Memory Of… II 45B

Twenty minutes later, they were both once again, standing outside of Viola’s apartment building, underneath one of the many streetlights. There was no waiting cab this time and him and Tyson talked all the way there, even as they stood waiting for her. Less than five minutes after a text from Tyson to Viola, she came downstairs holding a black leather jacket and wearing one herself. “Here.” She handed it to Tyson.

Sawyer looked at the sleeves of his borrowed one dramatically, already knowing he was wearing black, then at theirs. “What’s with the black? Where are we going? Mystic Falls?”

“What?” Tyson looked confused while Viola burst into laughter.

“You’re such a fool. Seriously.” Viola remarked and started walking, they followed, moving into step by either side of her. The road was empty. Very few cars passed by and on either side of the road, a few scattered buildings. Few to no one walking besides them.