Hands blinding my eyes

It's been a couple of days since I stopped working at the

shop and Zoren never bothered to contact me at all. I was right

anyway; all this time he was only playing with me just so he

could steal a night. I rolled my eyes, annoyed with my thoughts.

I continued digging some soil on the ground and placed it inside

a pot. I went back to my usual hobby; gardening. This is the only

thing that keeps me busy these days and in a few weeks, I'll be

back at school again.

As I was engrossed in cultivating the soil, I felt two

hands covering my eyes. I frowned. This is Oddette or Miranda,

right? I slowly reached my hand to touch whoever it was, only to

realize it was big and sturdy. "Is this a man?" I thought to myself

as I felt hard bumps onto his hand. My heart started racing, my

lips almost curling into a smile. My mind automatically guessed

who it was.

"Renzo?" I whispered, hoping that he heard it.

"Who's Renzo? Do you have a boyfriend?" Upon

hearing Oddette's voice, I flinched. Those hands then slowly

went away only for me to turn around and see the Santillan

siblings staring at me.

I was left dumbfounded. I didn't expect Oddie to be the

one covering my eyes. My best friend continued to stare at me as

I bit my lower lip.

What am I supposed to do?

"The snacks are ready," Miranda said, appearing out of

nowhere. The three of us turned to look at her, only for her head

to tilt a little. There was an awkward silence roaming around the

place and I guess she noticed it. "Did something happen?" she


"No, nothing," Oddette responded. I heaved a sigh of

relief, thinking I escaped the brink of death. As we all started to

head inside the house, she then pulled me, leaving only Oddie to

come inside the living room.

"Who's Renzo? Do you have a boyfriend that you never

told me about?" she whispered. Her forehead was creasing and

so I smiled at her.

"You think that if ever I have a boyfriend, I wouldn't

inform you?" I asked, sarcastically. "Come on, we've been

friends since we started going to school."

"Then tell me who Renzo is." She raised one of her


I gulped for a second, thinking how I should excuse

myself. My eyes wandered upward only to think of an idea.

"You see... I don't even remember where I heard that

name," I said, trying not to stumble upon my words. "It just

came out of my mouth," I added.

Oddette continued to stare at me with a suspicious look

on her face. It looked like she wasn't buying it. I flashed a smile

at her, reassuring that nothing was happening on her back.

"Well, you're right, I guess," she responded. She

scratched her head before looking at me again. "It's impossible

for you not to tell me anything since I'll definitely be upset and

won't talk to you for a day," she added, nodding her head before


"Psh! You're just thinking too much about everything

you hear," I commented and pulled her towards the living room.

When we entered the house, my eyes automatically landed

towards Miranda and Oddie sitting next to each other. They were

watching television.

A part of me felt envious of their legs sitting side by

side. The only thing that separates the two of them was the soft

fabric of their clothes. When did I start thinking like this? After a

while, I saw Miranda standing up from her seat upon receiving a

call. She immediately headed towards the corridor as I now sat

from her previous seat. Oddette then joined us, sitting from the

other side of her brother.

I cupped my chin using my hand only to realize a glass

of juice was blocking my view after some time. When I checked

to look at the person, handing me a glass of drink, I noticed

Oddie staring at me. His lips curled into a smile as I took the

beverage away from his hand. He then motioned to get another

one and gave it to his sister before sitting again.

Not long after, I heard footsteps approaching. It was

Miranda passing by and heading straight towards the kitchen.

My eyes wandered towards her and then to the wall clock in the

living room. It was already a quarter past six in the evening.

She had always been like this. Miranda is like a big

sister to me, most of the time, she does all of the household

chores at home while on the other hand, I'm a free spirited

gnome. Sometimes, I feel embarrassed, thinking that not only

does she divides the expenses between the two of us but also

does the cooking.

I got up from my seat and walked towards her direction.

When I peeked through the other side, I saw her cutting chicken


"Are you about to cook now?" I asked. She lifted her

gaze to look at me and nodded.

"Yes, I'm planning to cook early today," she replied

with a smile on her face. After a while, I noticed her looking a

little different. As I was about to open my mouth, I heard her

speak again. "Also... Emmie," she started, looking a little



"My boyfriend will be coming to have dinner with us.

Will that be okay for you?" she asked.

A chuckle erupted from my lips. "Of course, you don't

have to worry about it," I reassured her with a grin on my lips.

"What is? What's this you-shouldn't-worry-aboutbusiness?" Oddette appeared out of nowhere and sat down on the

dining table. "Can I dine here?" she added before grabbing one

of the potatoes and started peeling it off.

Miranda and I looked at each other, bursting into small

laughter. "Yes, you can," she then responded.

"How about me? Can I dine here just like my sister?"

Oddie emerged from my back and crept his arm around my

shoulder. He pointed at himself with a huge smirk on his face.

Upon his gesture, I felt like I was electrocuted with

thousands and thousands of bolts.

"What is he doing?" I shouted in my head. I felt

something warm engulfing my body slowly, especially at my

lower region, in between my thighs