We are sitting by Sansa's bed. I am rubbing Sansa's scalp and massaging her head. She loves it when I do that. She says it makes her relax and helps her sleep. I do that often when she is in my arms for nap time but she refuses to take her nap because she wants to play longer with Oly in the garden or watch another episode of power puff girls.

She groans and opens her eyes.

"It's okay baby. Daddy's here. You are safe little girl." I rub her head and kiss her forehead.

"I no talk to daddy." she looks at me and pouts. My face falls. She turns to look at Penny.

I am heart broken. Crest fallen. Obviously she doesn't want to talk to me. I was... I... I could not take enough care of my baby girl. She had a bullet inside her because of me.

"Why beautiful?" Penny asks kissing her forehead.

"He did not even hug me after the spanking." she mumbles.

I... I... am speechless. Of all the things that she can be mad at me for she goes for this?


"Little girl. Daddy is so sorry princess." I say and kiss her softly." we will snuggle and cuddle for as long as you want mi Amor."

"Pinkie promise?" she asks.

"Pinkie promise, princess." I smile at her.

"How do you feel now?" Penny asks.

"I can't feel my shoulders or hands." she says, looking sceptically at the IV attached to her hand.

"Must be the sedatives or the pain killer, doll." she says.

She nods still eyeing the drip attached to her hand.

"See what we got you." Penny says and Sansa looks at the room for the first time ever since she woke up. It's filled with stuffies and flowers and candies.

"Gosh! For me daddy?" she asks grinning.

"For you princess" I say and kiss her forehead.

"I... I... am sowiee. Broke my Barbie and new tea set..." she looks like she is about to cry.

"Penny got you new ones!" I say before she can shed tears. I can't see her cry.

"Yes little one. I got you 20 Barbie dolls and 10 different tea sets. And we have enough ice cream supplies to last a year at least” she says and giggles trying to change Sansa's mood. It works.

"I have ice-cream daddy..." she says and yawns.

"Yes baby girl, but after you wake up from your nap, alright?" I tell her and start rubbing her head again.

She yawns a big one again and slowly drifts off too sleep.