The Family Gathering and the parents present part 3

"welcome to our world of light Jasmine"she said before Jasmine blacked out.This left the whole family present shocked and left their mouths wide open,and as for Jasper he thought Jasmine was dead but why would his grandma kill her she hasn't done things like this before and if Jasmine was ever trying to harm her he would have felt.

Kneeling down as he drew her and place her head on his laps he checked her wrist to find a pulse,when he did he was relieved.

"Grandma what have you done"He asked his grandma.

"she's not human"his grandma replied where did you meet her"she asked.

starting from the mall where he has gone to get something he didn't mention the glass swan to avoid his nana getting suspicious of him and not to mention the deal,he cooked up a lie then told them of how they touched mistakenly and the current he felt in his body.

"she's your true mate son today's family gathering is the best gift now I can rest in peace when you guys get married next week I hope you have told her everything and does she know we are not human"grandma Royale asked her grandson all at once.

Jasper who was too shocked and happy to reply didn't quickly reply his nana his parents called him before he snapped out of his thought.

"Son,your grandma asked a question"his mother said.

Giving him a knock on his head, grandma repeated her question.

"No,she doesn't know I thought you might be able to erase her memory,and I don't think she would want to get married to me"Jasper said

"her memory can't be erased that is why she fainted because I tried doing that already,and I think you would have to tell her about us and she would be waking up any time soon I want to talk to her alone after the family gathering,we should meet her parents she is an unusual and special being am sure God sent her to you"grandma giggled like a kid at her words she was high on the revelation she had just seen and the girl who was going to be her grand daughter-in-law.

Jaspers parent who were shocked as well were surprised by their mothers behavior and happy the beauty Jasper had introduced to them wasn't bad news.

stirring in Jasper's arm Jasmine woke up remembering the spell grandmother Royale had said to her that made her go limp,she searched for the purse in her hands when she found it and was about to leave,she discovered she wasn't lying on the floor,she felt like when she always laid on Thomas laps her eyes became fully opened her senses on alert where was she she was still in the same room standing up she heard Jasper's voice,

"She's awake"he said she noticed the excitement in his voice she must be imagining things,as he helped her up and made her sit on his parents bed something no one has ever done,It was getting late already and she had promised her mom to come back today.

standing up, clutching her purse she was about leaving when she noticed grandma Royale come to her view as she obstructed her,she was angry but wasn't showing it because of the Royales presence,this old woman had tried to kill her and then was stopping he as well, rolling her her eyes she calmed the hormones of anger rising in her, passing by grandma Royale she left the room, Jasper's parents and sister who had been quiet the whole while watched their grandma's quietness.

"Have you told John to pick them already"grandma asked finally breaking the silence.

"Yes they would be here soon"Jasper replied his grandma.

"I just hope they are here before she leaves, now let us go to the dinning room the gathering would start soon" she said leading the way.

Jasmine who had left the room earlier looked back to see if there was anyone following her but even the prince didn't even care if she got lost in the castle where she was a stranger,luckily for her she had been attentive,all the while Sophie dragged her,

moving to the door she found it open just has she was about to open it she met her parents with the prince's assistant what was his name again John, First it was the deal and now her parents were they going to kill her parents as well,his grandma was a witch, only witches casts spell she got enraged the more her chest burning her body burning with a strange feeling she was familiar with and didn't like had they done something to her when she fainted, she thought walking toward her parents who had sighted her as well,

she could see the fear and worried look in their eyes"Jass dear did you do anything wrong,what are you doing in the palace, please answer me"her mum asked worriedly her dad as well was not feeling any better.

"Mr and Mrs Cole welcome to His Majesty's home", before Jasmine could reply her parents John had interrupted them intentionally.

Jasmine could not leave her parents seems like the Royales had asked for it after all.she assured her parent that nothing was wrong as she walked them in following John who guided and ushered them in to the dining room according to the order Jasper had given him before only the family members of the Royales where allowed to the Family gathering strangers were not allowed, Jasmine had not noticed the hall before, when she got out of the palace, it was big and could accommodate a lot of people she could but it was only the family of the king she had met earlier that she saw here were they serious.Not showing her emotions and her anger at the king's family for taking advantage of her family because of their status.

"The Cole's are here your majesty"John announced.

"ok you can leave thanks"The King replied which shocked Jasmine the king was said not to have regards to anybody but his family,he had just said thanks to John who felt the same way as well,'the king must be happy' he thought before excusing himself from the king to join Jasper who sat on the sit beside the king.

The maids had set the table with lot of assorted foods tasty for humans.

"Mr and Mrs Cole welcome to the yearly family gathering of this family please have your seat and we will discuss on why you had been summoned"the king said with a smile on his face he had noticed their discomfort and worried look so he added.

"Jasmine did nothing wrong so please feel comfortable".

Jasmine who heard her name raised her eyes to look at the king who had mentioned her name for the first time she realized how young he looked his eyes were strangely red gasping at the word red she remembered her dream,taking a close look at the king she realized how his eyes glowed with the blazing look in it the only difference in them was the one from her dream resembled Jasper but he didn't have red eyes her hearts began to beat rapidly beyond its normal count,

'what if they were vampires the king's mother had tried spelling her which made her faint what if they really were vampires and Jasper had only made a deal for her to pretend as his girlfriend but it seems they were bent on keeping her from leaving,they must have figured out I know who they are now she was really scared' what if they feasted on her family and her,she didn't know if they had the power to erase memories,if they did then Thomas and Ella which were the only close people she had and knew their memories would be wiped and no one would remember them no she didn't want that she still had a live to live a dream to achieve,she hadn't noticed a tear drop on her face brought to awareness by the Queen who had been watching Jasmine's restlessness along with Grandma Royale.

"Are you okay Jasmine"she asked,

"yes I am...okay"she stammered as she replied ,

"Good then the gathering would begin now"The king said

"John invite the game co-ordinators, drummers and dancers to entertain us and tell the butler to get us the best wine in the palace and bake some cakes"Jasper said authoritatively which earned him a nod as a reward from his father.

John stood to do as he was told as he went,Jasmine kept on assuring her parents everything was okay while in the other hand she felt like the king would try to get them drunk and on them after ward with his family.

How she wished she had not gone out today if God spared her life she would thank him and be a good daughter to her parents,she prayed in her mind.