Home Sweet… I 41A

“I Can’t believe you’re going to bid on someone.” Peggy said, her arms folded up and stiff in excitement as they entered the auditorium.

“I expected this from you but not Jenny.” Aida confessed. “It’s like Opposite Day or something.”

“Come on, you’ve known for weeks that I won’t bid.”

“Doesn’t make it any different. Are you nervous?” Aida asked Jenny beside her.

Peggy leaned forward to see the shape her best friend is in. “Of course. What if someone else out bids me or something?” She let out a deep breath and put her hand on her chest. “My heart is pounding.”

“Don’t worry.” Peggy said over the crowd of seated, about to sit, standing and walking students talking.

“How can I not? Everyone who’s bidding came prepared. This will be tough.”

Aida draped her arm over Jenny. “Then by the end it you’ll not have to spend your Saturday on a chaperoned school date.”

“That may have convinced Peggy, but it won’t convince me. I’m taking my chance where I can get it.”