With This… 8A

Days flew by sooner than he expected. Before he knew it, three days were left to the end of the school year and most students he'd passed by talked about how they had already began to pack up. Sawyer was suddenly consumed by dread. Any minute now, Toby or even more directly, his father would call him to know what his plan is. He had none. He was just leaving his room when he heard another excited student talking about packing. Damn.

Then it occurred to him. Instead of going to his house or the summer house where he is supposed to go, he'd just go to his aunt's. But... it was almost just as bad. He could imagine his mom walking out the house and Peggy running across the living room. This place. This room, this school is the only place he felt safe from what he was sure would haunt him. He swallowed. And this place, is not an option.

But, his mom and sister had been here before. They had even seen his room. But somehow, it didn't feel the same. Peggy didn't sit on his bed almost everyday for thirteen years and he didn't get his mom from her room to sit with him and watch tv when Tom was out and Peggy was with her friends. There was just too much history there.

He locked his room door, stuffed his hands and his keys in his pockets, bent his head and walked down the hall. He didn't particularly have anything to do outside. His therapist had recommended going for walks. But he suddenly didn't feel like walking or being alone with his dreadful thoughts. He decided to head for Otto's room. And if he wasn't there, he'll get to him in class. In the one year the three now close friends had spent together, they were well versed in each other's schedules.

Unfortunately, Otto wasn't in his room. Which left him with the other option of going to find him where ever he was. He did find him, ten minutes later, walking out of one of the school's cafes with a girl with him. He'd never met Wendy before. But he was sure he was seeing her for the first time. He walked up to them, getting Otto's attention by his approach.

"Wade." Otto called when he noticed him.

Sawyer gave a small smile as he got closer to the pair. "I've been looking for you."

"You found me." Otto shrugged.

"Hi" Sawyer put out his hand. "You must be Wendy."

Otto scoffed. "No she's not."

"Oh." His eyes widened as he drew he hand back a bit. He looked from Otto to his new friend, "S-s-sorry." He cleared his throat. "It's nice to meet you anyway." His small smile grew.

She chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Okay." She turned to Otto. "Bye."

"I'll do it. I promise." Otto said as she left them.

"You better."

Sawyer's eyebrows shut up. "What's that about?"

"Group assignment." Otto sighed and rolled his eyes. They started to walk.

"What? You haven't done your part?"

"Don't ask." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh so personal lives are okay but this isn't?" He asked rather accusingly.

Otto sighed. "We're supposed to work on a part of it together. I didn't show up last night and for some reason she believes I haven't done my part."

Sawyer smirked. "Your part of the part? Have you done it?"

"Of course I have, come on. Just, I was with Wendy last night. Things got away from me."

His smirk transformed into a chuckle, he shook his head. "Mister magic man."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sawyer shrugged. "Nothing, I just remembered what Elle said about how you and Wendy 'met'." He chuckled.

"What's magical about that?" Otto scowled.

"You work fast. I wasn't even on my first date and you were on your third."

"It's not my fault Hannah Barbra was slow." Sawyer chuckled. "Speaking of, third date with Hannah Barbra…" he trailed off.

"The night before school closes."

"Hmmm… and do you intend to…" he rolled his eyes at the thought of having to use the stupid made up term. "Meet or have you already" He sighed. "Met."

"No. We haven't and we won't." Otto nodded and they walked in silence.

Then the subject changed just as they were getting to Otto's room. "Hey," Sawyer turned to him. "Considering our nine month long friendship, this might be weird."

Sawyer raised his eyebrows. "You sound like Noelle."

Otto chuckled, "You noticed it too didn't you? She always says what she's thinking about what she's about to say and all that." He unlocked his room door.

"Yeah. I asked her, she said it leaves no room for misunderstandings. She likes to make sure no communication wires get crossed." They walked in.

"Interesting. It works."

"What's going to be weird?"

"Oh uhh… will you spend your summer with me?"

Sawyer stared at him. Is this happening? "Uhh…"

"We won't just be in my house of course. We could decide to go anywhere."

"Anywhere in Europe?" "Yeah exactly. You spent all year in school, you didn't go out unless you had to."

They didn't know about therapy. "Neither did you." He rubbed his hair

"True. But… we get to now. What do you say?"

Nothing about the idea screamed dread. He could also say he's going to stay with Otto and not actually do it. It had never occurred to him to lie before. But still… he smiled.

=Missus Wade, also known as Stephany Wade, also known as mom to three not so troublesome children, was sitting in her shared home office. More often than not, she sat in her husband's chair, on his desk to do her work. He barely ever used it considering he was barely ever home. It was theirs nonetheless. Her own desk and chair was a good eight feet away to keep distractions from either one of them at bay. Neither one was closer to the door out or the bathroom and they both had the furniture they'd specifically chosen, yet she still found herself going to his desk. Sometimes, it was possible she didn't realize it, or know why.

It was two days after her beautiful babygirl had graduated. They'd had a little celebration but she wanted to plan something big to mark the occasion. Plus, no one knew but her that Travis was coming back home. She liked it that way.

She had a giant book she's always used to plan every event for all her children in front of her. While she'd had everything done, she wondered what kind of cake her daughter would like and what should be designed on it. By the side of the already made list, she began to doodle.=

Stephany, called Steph by her husband, and Tom when he was younger, was good at drawing. But Peggy was better, and she was better than Tom or Sawyer. Tom can but never does and Sawyer does draw sometimes, but it was Peggy's talent the most. While she was a designer, her daughter could turn a room into art.

=Her doodling turned into a sweet looking image of her daughter smiling up at her. She smiled back, there was nothing more perfect for the design on the cake, she thought as she stared at it. That is unless she had a better idea. Her cellphone suddenly rang, taking her away from her self assigned work. Another work was calling. After all she's more than just a mom and a designer. She's a doctor as well.=