Prologue: The birth of a blessed

In a small town, the afternoon had become a little different than usual, gray clouds covered the sky and thunderous thunder was heard all over the place. The strong wind accompanied the anomalies in the sky and not only that, the concern of the inhabitants as they were confused by the present phenomenon.

That same afternoon, in a small cabin, the loud screams of a woman could be heard, her screams came from the main room. There were several people there, a woman who was just entering her third age, a young adult who held the soft and fragile hand of a woman, a woman who was the cause of the screams. The reason for her agony was because she was giving birth.

The young woman's complexion was pale, she had been pushing for a long time and the baby had not yet come out, the heart rate was present and the lack of oxygen was also making delivery difficult. The thunders were getting louder and the cold rain began to fall in the town, the people without being aware of the delivery, were sheltered since the strong storm was different from the ones they had experienced.

The young adult with a worried look was squeezing the woman's hand. When the young man saw his wife in such a sorry state, he asked the lady that she was attending the delivery.

"Susan ... what's wrong? Why is Ailyn feeling so bad? Why is our baby not born yet?"

The lady aware of the concerns of the young man, she also did not know very well what to answer. With a long sigh she said:

"Albert. Ailyn suffers from heart problems, plus she has been pushing for hours which takes her breath away causing her to lose oxygen and make it difficult for her to get it back on the spot.” Susan's voice was low and accurate. "She has also lost a lot of blood, and my healing magic for some reason is unable to take effect. Very sorry."

Susan sadly squeezed her hands as a sign of helplessness, she was unable to do anything despite being a medical magician, considered the best in her town.

Albert, hearing Susan's words, grits his teeth and looks at his wife in frustration.

"Honey ... the baby, our baby." In a very weak and hesitant voice, Ailyn spoke to her husband. Due to the thunder and that she was weakened, she was not listening to the conversation. Still, she knew something was wrong, but her innocent heart still held out hope. "Our baby is going to be fine, right?"

With those almost sobbing words from his wife, Albert couldn't take it anymore and tears began to flow from his honey-colored eyes.

"Oh honey" ...

Albert once more squeezed the hand of his beloved and furiously screamed to the heavens.

"Gods, what have we done to them to go through this? Why the hell are they punishing us like this ?! My beloved, my sweet and beautiful Ailyn, she did not have to suffer so much, we just wanted to have a happy and peaceful life with our son, but you ... you, please ... save my son, save my wife ... I beg you, Gods, save me" ...

Both Susan and Ailyn burst into tears, Susan raised Ailyn since she was little, very little, the love and affection of a mother grew in her and she could not help but love the girl. That is why Albert did not argue with her, because he knew that she suffered more from her.

In the face of the young couple's anger and sadness, the thunder intensified much more, so much so that even the cabin shook. When a lightning bolt illuminated the room, Albert noticed that his wife was slowly closing her black eyes. Despite having a dark color, her eyes radiated a charming glow, but ... that glow was fading. Albert with more fury shouted louder to the heavens.

"Someone, Gods, ancestors, druids ... please do something, if you really exist, do something ... please."

Albert's last word was said in a low voice as he lowered his head and clung to the hand of his beloved with tears.

Different races had different religious beliefs, but for Albert, none of that mattered. All he wanted was for someone to help him, whoever, in order to save his beloved and son.

Seeing that nothing happened, Albert did not insist, tears and tears came from him and he could not do anything. Everything he loved was about to leave this world and with it, her other reason for life. Susan just leaned on Ailyn's right arm and cried out in anger and sadness.

"Please ... save ... my ... son ..."

Ailyn's muffled voice was the straw that broke the camel's back, an endless lament and mercy pouring into the room, hoping someone would respond to her help. So much begging, so much crying, so much asking for someone to answer in the end.

"If you want it so badly, then it will be."

A melodious and sweet voice was heard throughout the room. Susan and Albert's eyes widened when they heard the voice, they looked at the sky and from there a small white light descended that slowly entered the stomach of the almost deceased Ailyn.

"He has been blessed by me, and by me he will live, his future will be full of uncertainties and his fate will be inevitable. Remember who responded to his cries, and who helped in his tragedy. Live for him, live for me, his Goddess, Alkana" ...

Faced with such words, he could only. respond with a thank you from the depths of his hearts. Thus, the birth of a blessed one made presence in a remote and small town in the middle of a strong storm.