Manuela is standing in front of me, pointing a gun to my head. I have stopped crying. Daddy and Penny have been gone for like twenty minutes now and I am happy that they are safe and away from this crazy woman.
I can't believe it was Manuela though. I liked her so much. She is just walking about the room panting and talking to herself under her breath. I think from the words that I caught that she loves Marco.
Suddenly the room Bursts open and I see daddy, penny and Gus rushing in. Manuela holds my neck and points the gun to my head. I scream, her tight hold around my neck hurts.
"Manuela... Why..." I see hurt washing all over Penny's face. Daddy looks like he is going to have a heart attack. I swear I have never seen him this scared and helpless. Gus looks all around the room trying to think what to do next.
"Do not take one step forward. I will roast her brain out of her head! I swear." Manuela says.
"Don't. We are not moving." daddy says.
"Daddy I am fine. No be scared. It's Okay." I say and smile. Daddy looks really upset and I hate to see him like this. He nods at me.
Manuela lets out a maniacal laugh and says "not for soon".
"Is he... dead? You killed him?" Manuela asks.
"No!" daddy, penny and Gus shout in unison.
"But we will kill him if you don't let Sansa go." daddy says and Penny nods.
"Take me to him. You assholes hurt my love so much. I want to see him." Manuela cries softly.
Her love?
"Let Sansa go and we can take you to the basement." daddy says, sweating profusely.
"No! She comes along!" Manuela suddenly sing -songs.
She is crazy.
Daddy's pov
This is probably the worst day of my life since the Plane Crash. All my worst fears are coming true all at once.
Holy fuck!
I... can't take Sansa down. Marco looks like a slaughtered goat. Even worse, she can't look at him that way. She will be scarred for life.
This bitch. I will fucking send her to her "love" very soon even if so much as a scratch comes to Sansa.
Think think.
"Let's go." Manuela says pulling Sansa by her hair. Her face twists up in pain as she lets out a yelp.
"You bitch. Stop hurting her. I swear I will skin you alive and chop you off to pieces if you hurt her one more time!" daddy screams and Sansa starts crying.
She hugs Manuela.
What a royal fuck up. I scared Sansa so much that she is hugging onto the mad woman with a gun, about to try to kill her. Penny grabs my hand. We look at each other.
"Okay let's go to the basement." I say suddenly. Let's just get her moving.
"You three walk in front and we both follow, yes." Manuela says.
I nod.
We walk downstairs to the basement. I fight the urge to tell Sansa to close her eyes.
From the stairs I think Manuela makes out that Marco is dead, because of all the blood around and screams suddenly
"you son of a bitch! You killed him!" and points and shoots at me.
Out of nowhere Sansa, yes my baby girl Sansa comes in between to take the bullet.
The bullet hits her and she falls on the stairs.