Sit on the Ground

Making sure that no one was looking, she smoothly slipped the ring into Daphne's left pocket, and then quickly pretended like nothing happened. 

Daphne finished pouring the water and returned to her seat, setting the water jug down next to her in case anyone else "needed water". 

Calindra smiled, brushing her fingers together as she continued eating again, occasionally glancing over at Daphne.

Daphne had thought they were finished so she continued eating, but only after taking a few bites, Cerelia spoke again, sighing as she said, "Eating at the same table with a lowly Brothel girl is making me feel sick. Why don't you move to sit on the ground?"

Hearing her mother, Calindra obviously could not miss out on the fun as she added, "Me too. Isn't is selfish of you to sit and make all of us lose our appetites?"