Chapter 22 : Getting closer

Xiu Ying sitting by the window, reading another medical book. Wearing his night robe, which is only a thin layer of white clothes. His hair falling down loosely, swayed left and right when the night breeze hit it. The moonlight reflects on his face makes Xiu Ying looks like an angel descended from heaven.

Xiu Ying was too immersed in his reading. He didn't realize someone secretly entered his room and has been staring at him for a few minutes.

Wu Zhang Wei didn't allow the servant to announce his arrival. He quickly dismissed all of them when arrived at the door. Jing Yi reluctant to leave but he's powerless to go against the emperor. With his great skills in martial arts, Wu Zhang Wei managed to make his presence unnoticeable. He intended to surprise Xiu Ying but when his eyes fall on the beautiful figure near the window, he was stunned instead.

Wu Zhang Wei was jerked out of his trance when a cute sneeze sound was heard. He quickly collected himself back. "Don't sit there with only your night robe. It's cold during the night." The deep voice makes Xiu Ying jolts.

"Yo- Your Majesty." Xiu Ying puts aside the book and bows.

"Rise." Wu Zhang Wei saw an outer robe on the couch, he picks it up. He moves closer to Xiu Ying then put it over him.

"Take care of yourself. I know you're a great physician, you can heal any kind of diseases but still, your health is the priority. Understand?" His words are full of concern.

Xiu Ying bewildered with what the emperor just did. He blinks his eyes, then hesitantly nods.

Ignoring the puzzled look on Xiu Ying, Wu Zhang Wei grabs on his hand, drags him to the couch.

"How are you doing?" asked Zhang Wei.

"Good, Your Majesty."

"I heard about Wen Qian." He sighs. "Can you heal her?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. I'll try my best. For her fertility, maybe I can help to improve it again. But for the thing that caused her headache, I might need some time to discover and fully get rid of it. I- I'm sorry for being incompetent." Xiu Ying lowers his head.

Since Wu Zhang Wei came, never once Xiu Ying looks into his eyes. And now, he lowers his head even more. Zhang Wei lifts his hand, gently caressing the flawless cheek and pull up the chin. Now, they are eyes-to-eyes. "What are you sorry for? You've done such an excellent job. Even other physicians can't do what you did. There's no need for you to say sorry. You should feel proud of your work."

This is the first time Xiu Ying stares directly into Zhang Wei's eyes. He can see gentleness, care,

Xiu Ying quickly lowers his head again, hiding the faint blush. 'Damn you heart! Calm down a little will ya?! He's just a little bit handsome. No need to be so worked up!' Xiu Ying cursing in his heart.

"Ying-er...." Zhang Wei called.

'Okay, now he's playing the 'intimate nickname' card.' Xiu Ying stays silent.

"Can...Zhen get to know more about Ying-er?" Zhang Wei grabs on Xiu Ying's hand.

Xiu Ying frowns. "What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

Zhang Wei sighs. "Zhen knows, in the past, Zhen did so many wrongs towards Ying-er and Zhen really sorry for that. Zhen shouldn't do like that. In the past, Zhen disliked you even before tried to get to know you. Zhen regrets that."

"Why would Your Majesty feel regret? It's not like I've changed. I'm still the same Xiu Ying." Xiu Ying said with a bit of sarcasm.

Zhang Wei shakes his head. "No. You're different. You're totally different. You're not the same Xiu Ying. Zhen doesn't know what you've gone through or what happened to you when you were in a coma but Zhen doesn't mind. What Zhen knows, from the first time Zhen saw you after you woke up, Zhen feels something in my heart. And the more Zhen gets to know you, the more Zhen.... fall for you."

Xiu Ying faintly smiles. "When I chased after Your Majesty, you avoid me. Then when I avoid you, Your Majesty suddenly said you fall for me? Are you a tsundere?"

"....ts- tsun- dere? What's that?" Zhang Wei knitted his brows. Xiu Ying's always confusing. He didn't know where Xiu Ying learned all those foreign words.

Xiu Ying smacks his forehead. "No. Nothing. Forget it."

Xiu Ying slowly removes his hand from the grips. "Your Majesty, I thought you're close to Concubine Wen? You keep spending time at her place and even gave her lots of presents. Then, tonight, suddenly Your Majesty said you're in love with me? What are you thinking?" His voice was slightly raised.

Seeing the emperor didn't say anything and didn't dare to look at his face, Xiu Ying continues, "Or actually Your Majesty thought that she might not be able to give birth, then Your Majesty suddenly turn your interest towards me?" Xiu Ying huffs.

"No! No! It's not like that. Zhen never thinks like that. Zhen might not be a good man but Zhen will never play with someone's heart."

"Then how Your Majesty gonna explain about Concubine Wen? With the way Your Majesty treated her, she might think Your Majesty loves her! And unintentionally, Your Majesty is giving hope to her!"

Zhang Wei shuts his eyes tightly. 'Never know my love can be so fierce when he's angry.'

He slowly opens his eyes and steals a glance at the fuming guy in front of him. "Y- Ying-er..."

"Don't call me that! Only my parents can call me that!" Zhang Wei flinches.

"B- but I'm your hu- husba.."

Xiu Ying gives a deathly stare. The mighty emperor can only swallow back his words.

"Xiu Ying... first of all, Zhen wants to apologize. Actually, Concubine Wen knows that Zhen... likes you.." Xiu Ying's head automatically turns to Zhang Wei with his eyes widen.

"Yes. Concubine Wen knows about it. And the truth is, Concubine Wen wished to be sent out of the palace and Zhen already promised her. Zhen will find a good family for her to be married into so she won't have to return to her home. As for the gifts, that's considered as her wealth or savings so she'll live an easy life when she's out of here."

Xiu Ying squints his eyes, looking disbelief with his words.

"I- it's true! Zhen always went to Concubine Wen's room be- because... Zhen... asked her to be friends with Xiu Ying. Zhen wants to get to know Xiu Ying but Zhen knows you're not willing to tell everything about yourself to Zhen. So... Zhen had to use an underhanded method like that... Sorry..."

If Zhang Wei is a dog, Xiu Ying can see his tail and ears drop.

'How dare Wen Qian cooperate with this guy! If she's not a girl, I'll spank her!'

Zhang Wei lowers his head, playing with his fingers. Xiu Ying sighs. 'What a pathetic sight. Is he really an emperor?'

"If Your Majesty plotting with Concubine Wen before this, then what makes Your Majesty suddenly said wants to know me, direct on my face? Does your Majesty think I've softened for you? Or maybe lately I'm being lenient towards Your Majesty?"

"No. Zhen just wants to protect Xiu Ying. Being closer to you, it will be easier for Zhen to protect you. What happened to Concubine Wen makes me realized that someone has started to make her move and Zhen doesn't want Xiu Ying to get hurt."

Xiu Ying scoffs. "Only when there's a victim, Your Majesty wants to take action? What if I'm the first victim?"

Zhang Wei never thought those people would target Concubine Wen first. He thought they'll try to get rid of Xiu Ying because of the ranks promotion and the title given. That's why he gives all of his attention to Xiu Ying and didn't notice that someone else was being targeted.

Again, Xiu Ying looks at the emperor in disbelief. 'How shameless this guy can be... How can he say things like that with a straight face.'

Zhang Wei scoots closer and Xiu Ying quickly distance himself. "Please, Xiu Ying... Let Zhen get to know you better." Zhang Wei pleads.

Xiu Ying leans back, crossing his arms. "So Your Majesty, what do you want to know? My name, age, where I lived, my hobby, then what else?"


"Say it what Your Majesty wants to know. Make it fast, please. I'm sleepy."

The word 'sleepy' makes the emperor's eyes light up. "Sleepy? Then, let's sleep." He pulls Xiu Ying to the bed, forcing him to lay on the mattress, blows out the candle, and pulls the other person into his arm.

It happened so fast and Xiu Ying didn't have time to react. He only realized when he feels the warm temperature engulfing his whole body. He wiggles to release himself from the embrace.

"Yo- Your Majesty! Le- let me go, please!" He keeps pushing Zhang Wei but the sturdy guy didn't budge even an inch.

Zhang Wei tightens his hold and pushes Xiu Ying's head onto his neck. "Sleep Ying-er. Zhen won't do anything."

Xiu Ying's body becomes stiff.

Zhang Wei lowers his head and inhales the scent of Xiu Ying's hair. "Ying-er feels so warm and smells so good..." He mumbles.

Luckily, his face was hidden if not, for sure the beast inside Zhang Wei will awaken once he looks at the Xiu Ying's red face.


Feeling like he was being crushed by a big dog, Xiu Ying tried to push away the 'dog'. "G- go.. aw- away..." He whines.

Xiu Ying stops moving around when he heard chuckles. He lifts his eyelids and meets a broad chest. Slowly he raises his head.

"Morning, Ying-er," The person who staring down at him, caressing the top of his head.

Too shocked with this kind of view, Xiu Ying pushes as hard as he can and jerked back. Zhang Wei immediately turns sullen.

Xiu Ying looked under the quilt and breathe a sigh of relief as he's still wearing his night robe and there's no mysterious 'dog's bites' left on his skin.

Zhang Wei sits up and gets off the bed. While straightening his robe, he mumbles, "You really don't trust me, do you?" He turns to Xiu Ying, looking dejected.

Zhang Wei sighs, "Fine. Since you really hate the idea of Zhen sleeping here, Zhen won't do it again. Zhen doesn't want Xiu Ying to hate Zhen more than you already are." With that, he left the room. Walking straight to his room, ignoring the murmurs from the servants.

Xiu Ying stares at the door, dumbfounded.

'Did he just sulking just because I pushed him away as I'm too shocked?!! What the hell is his problem? Is he three years old kid?!!'

Xiu Ying trashing on the bed, punching the pillow, trying to tear apart the quilt. Venting his frustration. Done venting towards the innocent bed, Xiu Ying releases a long exhale. "That feels better." He scoffs. "Sulking? Do you think I'd care? Let's see how long you do that."