Chapter 27 The Oscars

[Stephanie's POV]

Arthur seemed to be squeezing Carl's wrist hard, forcing him to let go of me.

"HEY! What are you rouge doing to our future alpha?" A member of the Demon Forest Pack suddenly stood out from the crowd. As soon as the words left his mouth, his fist was already striking at Arthur.

His left hand easily grabbed that student's right wrist. At the same time, he stretched out that member's right arm and grabbed the member's left shoulder. Arthur forced the student to spin halfway around and twisted the whole right arm of the student to his back.

"No! Arthur!" I was worried that Arthur would break the member's arm. As Carl's future beta, it was that member's duty to protect the future alpha. I couldn't let an innocent member be involved in my personal vendetta against Carl and Freya.

"Rogue?" Arthur repeated what the member had just called him. He smiled, but he was definitely not pleased with the call. I preferred to interpret the smile as a sign that he thought the member was childish.

"Go home and ask your parents who owns this territory." Arthur let go of his hand.

The future beta's expression twisted, then he took a few steps backward, covering his shoulder. His companion immediately rushed out to stand beside Carl to challenge Arthur.

Well, I glanced at the tall back standing in front of me, distracted by the thought that this alpha king had just mentioned the owner of the territory.

There were a lot of complicated issues of dominion and so on. But the fact was if we check the Wolf Territory Map, White Star Lake, the Leyte Mountain, and Demon Forest, all of them belonged to the territory of the Silver Moon Pack (or the Silver Moon Kingdom, if we use the human style of calling it). So, technically speaking, our two packs were more like branches of the Silver Moon pack.

I was brought back to reality by the screams of the girls from the Demon Forest. Kane and Javed and three other pack members rushed from my back to Arthur's side.

A less strong arm dragged me to safety, preventing me from being hit by the girls scurrying around. It was Patrick! His face was as serious as I had never seen it before.

His eyes were fixed on Carl, and he whispered to me, "Steph, are you feeling okay now? Feel uncomfortable or not?"

Patrick was worried I might be upset by the revelation that Carl and Freya had betrayed me. But he didn't know that this result was just an unexpected adjunct of my testing Freya with peanut butter to see if she had shifted.

And Freya had chosen to use her allergy to peanut butter to destroy my image in front of the two pack members, which could hide the fact that she had her wolf now.

I noticed Freya's long white dress among the girls who were fleeing. She was also going to run away with them. However, Allen and the other gamma Betty from my pack caught her.

"Steph!" Freya cried, begging me for mercy." Steph, whatever you say I did, I would admit it and apologize. Please, will you make them let me go?"

In fact, I didn't order Allen and Betty to catch Freya, but what Freya was saying clearly implied it was my order.

I finally realized that this she-wolf would seize every opportunity to make herself look innocent and pathetic. It would be better for her if she could demean my reputation.

"Are you going to declare war on the Demon Forest Pack? Steph, just because of your misunderstanding, you are going to break the Friendship Agreement between the two packs?" Carl noticed Freya being captured by my pack member. He growled, and his brown eyes seemed like they could spew out the fire to burn me to ash.

"Fuck your Friendship Agreement! " Patrick shouted, "You fucking betray Steph and try to threaten her with the fucking tie between the two packs?"

I pulled Patrick's arm to keep him from punching Carl out until I could show proof.

I walked over to Freya, took away her long blonde hair next to her neck, and found the hickeys.

"No, Steph, it's just...."

"It's just a bug bite? " I interrupted Freya's lie, "If you think so, then how's about I take your dress off. Let me count how many nasty bug bites you've had on your body, especially your breasts."

My eyes shifted to Carl, who still looked angry as if the hickeys I'd found hadn't surprised him.

"So what? Why can't I let another woman sleep in my bed if you climbed into his bed first?" Carl pointed at Arthur, spitting out the unexpected.

The students hiding behind the tree trunks and bushes seemed to have agreed to gasp together.

"Steph, I need to come out. Just let me bite this piece of shit!" Rose yelled at me. Once again, I felt the familiar urge. No, I couldn't let Rose out. I clenched my fists and did my best to suppress my intense desire to shift.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Patrick yelled, already swinging his fist to punch Carl.

Arthur's long-arm grabbed Patrick's arm directly and yanked him back like he was carrying a chicken. At this moment, Arthur's face did not have a single twist, not even a frown. However, I could clearly feel that he was so furious that he wanted to kill Carl because of the mate bond.

"Let him finish!" I parted with a little strength and barely managed to squeeze the words out of my teeth.

Truly, I wasn't angry at Carl's words. I just put all my strength into stopping Rose from coming out. Maybe I had already seen the most vicious side of him in my last life before I died, so whatever he said now, I felt, oh, it did feel like something that bastard could say.

"Do you think I didn't notice? Steph, ever since he appeared in your pack yesterday, you've been suddenly cold to me. Of course, he is the alpha king of the Silver Moon pack, and a third of the Night Moon Continent belongs to him. You certainly hope to get his attention. He stayed in your pack house last night, and you must have been eager to offer your virgin body."

"Carl, you son of a bitch! Get off me! I'll kill him!" Patrick couldn't continue forward because Arthur's left arm was circling his upper body.

"What else did you find out?" Arthur knew I was stopping Rose, so he continued to ask for me.

"Steph, you know what? I've always believed you were my fated mate. I imagined that once this alpha king was gone, we would be just as good as ever."

"I have decided to pretend that nothing has happened and continue to love you as your boyfriend. Even in this morning, when you flirted with him at the boundary line of our territories, I held back my grief and pretended that everything was fine." Probably Carl himself believed the lie he made up, and he shook his head, smiling helplessly.

"Until just now, I saw you treat Freya so cruelly. I didn't realize that the kind and innocent Steph I once loved was gone. I was so stupid! Really!"

"Carl, stop it! I'm sure Steph will change for the better. I don't care what Steph did to me today. As long as you and she are happy. I'll be satisfied."

Why didn't we wolves have the Oscars as humans? I wanted to make two wolf statuettes. One for the most disgusting he-wolf actor! One for the most bitchy she-wolf actress.

"OH~~~" After enjoying the scene between Carl and Freya, Rose's urge to trade with me suddenly disappeared and was replaced by the sound of her vomiting." Please, Steph, it doesn't matter if it's Patrick or Arthur, anyone, hurry up, tear this bitch couple's mouths into pieces! If we keep watching, we'd have nightmares at night."

"Steph, you are too kind!" Arthur suddenly sighed and looked over at me, "I wouldn't waste my life listening to their last words if I were you."