The reveal - part 1

With her mind which were unsettled she leaned on the chair,as the cakes and wine were served to them, eyeing her parents not to drink the wine the cake smelled ok without any sign of corrosiveness in it or lethal product,she admonished them to eat it she didn't trust the wine anyways her sense of smell and the ability to perceive a product to get it's ingredients was a gift God has bestowed on her.

when the partying died down the music died,along with everyone and everything else included in the family gathering the Cole's and the Royales where the only ones present in the room,when the king had mentioned family gathering she had expected external relatives,family friends but it was just them in here 'how mysterious their life was'she thought.

"Mr and Mrs Cole"The king started,his voice ringing authority across the room.

"We are sorry if you weren't notified before on your being summoned here,we just want to have an heart to heart talk with your family please do us the honour of that"he ended leaving the Cole family perplexed by the king's humble speech,the humility in his voice wasn't what they were expecting they were already prepared to place their head on his plate.

The king has always been bad and good in the news or would say rumours going round in the country,but no one knew the king personally except his family but here they are sitting, winning and dinning with the king and his family like it was a normal thing they did everyday,not comfortable with the king's act they didn't show it but their heart linked at the discomfort they were in.

The king's mother who noticed their reluctancy including the king,Queen and their children,took the initiative to speak first.

"hmm,hmm...I don't know the rumours you have heard about us but we are nothing compared to the evil said by the masses against us so please get rid of your discomfort and please feel free to talk ,I am sure you have lot of questions to ask so please ask already"she said before glancing at her son the king to speak.

"Mr Harris we would go straight to the point here if you have no questions to ask"the king said directly to Jasmine's dad.The Cole's still were silent.

"we want to ask for your daughters hand in marriage for our son the prince,since it has been brought to the notice of everyone in that his coronation will be held soon in the coming weeks we would want you to decide now"he added

"your majesty,I think our daughter has the right to speak and decide for herself and if the prince likes her they should solve that between them selves I don't think we should force them to marry each other just because of his coronation"Jasmine's dad spoke for the first time ever since they Got to the palace.

David Royale nodded his head at the words he had just heard, this made him realize the love the Cole has for their daughter.

Jasmine on the other hand was shocked by the king's revealing were they Joking with her family now because they were average,she had promised to pretend as a girlfriend not his wife what were they insinuating.

"Jasmine dear would you marry our son after all you guys have been dating for three years now"the queen asked,but Jasmine was still shocked by Jasper's silence can't he talk himself now and tell them they were on a deal and nothing real why were they speaking on his behalf,pausing for a moment she thought back to what the queen said three years did he tell them they had been dating before how could they even believe his story what of the girls he always had swarming around him like flies, someone tell me I am dreaming she didn't understand anything going on at the moment her brain was just a second away from exploding.

"Jass dear reply the Queen please"her mum said she could see the fear in her parents voice this angered her the more no one had the right to scare her parents this way only her could make them smile,happy and angry,

Jasmine was unconscious of the anger she had. ever felt her whole life that keeps bursting forth in her.

"I would like to speak to the prince if I may,your highness"she finally spoke drawing in a deep breath.

"Fine you two may be excused from this table,both Jasmine and Jasper stood up,the anger in Jasmine made her head hurt a bit and her body felt light she was about tripping when Jasper caught her by her shoulder surprised by his actions she quickly flinched from his touch which seems to sends electrical Sparks in her body, causing her adrenaline rush and her heart beating,

embarrassed by her emotional uprise she rushed in leading the way like she was familiar with every nook and cranny in the house,when Jasper realized her stubbornness and the way she was heading to the lavatory he quickly held her arms not minding the condition he had placed her in earlier.

grandma had said the Sparks would stop if Jasmine's heart could be won by him completely, leading them to his room,he shut the door behind them ready to face whatever she had for him her tempers where rising and he could feel it in the way her bloods rose,as they boiled he wanted to taste her blood seeing the way it was boiling in her but he restrained himself if she truly were somebody else or an ordinary human she would be spilling blood right now but she wasn't just anybody not was she ordinary,

this made him happy on a part and sad on a part because she wasn't his yet ,but her powers were untainted and pure meaning she didn't even know she had powers or there was something that had to be revealed that only her parents knew that had been left in his parents care,Her powers would be known to her gradually when she clocked nineteen amazingly on the twenty-fifth of this month his birthday as well,

things were moving dramatically beyond his expectations,knowing the glass swan had attached them at the first instance but it was more than that he knew it when she smiled in the royals boutique then at him and the change in her eye color to the unending Sparks burning through them once they touched each other he had to confess to her.

He knew what she was about to say but he wants her to spill it out herself he didn't want to be too foreword do he silently said "we are here so now you can speak please"minding his word to avoid hurting her he had to be careful or she might really burst of anger,which he didn't want,

what Jasper didn't know was Jasmine's power were already bursting forth with the help of her anger and she could not burst....