Happy birthday, little wizard

Author's Note: Hello, I hope my story has caught your attention, I assure you that it will be very entertaining. Well, I just wanted to remind you that my legal language is not English, I speak Spanish, therefore, I apologize for the small errors that there will be, I hope you still like it, greetings :D


One afternoon, a small boy was walking in the backyard watching a man with brown hair, white skin and honey-colored eyes, practice with a wooden sword against a large tree.

The subject was Albert, and the boy his son. 3 years had passed since then ... the afternoon was cool and the sky showed its beauty along with the radiant sunlight. The boy with curiosity and excitement saw his father clash his wooden sword in such a great way that it left him wanting to try.

"Are you excited, Light?" Asked the father with a smile when he saw the face of his little one.

"Yes father!" Lthe boy responded enthusiastically.

It was no surprise to anyone that the child could speak fluently at such a young age, not only that, when Light was 1 year old, he could already understand the words of his parents, at 2 years old he could already walk, and when He was 2 and a half years old, he began to speak normally, with a tone of a small child, but he spoke normally.

When Light could walk and understand the words, he went alone to the library of Susan, the lady who raised her mother since she was little. She was a witch doctor, that's what she lived in town. Susan lives with Ailyn, Albert and Light. From the birth of the child, Susan was more in the care of Ailyn.

Light from birth showed signs of being better than an ordinary baby or child, the first years of her was spent absorbing books to gain knowledge. Her consciousness was awakened from a very young age and her ability to learn and memorize things was amazing.

Light decided on his own to start reading history books about his continent and what he inhabited in it. Like for example, the continent where she lives is called Barkarus.

In it there are many types of life, different races and amazing territories. The continent is ruled by 3 kingdoms, each kingdom belongs to a different race. Human, elf and dwarf, in addition to them, there is a fourth race that is hardly considered intelligent, giants.

Although they are strong and they are many, their territory is only called borderland, since because they are a somewhat wild race, their ability does not give to advance as a kingdom.

Besides that, there is a land called, wild land. There live non-intelligent races whose mentality is to destroy and annihilate everything in their path, orcs, ogres, reptilians and creatures like wyverns. There are also forests with wild beasts, endless dangers and adventures on the Barkarus continent that addressed the mind of a little boy who had just learned about the world.

While he learned from the stories of the past, he also learned from the power that exists. Magic, the elements, he as a magician he could control the elements and create spells. Light despite being intrigued by magic, did not want to address his mind with so much in so little, he first decided to go through the past.

That was until he saw his father train. Light felt that after 3 years, it was time to learn what was most prevalent in this continent, power, magic.

It happened that today was his birthday, today Light was 3 years old. His father gave him a small wooden sword as a gift and decided to teach his son a few sword skills.

Light was observing and analyzing the small wooden sword that his father had given him. Excited, his black eyes couldn't help but sparkle with excitement.

"Well son, watch and repeat my movements carefully. To be a great swordsman, you need discipline and practice to the full".

Light nodded at his father's words.

Albert belongs to a group of guards who protect the town from any possible threat, be it bandits or wild creatures that roam the forest. Albert's level of learning was limited, since his knowledge did not come from a remote village.

Despite that, he knew the basics and a few details that would undoubtedly serve little Light.

"Son, the first thing you have to know is the correct position to maintain a proper balance and protect your open points, understood?" Albert warned his son.

"Understood, father," replied the boy firmly.

The first thing that Albert wanted to teach the little Light, was the defense and attack positions, his son was still a child so he did not want to go into combat, that would be the most absurd thing despite the little boy's capabilities, in addition, if he towards something like fighting and hurting Light, Ailyn would definitely not stand still.

So Albert and his little son spent the entire afternoon practicing and having fun together.

The sun was already setting when Susan called for little Light to take a shower, since the night would be used to celebrate the child's birthday. Albert listens to Susan and runs off to pick up his son and mount him on her shoulders. The two of them were laughing happily and went to shower.

While the father and son duo showered, Ailyn and Susan set the table and got the food ready.

"He's always cute and it fills me with happiness how fast my little Light grows," Ailyn commented with a cute smile.

"Well, he was blessed by a Goddess, it is normal for the little one to be different from the rest of the children," Susan said with joy. His future will be great, I feel it, my dear.

As the two of them remembered that moment in the past, Albert and Light had already come down. The scent of food filled their stomachs and the two of them couldn't help but lick their lips at the same time as they looked at the food with sparkling eyes.

"Albert, you teach the child to be gluttonous," Ailyn replied a little annoyed when she saw the gesture that her little girl made.

"Sweetheart, don't say that," the young adult replied worriedly for fear of his wife. the child is growing, it is normal for him to have an appetite.

"Mom, can I eat?" asked the boy.

"Of course, son, but first, let's thank him and after lunch, we'll give you your gifts," said the mother enthusiastically.

Each one sat in her seat and closed their eyes to thank both for the food and for the Goddess Alkana who saved them on that tragic night.

What filled her hearts with joy was when Light thanked the Goddess, since this when she did, no matter what, always a breeze shook the child's hair. This gave them to understand that the Goddess cared for her son, filling her parents with peace and tranquility.

After dinner and cutting the cake, it was time for the presents. Albert had already given the gift to his son in the afternoon, since only Susan and Ailyn were left.

The first was Ailyn, whose gift was a silver necklace with a navy blue crystal hanging from the end of it. According to her, that was the necklace she had from her when she was a baby. The necklace could calm the child's concerns despite feeling stressed or sad, since he had the most important thing, the blessing and affection of a mother.

Next but definitely not least, Susan.

She gave him a book on basic magic theory and history. When Light saw the book, he got quite excited, since when he inquired in the library, he had not found a book that spoke of magic.

Susan explained that they only lived in a remote town from the big cities, and that is why knowledge was basic to anything, except history. The history of the continent was present everywhere, but in a town where there was only one magician, there were no books that explained about it.

That is why she had kept the only book on magic, and now she was giving it to hers, her little Light.

"I told you that when you were born, a Goddess blessed you, right? Susan mentioned. That is why I feel that your potential in magic will be great, my little wizard. I hope that one day you will make us proud and be known throughout the continent, dear grandson.

Susan's sweet and proud words went through every corner of the boy's mind. The excitement of learning magic and knowing more about the world could no longer be hidden, I finally had to learn about magic.

So Light's 3rd birthday was a great day for him. He got a sword to practice with, got a necklace from his mother, and best of all, Susan had gifted him a book on basic magic. Light despite his young age, could perform movements, gestures, and think differently from the rest of his age.

Sure, his personality was still being shaped, and one of his characteristics is that he likes to take it easy.

Light decided to split his training and learning. In the morning he will train with his father, and in the afternoon he will learn about magic, so that his mind is not so burdened. He also decided to take a day off to help his mother with the cleaning, since he could not carry weight, yet.

The evening was rewarding and certainly a pleasant memory that little Light would cherish very much.

By the time the clock had struck midnight, Light had fallen asleep. Albert carried his son and together with Ailyn, they took him to his room and tucked him in. each one gave him a kiss on the forehead and with sweet dreams, they said goodbye to the little one from him.

Susan cleared the table and cleaned the dishes. She was also happy that everything was going so well. Her daughter was healthy and her grandson was an intelligent and enthusiastic child. Not only that, she was grateful that the town has been quiet lately, since his son-in-law could spend more time with his son.

Parents are a good encouragement for a child in the early stages of his life. Giving him the necessary love and attention would improve the child's attitudes and make him grow up with good ideologies in a world where good is not forever and bad adorns the doors of every inhabitant of the continent.

Susan would also help with the growth of his grandson, so that if he ever became a great wizard, that he would not forget his manners, roots and humility.

"It's nice to see my little Light sleeping so happy," Ailyn said as they descended the stairs.

"The good thing about our town is that he is retired and bandits and mercenaries are not so frequent. The wild beasts of the forest haven't been around lately either, so Light can have quiet days" added Albert.

"Are you sure to teach your son the use of the sword, Albert?" Susan asked. He even he is very small.

Albert just shook his head from side to side with a smile ignoring Susan's words.

"Are you kidding? Susan made a small gesture at" Albert's comment". Today I could see that our boy has a talent for this sword. His movements even though they were a bit clumsy, he could follow me and perform the movements with precision.

After those words, no one else said anything. Ailyn just looked at the ceiling and in a low voice she said:

"Goddess Alkana, huh? Thank you her," she thanked with a smile.

Thinking of something, Susan remembered.

"You remember that two days after Light's birth, another child was also born, right?"

"Yes, I remember, Zairon's son," Albert commented.

"What's with that, Susan?" asked Ailyn.

"Our little one isn't the only one with a great future," Susan said. Apparently, the boy can already read and understand many things, not only that, he also shows a great interest in magic.

"Incredible, he too he was blessed by a deity?" asked Ailyn.

Susan in response shook her head.

"I attended the delivery, and none of that happened. The only thing that I do remember is having seen how several threads of mana entered the baby's chest at that time, those threads of mana gave a sensation of a cold that made the skin crawl" Susan said while she remembered the scene". It only lasted a few seconds, but that implied that this child would be someone in the future.

"Wonderful, with two such talented children, our town should be more than proud" Albert smiled as he said that.

"Well that's true," added Susan.

With a yawn, Ailyn had already hinted that it was late and they should go to sleep as well. Susan with a smile said goodbye to them and she stayed a while in the living room, sitting on a wooden chair while she watched the moon through the window.

"Too bad I'm not young, the future is about to change. Well, I still have time, why bother?" She said with a smile Susan in a low voice.