Aradia Smith.
When the crash of the door closing is heard throughout the hall, I lean my back against it and let out a sigh.
This is costing me too much energy.
With my head a mess, I head to another room to change my clothes. My head throbs and I have the feeling that I will not be able to support my own weight, which leads me to a conclusion: how long have I not had a drop of alcohol? Too much, I answer to myself. In order not to look like a drunk without the company of anyone, I prepare to go to the bar where apparently my parents met.
I hate her.
I hate him.
I hate you all for becoming what I am.
And that thought leads me to Karla's friends. She, her power, our power, has managed to unite different species that before, even if the Earth was burning, would not come together.
Diana; is a powerful goddess.
Ethan; is a ruthless vampire.
Alice; is one of Grandma Margarett's most powerful apprentices.
Marcos; is a metamorph, a being who can change the shape him whenever he prefers.
Beth; a small-time devil but one of the most cunning, I must admit.
And finally the little fallen angels, Adam and Alex.
The truth is, I don't know how they have been able to hide the truth from her for so long. Although I come to understand it: with the great power of Diana, the ability with the spells of Alice, and the help of the angels, it is easy. All they have done is delay the inevitable, and they know it perfectly well. I have been locked in an ignorant head for too long, too much unable to express what I really feel.
I notice how every muscle tenses, it changes for me. How my body adjusts to my real being.
Now I can be free...
I take a step.
And other.
And one more.
With each step, I become stronger, and as if the universe knew it my eyes turn from the darkest blackness, and my veins are tinted black, enlarging their size as if they were trying to leave my body. I look at my hands and the veins sticking out of them and a smile is drawn on my face. I'm so comfortable...
I wish it would last forever...
And it will, I tell myself. I'll make sure that happens.
When I get to the bar I open the door with a bang and the gazes of the customers are fixed on me; some are surprised about my presence; others are fearful because they notice how every iota of my body emanates strength and power.
I stride toward the bar and ask for the strongest drink so I can put Karla to sleep a while longer. I sit calmly on the stool waiting for my drink when I notice something: it is sweet, something pure. I frown at that power; is powerful. Not as much as mine but it is powerful. Calmly I look at the door, hoping it is some misguided species. But what I see surprises me. Well, it is neither more nor less than Alex Mendoza!
"You missed me, huh?" I say with a smile when he sits next to me.
"You don't know how much," he says wryly.
The bartender fills my glass and I drink it in one gulp, asking for another with a look at what he obeys.
"What brings you here, little angel?" I watch the contents of my glass spin around the glass.
"Oh" I put a hand on my chest and look at him with amusement on my face, "you fill me with joy."
"Give her back to us," he says simply without looking me in the face, which I take the opportunity to observe him.
By all means, he tries not to look at my face. Damn! He can't look me in the eye and a laugh comes out of my throat filling the silence of the tavern. I see how he observes me from the corner of his eye which makes my laugh increase more. I weaken him. Well, Karla does, but she and I are one.
"Look at me," I order.
He moves his face to the other side showing me the back of his neck so I gently hold his chin and force him to look me in the eye. I take the opportunity to study his facial expression and notice the pain and suffering caused by joining his gaze with mine. I want to take him in my arms and tell him that everything will be fine, that there is nothing to worry about but I cannot, that is called weakness and I will never have a weakness for anyone and less for an angel. He hurts me, Karla's part hurts, that is why what I say below surprises and scares me at the same time.
"If you want I can let her know you're here," I say in a whisper and run my thumb across his lower lip.
His eyes widen in surprise and I carefully approach him and join my lips with his. They are wet and he responds to the kiss by drawing me closer to his body. I carefully wake Karla from her sweet dream and fall asleep for what seems like years.