Returning To… 13C

Five days later? Sawyer and Otto took the path to Noelle's room. Otto had been back the day before and Noelle had just arrived that evening. As opposed to the school's atmosphere five nights ago, tonight it was alive and full of students walking around and catching up as they walked. As did the two friends. Otto had come to Sawyer's room to tell him Noelle was back. And so they strolled towards her hostel, to her room. With Otto filling Sawyer in on what he'd missed since he left.

Noelle opened her room door up to them with a smirk on her face. Taking in the sight of her friends after three months. Otto had added a little weight and Sawyer was taller. His hair was longer even. She stepped aside for them to enter without saying a word. She had something else on her mind.

"Hey Wade, Otto," Sawyer looked at Otto as he spoke. "Three months and I haven't seen either of you. It feels like it's been forever. To think you survived a whole three months without me." There were quite the number of bags around the room.

She scoffed, closing her door. Locking them in with their drama. "You know, I had fun without you guys." Otto took over. "It's not like I was waiting for you guys the whole time. Would I come to school so late if I wasn't having so much fun?"

She sat on her bed while they continued their act. "Not to brag, but I was practically by the pool all day, sunbathing and swimming and shopping. Check out the bags I got filled with stuff. There were parties after parties I had to attend. I even got you guys gifts." Sawyer had taken over. She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "I ev-"

"I heard Hannah Barbra has a boyfriend." Noelle cut him off and shocked him with her reveal. "It wouldn't be you would it?" She smirked. Knowing the answer. "Actually I saw. Read to be precise."

"Wait!" Otto looked from Noelle to Sawyer who was now smirking to match hers. "Wait, are you joking?" He snapped his head back to Noelle.

"There were pictures. Posted. We're friends after all. Hannah Barbra and I." She wasn't bragging but it came off that way. "She changed her relationship status. There were words too. What were they…" she faked thinking. "I can't get enough of him." She nodded, as if making sure those were the words. "Yeah that's right."

Sawyer scoffed then began to laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was going to tell you guys."

"So it's true?!" Otto couldn't believe it. "Seriously? You and Hannah Barbra? Since when?"

"The day I got back. You couldn't let me say it could you?"

"She said it for you, I just repeated it." Noelle shrugged.

"The day you got back? I was with you before you left. You didn't think to tell me?"

"I didn't know I would ask her." Noelle picked up her phone from her bed. "Maybe I should have asked her-"

He scoffed and looked away. "Elle stop." Noelle's ambush making him a bit uncomfortable. Almost shy. "I'll tell you." He shifted his standing position, facing Otto who folded his hands and Noelle who just wanted to hear it from him. He told them; that she came up to him, that they kissed..

"Come on Wade. Details. How did this kiss happen?" Noelle needed details. "Wow." The image was intense in her head. "Wow Wade."

Otto shook his head. "I can't believe you finally have a girlfriend."

"It's not finally. It was never a thing about if I would get one. I'm not Tom but I've had a girlfriend before."

"How many has he had?" Noelle asked.

"Three I think. Or four. I don't keep track."

"And you?"

He started to speak, Otto put his hand up. "That's not important. What is is, after three months of talking to her you came back and not only asked her to be your girlfriend but you kissed her for the first time, which baffles me cause I thought that was already done." He sighed.

Noelle smiled. Watching Otto who talked like he is aware of his own when he isn't. Shocked that Sawyer hadn't kissed Hannah yet when he was practically jumped by Wendy. How can they both be so clueless? She knows Hannah is reeling over being his girlfriend and Wendy probably the same and they barely even acknowledged the fact. They didn't act like hot guys but they are. What were those lyrics again? 'Everyone else in the room can see it; everyone else but you.' Clueless.

"Did you guys…" Again with the word. Otto tilted his head, uncomfortable. "Meet yet?"

"You know I never once asked you if you and Wendy met."

"You did didn't you?"

They did, after lunch that very day. "I'm not going to tell you that."

His decision was final. He didn't need to tell them for them to decide what his answer truly is. Either way, Noelle liked that he kept that to himself. "You barely look excited." She changed the subject.

"I can't believe she actually agreed. We have fun talking but still. I mean..." he trailed off.

He looked baffled as to why Hannah agreed to be his girlfriend. Almost like it was unreal. "Clearly she likes you." Noelle stated, choosing the most obvious word.

Sawyer chuckled and shook his head. "What have you been up to?" He changed the subject completely.

"Ohhhhhh!" She remembered something else. "How was the spa? I saw the video. You freaked out."

Otto chuckled. "You should have been there. Everything looked like a torture instrument to them. Tom wouldn't even let the nail clippers go deep enough."

Sawyer chuckled. "Don't mock me. It's not my fault I've never been."

"We should go. Maybe this time you'll get a wax done." Noelle laughed.

"A what?" Sawyer's face changed. "I heard those things hurt like hell."

"Did you not hear that one scream?" Otto asked.

"Someone screamed that day? I was too busy freaking out over those- those cuticle thingies."

Noelle couldn't stop laughing. "We so have to make time."

The boys finally sat down and they talked and talked all night. Like they hadn't all communicated a week ago.

Just before they left her room, well past midnight. Sawyer took out his gift that had been in his pocket the whole time. "I got this for you." He handed it to her. He still hadn't given Hannah hers.

"Really?" She unwrapped and revealed her beautiful silver bracelet. "Thanks Wade." She looked at him, smiling at him as he smiled at her. How unexpected… how nice.

"He's not the only one who got you something." Otto revealed.

"Would you look at that. All great minds. I got you guys something too