Until Next… I 32A

=Pushing the front door open, Steph couldn’t wait for a lot of things. To scold Peggy, to rest, to see her children and to give out the trinkets she bought for three of the four children since Sherry isn’t around.

She was home for about an hour when Peggy got home. Her bag still down in the hallway waiting to be brought up by Benny, gave her return away. Peggy wasn’t quite sure whether to be excited or filled with dread. No. She was both. But she couldn’t choose which to stick with. But… on the off chance that Steph hasn’t figured anything out, she would have to keep up appearances and behaviors. So damning the dread, she went with excitement.

“Mom!” She burst into her parents’ room with pure excitement, seeing Steph on her bed, rushed to it and jumped on her. “Miss me?”