Chapter Nine: "Little Left"

"Are we leaving or what, Karla!?"

I take one last look in the mirror and wonder for the thousandth time what I was thinking when I agreed to go. I let out a long breath and look up at the ceiling as if the ceiling is going to give me the answer to my question.

It's not like me...

It's more like me. But you know what that means, right Karla?

My outfit has my simplicity with a touch of sensuality courtesy of my roommates. It consists of very tight electric blue jeans and a shirt open at the back and transparent at the front.

"Coming!" I yell and take one last look at a body that doesn't look like mine.

Because, even if you don't want to hear it, little by little it is becoming mine.

I feel strange, different, and without knowing why, I smile at my reflection.

When I stand in front of Diana, she looks me up and down carefully. I do the stupidest poses I can think of and she smiles and hugs me.

"Girl, you look stunning."

*She rolls her eyes*

"Thank you," I smile.

"Come on, put your shoes on now. Ethan and Marcos are waiting for us."

"Marcos?" I frown.

I grab my jacket and house keys.

"Alice's boyfriend." She grabs her blue cardigan and opens the door.


"Yeah, girl. Someone has been able to put up with your sister."

"You are finally left with just one man."

There you are right...

We looked at each other and laughed as we descended the stairs. I tuck a lock of hair behind my ear and as I walk out the door, I look up at the black sky. I see small stars populating the void and a large white full moon illuminating the darkness.

What a beautiful night...

Today is my day...

Diana gets into the truck and I follow her. I sit in the backseat and when I meet eyes with him, I want to punch him.

"Karla, the one next to you is Marcos."

So the face changer has a name.

A triumphant smile plays on his lips and I give him one of my most rehearsed fake smiles.

"I'm glad to see you again," he whispers to me.

"You are one of the strangest people I have ever met," I tell him in a way that only he can hear.

You are the first, babe.

The car starts up and I buckle up. Alice, who is next to Marcos, takes his hand and intertwines her fingers with his. I notice how his body relaxes instantly and a sigh of relief leaves his lips. I smile tenderly and look away from them feeling the joy to see her happy again.

We arrive and I cannot hide my amazement at the size of the building. The Mendoza house is very similar to Sara's, only that hers is smaller and seems to be more welcoming. At that moment I question the friendships I have and the money they have, although Alex is not a friend of mine, I have to admit that he lives like a God.

I love how the rich like to show they have money.

If you had money you would do the same. Better to live in a three-story mansion than in a tiny apartment with no privacy at all.

We get out of the car and I can hear the loud music. The pretty green lawn is full of disposable cups, people drinking and smoking, and more who have just arrived like us.

You could have this and more if you wanted, but apparently, you like to stay in the fucking shadows.

"This is huge," I whisper, impressed.

"Yeah," Alice says. "It is what has to have so much money."

We walk in and someone I don't know comes up to us and offers us a couple of glasses of what appears to be beer. During the trip, I have decided to enjoy my birthday for once in my life and that includes having a good time being partying and drinking with my friends, so I take a long drink of the drink finishing its contents.

And in less than a rooster crows, they all disappear. Marcos and Alice danced as if their lives depended on it and Diana and Ethan went to eat. I sigh when I realize that I am alone and that I know absolutely no one.

It's okay, I'm here.

I decide to do some research on the layout of the house because the last thing I want to do is get lost.

This looks like a fucking maze.

I find what appears to be the kitchen and there I see the vast amount of food and drink. I take a slice of pizza and finish it in two bites.

Decided. All I'm doing tonight is eating for free and drinking.

"Well, well." An all too familiar voice enters my head and I almost choke on the pizza. "I thought I'd die before seeing you at a party. "

Soon you will be, don't worry.

"You seem to know a lot about me."

"Believe it or not, there are quite a few people impressed that you came." He approaches my position so I can hear him better. "Right now you are the sensation of the party."

"Yeah, until the alcohol takes effect on them and they even forget their names."

Apparently, my words seem funny because he starts laughing which makes me raise an eyebrow. I shrug my shoulders not knowing what to say next and take my gaze away from his. Behind him, on the counter, I see several bottles full of alcohol and I approach them brushing my shoulder with his arm. I open the first bottle I see and fill my glass to the top. I take a long gulp of the clear liquid and instantly regret taking it. Never has my face contracted so much nor has my throat burned so much.

"You're not used to drinking, huh?" He says with amusement.

"What do you think?"

The little princess wants to pretend what she is not. Pathetic.

I put the glass on the counter and lean against it with a long sigh. Alex smiles and puts a hand next to my hip which makes me frown.

"You are beautiful, Karla," he whispers so I am forced to read his lips, which seems to entertain him.

* Rolls eyes * You two are disgusting.


Abruptly he takes a step back and I see Megan's dark hair swaying from side to side. She gives Alex a long, deep kiss and I look away from them, feeling more than uncomfortable.

When they part from each other both of them have her lipstick spread all over their mouths. Alex tries to remove it using his hands and avoids looking at me.

I hope you feel as uncomfortable as I am right now, Mendoza.

When I look at Megan, my heart seems to skip a beat and my chest begins to ache. The semblance that she has with the dream I had while awake is embedded in my mind and I cannot help but clench my teeth to the point of feeling the pain in my jaw. I relive it again in my mind; the heavy way he breathed, the way he looked at her with desire, how she kept muttering nonsense things affecting Alex in such a personal way. All of that causes hatred and anger to invade my entire body, the pain in my chest intensifying.

Megan finally looks at me and turns cold and jealous almost instantly. She looks at Alex as if she is looking for an explanation but he ignores her. Instead, she looks at me and that makes her even more enraged, she takes his hand and walks away from me leaving me alone. I stay there leaning, alone and with an uncontrollable desire to hit something or someone. My vision blurs for an instant and I decide to have another gulp of my disgusting drink.

Darling, don't cry. Together we are going to have a great time. Together we will have the world under our feet. Just let me in.

Let me in...