Chapter 22 Spell

[Stephanie's POV]

Mrs. Grete's voice flew into my ears.

I had two choices now.

First, I let go of Arthur's eyes and immediately rushed back to my bedroom on the second floor. This would leave all my private parts visible to him. In this case, I would choose not to see him again for a short time.

Second, I maintain this position without moving. Then Lily, Mrs. Grete's daughter, would see the following scene.

I, without a single covering for my body parts below the waist. My right hand was pinned between my legs to cover my private parts. My left hand was covering the eyes of the honorable alpha king.

In this situation, if I naturally said Hi to Lily, I would ask her to get me a pair of pants. I would have chosen to put on my pants and temporarily moved out of my pack to hide alone in Leyte Mountain for a few months.

My brain was running fast before Mrs. Grete's words were finished. It helped me figure out the possible outcomes of both options. However, I didn't realize that the warm feeling under my left hand had disappeared.

"Put it on and get back to your room!"

I looked up and was greeted by a T-shirt stained with the smell of fir. I grabbed the men's white T-shirt and saw him turn around immediately. He walked quickly toward the kitchen with his naked upper body.

I got up from the floor and changed into Arthur's T-shirt as fast as I could. It just barely covered my pussy and ass. I quickly sprinted to the stairs about three steps away from me. It all happened in just three seconds.

The kitchen door seemed to be opened. Thank the architect who designed this house. The staircase was positioned just at a blind spot to the kitchen side. This meant that Lily couldn't see me coming up the stairs.

Well, just imagine there was a handsome man of about 6.2 feet. He appeared in front of me half-naked, with his sculpted and visible muscles and 6 firm abs. I guessed my attention would not be on the sound-making stairs.

"Oops, wow~."

"Morning. Girl."

"G.. . good morning, sir."

Lily's voice revealed her nervousness and surprise. I stood on the stairs and glanced at the few pieces of shredded cloth still on the floor. Then I immediately slipped into my bedroom and shook off the sneakers that had just been propped up by wolf claws. I grabbed a sleeping robe off the back of the chair and slipped it on. I needed to get the pieces off the floor before Lily and Mrs. Grete found them.

"Can I help you, sir?"

"Yes. Actually, I just went out for my morning run. I ran for about 20 minutes, and I noticed my stomach was protesting to me. So, I think I might be a little hungry."

I walked out of the room barefoot. I walked downstairs gingerly and paid attention to the conversation in the kitchen, where Arthur was deliberately wordy and even slowed down his talking. I knew he was stalling for me.

"Before I stepped through the door of the house, I could already smell the odor of buttered toast coming from the kitchen. If it's convenient for you, could you go to the kitchen and get me a piece of toast?" Arthur continued to deliver a charming voice like velvet. He tried to completely capture Lily's attention. Likewise, he managed to get my attention.

I safely recovered all the pieces of fabric on the floor. I crumpled the pieces of fabric into a ball and stuffed them into my underwear. Then I noticed that I was still wearing his T-shirt. And I could still smell the lingering scent of fir on my clothes.

My eyes go to the kitchen door. Arthur's sculpturally perfect back, combined with his model-like height, manages to block all of Lily's view.

"O, Okay, sure, sure..., Sir, I mean I'll go prepare your breakfast right now." Lily stammered in response to Arthur and then turned to go into the kitchen. I thought I heard Lily's excited scream as she closed the door.

I stared at Arthur's back. There was no doubt that his broad shoulders, flaring lat muscles, and small waist made for a perfect V-taper.

Help! Mate bond's influence was too strong. Now I was just staring at his back, and my body was already starting to heat up. A flush appeared on my face. It was as if my sense of smell had failed because I could no longer smell the food aroma in the air. The only air I breathed seemed to be the fresh fragrance of my favorite fir trees after the snow emanating from Arthur's body.

I could feel the heat on my cheeks already rushing rapidly to my pussy. I tried to adjust my breathing, but that didn't stop my desire to press myself against Arthur's body. I never knew that mate bond could make me such a horny girl.

Arthur suddenly turned his head. His dark blue eyes shot a burning beam of vision at me, colliding with mine. My heart beat violently as if it was about to pop out of my throat.

"No, Steph. Keep awake. It's just the effects of mate bond." I squeezed my eyes shut and muttered these words in silence.

"Steph, are you chanting a spell?"

I opened my eyes to find this damn male hormone emitter had stepped in front of me." What?"

"You muttered like you were chanting a spell. I guess you must be trying to enchant me with some kind of magic." He flashed his white, straight teeth at me. From his smile, I could read that he was joking with me.

"How do you know? You still have the ability to read minds?" I covered my mouth, which was open in an O-shape, with both hands and deliberately pretended to be surprised. I was a terrible actress, which might have made me look silly. But at least, it wouldn't make my mind full of Arthur's V-taper.

"Not only do I know, but I can also guess what you just cast on me..." Arthur matched my performance. His long legs took a half step forward just so his upper body was almost on mine.

There was an extra wisp of burning breath in my ear. The one emitting this breath was my mate. he lowered his voice to complete his guess, "... was the spell that keeps my attention glued to you."

This Alpha King was so cunning, he fouled up! How could he flirt with me with his naked upper body and his lips pressed to my ear? A few seconds ago, my pussy had just returned to normal. Now, I felt like my fluid called desire was going to spill out of my pool.

I could see in Arthur's lust-laden eyes that his annoyingly keen olfactory sense had alerted him to the change in me.

Thankfully, my sanity still survived. It commanded my legs to take a few steps backward, moving me away from the source of my desire.

"Unfortunately! You are wrong." I cleared my throat, "The spell I just used is magic that can turn you into a normal human male."

Seriously, I'm really thinking about this at the moment. If he had turned into a normal human male, perhaps I wouldn't have been affected by the strong mate bond between us. Perhaps I wouldn't have become so eager to kiss him or even try my first sexual encounter with him.

"Why?" In just the blink of an eye, the desire revealed in his eyes disappeared. Instead, he raised his dark eyebrows. Strangely enough, his expression was full of disbelief and... horror?

"S, Steph, you mean, you like human males? Can I, I wonder, what they have that... emm... particularly attracts you?"

My eyes widened. This was the first time I had ever heard Arthur stutter. From the tone of his voice, he seemed to dislike human males. My curiosity was completely drawn out by his question. "You don't like human males?

"They..." Arthur acted impatiently. His hands ran through his short dark brown hair. He was probably struggling with how he was going to answer my question."They were too weak. They die easily, and they can't protect you."

"Why do I need their protection?"