So… 7C

=School was over. Next up, high school. Peggy was beyond ecstatic. In a her overly thrilled moment, she'd planned a sleepover with her friends. They would talk about high school that was three months away. They came over that very night. They were more than excited to because Tanner is home. Her friends loved it when her brothers came to pick her up from school. "Eye candy" as she called it once. And now, to be in the presence of one of them and act like he's not important while constantly sneaking glances. Peggy always saw them and she always told Shane. She would tell Tanner but, he saw it too. He always did, he always noticed more than her or Shane.

When her five chosen friends entered her new room that still had the new everything smell, their awe fueled her excitement. She'd waited for this moment and she would bask in it for days. "Wow Pegs." Once commented, looking around the room.

"It's way bigger than your old one." Aida, her best friend compared.

"I know right?" Peggy's excitement leaked. "It's quiet and no one bugs me."

"Are there like rats and stuff? Mine has rats. I'm never going up there." Another one asked, shaking her head at the thought of rats moving around.

"My dad called someone. They got rid of them. Plus my mom says she'll get me a cat." But there were never any rats.

"A brand new room and a pet?"

"I get to go and choose the little guy too." More excitement. "And this way, I never have to run into Tanner's girlfriend or listen to her. I made sure of that." She planted her hands on her hips proudly.

"He's still with her?" One asked, shocked and disappointed. She wasn't the only one. "No matter, when we get to high school, he'll notice me." She smirked.

"As if. I'm the one he'll notice."

"I totally can't wait for high school."

"School literally ended today. It's like three months away. Can we enjoy that at least?" Aida didn't particularly like school.

Peggy giggled, waving off her best friend's lack of enthusiasm for what was ahead of them, "I already have my first day of school outfit planned out."

"Really already?" Wide eyes all around

"I'm so not going to dress like I did before. It's a new me in high school." Peggy loved to plan ahead and in detail. If today is Tuesday, she could have her next Tuesday outfit picked out and tried on. The only things that could change are her accessories. "I really can't wait." She squealed. To be in the same school as Tanner and his best friend, her heart throb himself. Her heart skipped a beat.

"Again, three months. Enjoy it." Aida said.

Once again she was ignored and the night was filled with laughter and talks of what could be...=

Sawyer wrote without stopping, loving every moment of it and for a moment, he was sure she would call him and tell him everything. He smiled. In a way, she is. Her excitement for high school had been growing steadily from the moment she started the school year that just ended. Even then she talked about it like she would be in high school in two weeks. This is how is should be. He smiled.


More nervousness had kept Hannah from calling or texting Sawyer sooner. Sure she'd had boyfriends and crushes before, and sure there couldn't really be anything special about him but for some reason, she couldn't just be anything but nervous when it comes to him. It took her a week, but she sent the text and called five minutes later. He was nothing but smiles. She could tell just by listening to his calm voice. Plus, he'd been waiting for her call and he said as much. She'd wasted too much time, they'd go out the next day. And he agreed!

They met at the restaurant she'd chosen, he'd actually been waiting for her! Where did he come from? Who is this guy she'd never seen until now?

Sawyer smiled when he saw her. "Hi." His smile turned into a smirk. "It's nice to see you again." He assessed her, noticing her stiffen under his gaze.

She could tell anyone who asked that it was like being out with a superstar but he was far from any of that. "Hey. Nice to see you too." His eyes looking over her made her want to leave her body. What exactly is all this? "Shall we?" Lucky for her, her voice didn't give away her mixed emotions. He nodded, she started to move and he followed.

"What took you so long?" He asked when they sat down.

"What?" Wide eyes looked at him.

He flashed a smile with a scoff. "Never mind. We're here now."

"Oh! I umm... school work." She nodded at her own quick lie. "Exams obviously. Who would go out on a date right now?" She scoffed.

"We are." His eyes pierced hers. Exams were still going on.

"It's a form of break. From all that reading." She chuckled. Did he have to call her out on it too?

"I need a break." He sighed. Menus arrived. "I'm not reading this." He shook his head.

She chuckled. "Allow me then. Reading defeats the purpose of a break." He nodded. She read the menu to him. Watching his facial expression change in thought when she read what was in each dish. It was fun. She'd hide her laugh when he squeezed his face and when she looked up he was always looking at her with a smile. Finally he chose and she chose too. Who knew reading over a menu could be fun?

They talked about his friends and her friends. He admitted to having asked Noelle out and told her Noelle's reason. "It doesn't make sense to me."

"I guess." She shrugged. "So you don't have feelings for her or..."

"She was there, so I asked. I thought because she was around me it was okay to ask. But I've learned it's not entirely the case. I think we're better off as friends. For all I know we would have broken up by now and bye bye Elle." He sighed.

"That makes sense. You really think you would have-"

"Yes." He blurted with a straight face. Hannah burst into laughter. He smiled. "She's cool though and I'm not saying there's something wrong but someone would have broken up with someone. We're all kind of annoying and a little if not a lot selfish."

"Does that include Otto?" She stopped laughing to ask.

He nodded, taking the last bits of food of his plate. She did the same. "So what do you study." He asked as he dropped his fork finally.

"No. Nooooo." She shook her head. "Talking about this is like reading."

It was his turn to laugh. "It defeats the purpose of a break." He repeated what she'd said and she nodded. Two minutes later. "Why me?" He asked, taking off his glasses to wipe the lenses.

She looked up from her still not yet empty plate to see him take off his glasses. More awe struck. Apparently it is possible to be. Long black eye lashes fluttered down, he looked like was asleep. "What?" She literally forgot the question but knew he spoke. His lashes moved up and his eyes landed on her. Beautiful green eyes on her. How is it possible that the glasses hides even more gorgeousness?

It wasn't that much different, but it was a different look.

He asked his question again. "Why did you decide to ask me out?"

She scoffed. "I've only known girls to ask that question." She licked her top lip. "I guess it's for the same reason Noelle wanted to just be friends with you."

He chuckled? Seriously? "Really?" He put his glasses back on. She nodded. "Okay." He raised a brow as he nodded. Now he was curious to see how this will end.


"Nothing." He sighed. "In that collection of books you sent home what was your favorite?"

"You're doing it again." He chuckled, shaking his head. "Movies or music. No books." She bit her bottom lip.


In an effort to do better with his brother as he had promised he would, he called him. Later that night after his date. But unfortunately, Tom wasn't picking up. For some reason, Sawyer began to panic. Tom wasn't one to not answer his phone. He texted and watched movies on it so much. He couldn't be without it. But there was no need to worry; there is always Tate. Tate, Tom's best friend, the second person in their duo would answer. He called him. And he did pick up.

Tate's father and his father have been friends for longer than he could remember. He's know Tate longer than he'd known his own brother. Which was a whole month longer. Peggy had a crush on Tate that Tom didn't like, he didn't mind and Tate fueled. But beyond that. Tom and Tate are always together. Inseparable, except for the times Tate spent in London which was practically twelve years of his life. But he was back every summer and holiday and they were stuck together like glue through it all. There was no Tom without Tate, no Tate without Tom. So much so that everyone in their school referred to them as Tate'n'Tom. Which he always thought was ridiculous. Not that it mattered. Tate is the more out spoken of the two. Tom only spoke up when he needed to. Tate is even more popular. In school of course. None of that mattered outside school. Although Tom was the more violent of the two and smarter.

There was music playing in the background. "Hello!"

Sawyer had to move the phone from his ear when Tate yelled. "Hey!" For some reason he yelled back. "Can you hear me?!"

"Yeah, but!" Seconds passed. "Gimme a sec mate." Then it was quite. "Hey Sawyer."

"Throwing a party or at one?" He wondered where he went to for the quiet."

"At one. Tom's actually."

"He must be real busy then." Throwing a party use to require their mom not being home. Now he can do it whenever.

"Yeah. I had to come to my car to get away from the noise."

"That explains it. I was trying to reach him."

"So you didn't call to check on me then?"

Sawyer sighed. "Did you call to check on me? Why am I being made to look like I don't care. He's not calling me you know. I call him and he gets upset cause I won't come home. All dad wants is therapy and he wouldn't do it but I'm the bad guy? To you too?" He didn't think he was angry. He hadn't thought about it even. Yet suddenly...

"I'm sorry." Silence for ten seconds. "He told me about you not coming home. I mean I don't blame you. It's hard for me too. I don't know how he's doing it. But being in there, sometimes I expect aunt Steph to come out and sit with us or Peggy to-" Tate sighed. "You know how she was." No words from Sawyer. "I miss them too. And so does my mom. I don't know how he stays there."

"Probably the same way you do. I left as soon as I could and you keep going back."

"You should come back mate."

Sawyer swallowed. "I'm thinking about it."


"Keep him safe will you. Try to at least."

"I try to stop him from fighting. So far he hasn't gotten in any trouble but one day, he might. I tell him that. I'll keep trying. And school is almost over mate. You gotta make a decision."

"Yeah. I- I- I will." He sniffed. "I should let you get back to your party.

"Oh no mate, we need to catch up."

Sawyer scoffed. They did catch up. Tate told him about his current girlfriend. Sawyer told him about Hannah and his date that ended less than an hour ago. He wanted to tell Tom. But perhaps Tate would tell him. They talked longer than he thought they would. And then it was over. With decisions made by both of them to keep in touch more.

Sawyer went to his desk ready to work and maybe write later. He had so much to write. His mother's laughter, his father's expected and unexpected returns, his brother's... self. His sister's curiosity. None of which would be gone. Everything would be the way it should be. It will always be that way. Tate wouldn't have to miss them. He wouldn't have to miss them and Tom wouldn't cope by fighting because in this world he's creating, he is giving his mother and sister life.