next Sevil meeting."