Excitement Over… 14A

It was already the middle of the school week. On this particular Wednesday, already acquainted with his school schedule for the semester, Sawyer was sleeping in. So deep in sleep in fact that he didn't know when Hannah left his room. So much so that his phone had been ringing and he didn't hear it until he could hear it in his sleep. He woke up just when it was about to stop ringing for the fifth time and picked up the moment he saw his brother's name as the caller. "Hello?" He said groggy and confused, wondering what time it is. "Tom?"

Tom didn't answer.

Seconds passed. Enough time for worry to grip Sawyer and make him look at his phone screen to be sure he was on the phone with the right person. "Tom?" It was enough time to see what time it was. 7:32am. He had barely begun to sleep in. "Tom what is it?"


A word enough for him to sigh with relief and still crease his forehead.

"Mom always hugged me on the first day of school. How can I go to school when she wouldn't do that anymore?"

"Tom it's Wednesday."

"She hugged you too right? She ways did. Even before she left you in school. She's always hugged us and kissed us and hugged our heads. I can't go to school without it."

Ok, so he's gathered his brother hasn't been to school all week yet. He sat up.

"And Peggy. No one has ever been more excited about school the way she was and she doesn't get to go. She couldn't wait to walk the halls and annoy me in school. She talked about it constantly."

He nodded then said, "Yeah she did."

"I can't do this."

No other words came from Tom. Seconds later he hung up. Sawyer called him back immediately. "You have to go." He had no clue what to say to Tom to make him listen. "I want you to. Dad wants you to. Did you tell him this?"

"No. I've been faking a cold. Sawyer it's just not the sa-"

"Hard truth Tom, it never will be. It can't ever be the same. My first day here, I thought about it too. And mom was with you and I thought my school year wouldn't matter without those things she did that we squirmed away from. But that day, I took a deep breath and I went to class. So you take a deep breath and go to school. You always said you couldn't wait to leave so she wouldn't hug you again didn't you? It didn't happen the way you would have liked but it'shappening." He didn't think he would say this much. He rubbed his eyes. "Think about it, she's not here and you can't go to school without mummy's hug? What happened to all that big talk? You know that's what she'll say."

"She's not here to say it."

"I know. And Peggy isn't here to finally go to school. There will be moments like this. I know you've thought about it. And there have been. You didn't stop then did you? You kept going. I know you did. Cause I did too. So keep going. For you, for me, for them and for dad. Brave it Tom. Go to school. If I don't hear George and David's voices in an hour, I'll tell dad you're faking it. Please go. Alright?"


"Okay. I'll call you in an hour." He hung up. He lay back down and stared at the ceiling. Wondering if Tom would really go, if he'd convinced him to. His phone still in his hand, he raised it up to his face, deciding to send a message. Remembering what his dad told him the day they left him with Otto. –"If it helps, remember all the times she hugged you. Cause you have those. And for Peggy, think about how excited she was for it." The message was already sent when he realized that's what Tom was doing that drove him to call him. He sent another one. –"In a go way. Not in a stay at home way." That ought to do it. He hoped.

=Monday morning, Steph rushed down the stairs, almost certain the kids had gone to school without her seeing them off. She darted into the living room, empty. Then the dinningroom, and stopped just as she was about to turn and head for the kitchen. "Look at you." She smiled at them. Tanner and Peggy gobbling up their breakfast. They still had time apparently. "So grown up and a junior." She went straight to Tanner and gently wrapped her arms round his head, pressing her cheek on his hair.

"Mom, my hair." He tried to struggle, her hold tightened.

"You knew this was coming, don't fight it." "You know I don't like-"

She let go. "You get two kisses." She planted loud kisses on his left and right cheeks and stood up straight. Tanner sighed, she ignored him. "And my Peggy." Arms wide open, she went to her daughter.

Peggy stretched up in anticipation of her expected hug with a bright smile on her face.

Steph's smile grew wider. "My high school princess." She hugged her head, Peggy's arms went round her mother's back in her own reverse hug. "This is how you do it. Why can't your brothers be like this?"

"Because we've out grown it?" Tanner pointed out with his mouth full.

"An entire year of excitement and we're finally here!" Stephsaid gleefully to Peggy.

"I know right?" She wasn't sure if she had spoken or the butterflies in her stomach had.

"Three kisses." She announced, kissing Peggy's head and her left and right cheeks. "The start of a new school year." She sighed. "Every year you all get more and more eager to get to sch-"

"We should be going." Tanner suddenly stood up. "Hurry up Pegs. Unless you want to take the bus or dare I say, walk to school." His smile was full of mischief.

"You can't do that! You can't leave me."

"Watch me. I own the car."

"What are you saying? Sam is taking her, you go."

"What? Mom?" Tanner was disappointed about not having to lord transportation to school over her.

"Ha! I've always gone with Sam. There's no need for me to stop now." Her driver.

"Whatever. Mom I'm leaving." He started to walk away. Maybe he'll make it this year.

"Stop!" He froze mid step. She walked over to his front and hugged him. "Have a great year kiddo."

He scoffed. Not this year. "Thanks mom." He reluctantly hugged her back and let go.

"Come on Peggy. Just cause you're not going with him, it doesn't mean you should be late." Her arms open and waiting. Peggy hugged her. "Have a great school year."

"High school year." Peggy corrected.

"Exactly." She chuckled. "High school year."