Returning To… 13B

He chuckled. "Hey." He said sweetly.

"Hi." What the hell, she could swoon. She cleared her throat. "I'll see you later."

"What?" His face changed. Thinking about the possibilities of the rest of the day.

Smirking, she shrugged with one shoulder. "I'm clearing my name."

He chuckled again. "I'll come to your room then. Later tonight." He smirked.

"See you then." She turned to leave.

He took her hand, his voice stern suddenly. "Don't play games. We're past that right?" He didn't like the 'catch me if you can' act. It is too unexpected.

She tilted her head. "Then, I've got nothing to do all day. I can watch you unpack." She smiled.

He smiled broadly. "Awesome."

He started to move, rolling his bag again, she took it from him. "It's my turn." She winked, he chuckled, letting go. Not another word was said till they got to his room.

"I'll help you lift it up." And he did.

She sat down with a heavy sigh and folded her legs on his bed. "You, Sawyer are sooo-" she scoffed. "More than a week?"

Head bent over his suitcase as he unzipped it, he looked up with a smirk. "You know I have no explanation."

"We have to make up for it then."

"After all this and you can't say you missed me?"

"I know you know I did."

He looked back at the suitcase and lifted the top. "When did you get back?"

"Last night." She looked back at his suitcase that was neatly packed for a guy who had clothes tossed around his room almost permanently. "I unpacked and took a long nap.."


"Yeah. I was too tired to do anything last night. Unlike you." She watched him take out hangers and hang his shirts. "Your brother must have been upset to see you go."

He chuckled. "No. He has his friend with him. They've got people to see and places to go. Parties to throw and attend."

"Busy boys huh?"

"Popular boys." He corrected. He basically follows Tate everywhere. Actually they follow each other.

"You said your dads are friends?" She ran her hand through her hair, while he moved back and forth between his suitcase and his wardrobe.

"Yeah. They've been friends since…" he scoffed. He had no idea how long. "Forever I guess. More than twenty years."

"Wow. Cool." An opportunity to find out about him. She couldn't pass it up. Unfortunately he didn't say more on himself. He talked about what they did the rest of the summer she was unaware of and she told him the same. More than ten days and he didn't reply her texts. In fact. He still hadn't seen them.

Soon enough they were in silence. He was done hanging his button down shirts and jackets, done folding his T-shirts, sweatshirts, trousers, sweatpants and pajamas, done keeping way his underwear, done keeping a way his shoes, done keeping away spare bedsheets, pillowcases and towels and was about to take his grooming things to the bathroom to put them away when he looked up from him almost empty suitcase with a smile on his face, looking at Hannah while she hummed and pulled the hem of her left trouser leg for no reason.

She looked back immediately. Not sure why. She hadn't felt his eyes on her and she didn't have anything to say. Seeing his eyes on her, she stopped humming, her hand froze.

Her eyes held wonder. His smile brightened. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Hannah's eyes widened in complete surprise by the question. Completely stunned speechless. He leaned forward over his suitcase, his face closing in on hers. She was doing her best to snap out of her disbelief to give the answer she'd always said in her head.

He hadn't exactly planned it. He hadn't even been thinking about it and yet he just blurted it out. He really did want her to the his girlfriend. And there would never be a great time to ask her. He hoped she would say yes now that he'd let out the question. Tate and Tom would be glad. Tom most especially. Tom really liked Abby for some reason despite the fact that he knew she liked Tate first. The messed up plan Tom and Tate had going with Tom dating Abby while Abby liked Tate somehow worked out for them because Tom and Abby eventually liked each other. If Abby really liked Sawyer, he didn't know. But he knows Abby likes Tom. And Tom Abby. Why he liked a girl who insulted his sister, he would never understand but-

"Yes." Came the answer just in time.

"Yeah?" His smile widened.

She nodded, biting her lower lip and searching his oh so close face. "Is this the part where you kiss me?"

His smile shrunk into a mischievous smirk. "No. When you least expect it." He moved back completely, gathered up his things and headed for the bathroom. His smile returned. He did want to kiss her. It would be their first kiss. Three dates and not once did he kiss her. Of course no one knew that.

On the other side, Hanna was way more excited now than she was when she saw him coming up to the hostel doors. Nothing had prepared her for this moment. It never occurred to her that this would happen. Okay yes she imagined it a thousand times over three months of summer. But this was not how she pictured it. Even now, butterflies fluttered around in her stomach in anticipation for their first kiss that would probably not even happen today. She let out a deep sigh and bit her lower lip. What a day.

All while he arranged his things in the bathroom, he couldn't help smiling. Why was he even pushing back the inevitable kiss? To make it more spontaneous that's why. But hell, he wanted to kiss her so badly. His new girlfriend. He came back out with his smile reduced to a smirk. The unpacking process wasn't done. He looked at her and she was smiling at him. A scoff escaped him. He didn't know what to say. But he could keep unpacking. He took out his laptop and chargers and set them where they were supposed to be. On his desk and on the ground by the wall socket. All the while he could feel her looking at him. He turned to face her, scratching his left temple as he said, "I need to make my bed."

"Okay." She got up. And he went back to his almost empty suitcase and took about the bedsheets and pillow case he'd settled on using. "Can I help? You've done everything else, I can't just be watching."

"Sure." He picked up his pillowcase and pillow and handed it to her. Spotting hers and Noelle's gifts as the only things left in the suitcase.

Ten minutes later, he was all unpacked and lying on his bed with her next to him. He'd taken off his glasses. The added bonus! He was watching her watch him. She bit her lower lip. "I so didn't see today turning out like this."

"As opposed to every other day." Their faces were so close. He still didn't make the move.

She giggled. "Of course not. It's just, I mean, I was heading out to get lunch and there you were and I couldn't resist and like, thirty minutes later you're my boyfriend." She bit her lip again. She watched his eyes drop to them, her heart skipped a beat. Why is she letting him make the first move? Help her, she's actually anticipating this least expected moment. The suspense of a first kiss. Would it be any moment now?

Something she'd said whispered to him and he looked up. "You were going to get lunch? Why didn't you- you just followed me instead."

"I wanted to." The concern in his eyes.

"You must be hungry." He sat up. "I was going to take a shower and then- let's go." He flung his legs off the bed." Ready to put on his shoes.

"Sawyer," she sat up. "Will you have lunch with me?"

He looked up from tying his shoelaces and turned back to her with a smirk. Their first date as a couple. "Yes."

He was up and ready while she put on her sandals. He watched her fingers work and in seconds she was up. They walked to the door and he opened it up for them to walk out. Holding the door open for her to leave, her three steps out, he reached out, grabbed her arm, gently spun her around and trapped her in a kiss that she indeed least expected. Feeling her heart pounding against his own. Seconds that felt like blissful forever passed before he let go and stepped back. Looking at her look at him blankly. His hand still holding her arm slid down and laced her fingers with his before he stepped out and closed the door.