A Different… II 40B

“Hey Pegs, how are you?”

“Hi dad.” She sighed heavily. She thought she would feel better today but instead she’s more weighed down. By Shane’s own sad sad revelation and hers. At least he’s as miserable as her. Although she’s not entirely miserable. Part of her delights in the memory of his caring words and the other fumes in the very same memory for making it so so much harder for her to rid herself of him. Trip that is, not Shane.

Steph looked at Peggy, awaiting her reply to her father, but it never came. Travis spoke instead. “You must be really sad. Tell me what happened.”

She looked down at the phone. “But mom said she told you.”

“I want to hear it from you Pegs.” He must really have a free day if he’s willing to go through all this again. Steph noted. “I’m so sorry this is happening. It’s never easy seeing someone you like with someone else.”

“Let alone talking about someone else.” Steph muttered loud enough for him to hear and chuckle.